Interface PlatformTransactionManager

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager, ResourceTransactionManager
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPlatformTransactionManager, DataSourceTransactionManager, HibernateTransactionManager, JdbcTransactionManager, JmsTransactionManager, JpaTransactionManager, JtaTransactionManager

public interface PlatformTransactionManager extends TransactionManager
This is the central interface in Spring's imperative transaction infrastructure. Applications can use this directly, but it is not primarily meant as an API: Typically, applications will work with either TransactionTemplate or declarative transaction demarcation through AOP.

For implementors, it is recommended to derive from the provided AbstractPlatformTransactionManager class, which pre-implements the defined propagation behavior and takes care of transaction synchronization handling. Subclasses have to implement template methods for specific states of the underlying transaction, for example: begin, suspend, resume, commit.

A classic implementation of this strategy interface is JtaTransactionManager. However, in common single-resource scenarios, Spring's specific transaction managers for example, JDBC, JPA, JMS are preferred choices.

Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getTransaction

      Return a currently active transaction or create a new one, according to the specified propagation behavior.

      Note that parameters like isolation level or timeout will only be applied to new transactions, and thus be ignored when participating in active ones.

      Furthermore, not all transaction definition settings will be supported by every transaction manager: A proper transaction manager implementation should throw an exception when unsupported settings are encountered.

      An exception to the above rule is the read-only flag, which should be ignored if no explicit read-only mode is supported. Essentially, the read-only flag is just a hint for potential optimization.

      definition - the TransactionDefinition instance (can be null for defaults), describing propagation behavior, isolation level, timeout etc.
      transaction status object representing the new or current transaction
      TransactionException - in case of lookup, creation, or system errors
      IllegalTransactionStateException - if the given transaction definition cannot be executed (for example, if a currently active transaction is in conflict with the specified propagation behavior)
      See Also:
    • commit

      void commit(TransactionStatus status) throws TransactionException
      Commit the given transaction, with regard to its status. If the transaction has been marked rollback-only programmatically, perform a rollback.

      If the transaction wasn't a new one, omit the commit for proper participation in the surrounding transaction. If a previous transaction has been suspended to be able to create a new one, resume the previous transaction after committing the new one.

      Note that when the commit call completes, no matter if normally or throwing an exception, the transaction must be fully completed and cleaned up. No rollback call should be expected in such a case.

      Depending on the concrete transaction manager setup, commit may propagate DataAccessException as well, either from before-commit flushes or from the actual commit step.

      status - object returned by the getTransaction method
      UnexpectedRollbackException - in case of an unexpected rollback that the transaction coordinator initiated
      HeuristicCompletionException - in case of a transaction failure caused by a heuristic decision on the side of the transaction coordinator
      TransactionSystemException - in case of commit or system errors (typically caused by fundamental resource failures)
      IllegalTransactionStateException - if the given transaction is already completed (that is, committed or rolled back)
      See Also:
    • rollback

      void rollback(TransactionStatus status) throws TransactionException
      Perform a rollback of the given transaction.

      If the transaction wasn't a new one, just set it rollback-only for proper participation in the surrounding transaction. If a previous transaction has been suspended to be able to create a new one, resume the previous transaction after rolling back the new one.

      Do not call rollback on a transaction if commit threw an exception. The transaction will already have been completed and cleaned up when commit returns, even in case of a commit exception. Consequently, a rollback call after commit failure will lead to an IllegalTransactionStateException.

      Depending on the concrete transaction manager setup, rollback may propagate DataAccessException as well.

      status - object returned by the getTransaction method
      TransactionSystemException - in case of rollback or system errors (typically caused by fundamental resource failures)
      IllegalTransactionStateException - if the given transaction is already completed (that is, committed or rolled back)