Package org.springframework.web.socket.config.annotation
package org.springframework.web.socket.config.annotation
Support for annotation-based WebSocket setup in configuration classes.
ClassDescriptionBase class for
that gathers all the configuration options but allows subclasses to put together the actual HTTP request mappings.A variation ofWebSocketConfigurationSupport
that detects implementations ofWebSocketConfigurer
in Spring configuration and invokes them in order to configure WebSocket request handling.AWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport
extension that detects beans of typeWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer
and delegates to all of them allowing callback style customization of the configuration provided inWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurationSupport
.Add this annotation to an@Configuration
class to configure processing WebSocket requests.Add this annotation to an@Configuration
class to enable broker-backed messaging over WebSocket using a higher-level messaging sub-protocol.A helper class for configuringWebSocketHandler
request handling including SockJS fallback options.WebSocketHandlerRegistry
with Spring MVC handler mappings for the handshake requests.A helper class for configuring SockJS fallback options for use with anEnableWebSocket
setup.A contract for registering STOMP over WebSocket endpoints.A contract for configuring a STOMP over WebSocket endpoint.A registry for STOMP over WebSocket endpoints that maps the endpoints with aHandlerMapping
for use in Spring MVC.An abstract base class for configuring STOMP over WebSocket/SockJS endpoints.Configuration support for WebSocket request handling.Defines callback methods to configure the WebSocket request handling via@EnableWebSocket
.Provides methods for configuring a WebSocket handler.Provides methods for configuringWebSocketHandler
request mappings.ExtendsAbstractMessageBrokerConfiguration
and adds configuration for receiving and responding to STOMP messages from WebSocket clients.Defines methods for configuring message handling with simple messaging protocols (for example, STOMP) from WebSocket clients.Configure the processing of messages received from and sent to WebSocket clients.