All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for GraphQlClient extensions that assist with building an underlying transport, but otherwise delegate to the default GraphQlClient implementation to execute requests.
Base class for extensions of GraphQlTester that mainly assist with building the underlying transport, but otherwise delegate to the default GraphQlTester implementation for actual request execution.
Abstract, base class for transport specific GraphQlClient.Builder implementations.
Base class for GraphQlResponse that pre-implements the ability to access a ResponseField.
Abstract, base class for transport specific GraphQlTester.Builder implementations.
Convenient base class for a SortStrategy.
RuntimeWiringConfigurer that finds @SchemaMapping annotated handler methods in @Controller classes declared in Spring configuration, and registers them as DataFetchers.
Annotation to bind a named GraphQL argument onto a method parameter.
Resolver for a method parameter that is annotated with @Argument.
Analogous to Argument but binding with the full arguments map.
Resolver for a method parameter that is annotated with @Arguments, similar to what ArgumentMethodArgumentResolver does but using the full full GraphQL arguments map as the source for binding to the target Object rather than a specific argument value within it.
Simple container for the value from binding a GraphQL argument to a higher level Object, along with a flag to indicate whether the input argument was omitted altogether, as opposed to provided but set to the "null" literal.
Resolver to obtain Authentication.getPrincipal() from Spring Security context via SecurityContext.getAuthentication() for parameters annotated with AuthenticationPrincipal.
An extension of HandlerMethod for annotated handler methods adapted to BatchLoaderWithContext or MappedBatchLoaderWithContext with the list of keys and BatchLoaderEnvironment as their input.
Registry for functions to batch load data values, given a set of keys.
Spec to complete the registration of a batch loading function.
Annotation for a handler method that batch loads field values, given a list of source/parent values.
Base class for DocumentSource implementations providing support for caching loaded documents.
TypeResolver that tries to find a GraphQL Object type based on the class name of a value returned from a DataFetcher.
GraphQlRequest for client side use.
GraphQlResponse for client use, with further options to handle the response.
Extends ResponseField to add options for decoding the field value.
Contract to adapt a container object for a window of elements from a larger result set to Connection.
Convenient base class for implementations of ConnectionAdapter.
GraphQLTypeVisitor that looks for Connection fields in the schema, and decorates their registered DataFetcher in order to adapt return values to Connection.
TypeDefinitionConfigurer that generates "Connection" types by looking for fields whose type definition name ends in "Connection", considered by the GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification to be a Connection Type, and adding the required type definitions if they don't already exist.
Annotation to bind a method parameter to an attribute from the main GraphQLContext.
Resolver for a @ContextValue annotated method parameter.
No-op resolver for method arguments of type Continuation.
Strategy to encode and decode a String cursor to make it opaque for clients.
Strategy to convert an Object that represents the position of an item within a paginated result set to and from a String cursor.
Contract to resolve exceptions from DataFetchers.
An extension of HandlerMethod for annotated handler methods adapted to DataFetcher with DataFetchingEnvironment as their input.
Context that holds information for metadata collection during observations for data fetching operations.
Interface for an ObservationConvention for data fetching observations.
Resolver for DataFetchingEnvironment and related values that can be accessed through the DataFetchingEnvironment such as: GraphQLContext DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet Locale or Optional<Locale> as well as arguments of type
Resolver for a DataLoader obtained via DataFetchingEnvironment.getDataLoader(String).
Contract for access to the DataLoaderRegistry for each request for the purpose of registering DataLoader instances.
A default implementation of BatchLoaderRegistry that accepts registrations, and also an implementation of DataLoaderRegistrar to apply those registrations to a DataLoaderRegistry.
Default implementation for a DataFetcherObservationConvention extracting information from a DataFetcherObservationContext.
GraphQlRequest for server side handling, adding the transport (e.g.
GraphQlResponse for server use that wraps the ExecutionResult returned from GraphQL and also exposes the actual ExecutionInput instance passed into it.
Builder to transform the response's ExecutionResult.
ExecutionGraphQlService that uses a GraphQlSource to obtain a GraphQL instance and perform query execution.
Default implementation for a ExecutionRequestObservationConvention extracting information from a ExecutionRequestObservationContext.
Default implementation of GraphQlRequest.
Default implementation of RSocketGraphQlTester.Builder that wraps an RSocketGraphQlClient.Builder.
Strategy to locate a GraphQL document by a name.
Decorator for a CursorStrategy that applies a CursorEncoder to the cursor String to make it opaque for external use.
Common categories to use to classify for exceptions raised by DataFetcher's that can enable a client to make automated decisions.
Implementation of GraphQlRequest for request handling through GraphQL Java with support for customizing the ExecutionInput passed into GraphQL.
Implementation of GraphQlResponse that wraps the ExecutionResult returned from GraphQL to expose it as GraphQlResponse, also providing access to the ExecutionInput used for the request.
Strategy to execute a GraphQL request by invoking GraphQL Java.
GraphQlTester that executes requests through an ExecutionGraphQlService on the server side, without a client.
Context that holds information for metadata collection during observations for GraphQL requests.
Interface for an ObservationConvention for GraphQL requests.
An exception raised when an attempt is made to decode data from a response that is not valid or where field value is null, or there field errors.
Spring WebFlux handler to serve a GraphiQl UI page.
Spring MVC handler to serve a GraphiQl UI page.
Binder that instantiates and populates a target Object to reflect the complete structure of the GraphQL arguments input map.
Define a workflow to execute GraphQL requests that is independent of the underlying transport.
Defines a builder for creating GraphQlClient instances.
Declare options to gather input for a GraphQL request and execute it.
Declares options to decode a field for a single response operation.
Declares options to decode a field in each response of a subscription.
Base class for exceptions from GraphQlClient.
Interceptor for GraphQlClient requests.
Contract for delegation of single response requests to the rest of the chain.
Contract for delegation of subscription requests to the rest of the chain.
ContextAccessor that enables support for reading and writing values to and from a GraphQLContext.
Declares a method as a handler of exceptions raised while fetching data for a field.
WebFlux.fn Handler for GraphQL over HTTP requests.
GraphQL handler to expose as a WebMvc.fn endpoint via RouterFunctions.
Documented KeyValues for GraphQL server observations.
Instrumentation that creates observations for GraphQL requests and data fetcher operations.
Specialization of the Repository stereotype that marks a repository as intended for use in a GraphQL application for data fetching.
Represents a GraphQL request with the inputs to pass to a GraphQL service including a document, operationName, and variables.
Represents a GraphQL response with the result of executing a request operation.
Handler for GraphQL over RSocket requests.
Strategy to resolve a GraphQL and a GraphQLSchema.
Common configuration options for all GraphQlSource builders, independent of how GraphQLSchema is created.
GraphQlSource builder that relies on parsing schema definition files and uses a RuntimeWiring to create the underlying GraphQLSchema.
Define a workflow to test GraphQL requests that is independent of the underlying transport.
A builder to create a GraphQlTester instance.
Contains a decoded entity and provides options to assert it
Contains a List of decoded entities and provides options to assert them.
Declare options to filter out expected errors or inspect all errors and verify there are no unexpected errors.
Options available to assert the response values at the current path.
Declare options to gather input for a GraphQL request and execute it.
Declare options to check the data and errors of a GraphQL response.
Declare options available to assert a GraphQL Subscription response.
Declare options to switch to different part of the GraphQL response.
Contract for executing GraphQL requests over some transport.
Exception raised by a GraphQlTransport or used to wrap an exception from a GraphQlTransport implementation.
WebSocketHandler for GraphQL based on GraphQL Over WebSocket Protocol and for use in a Spring WebFlux application.
WebSocketHandler for GraphQL based on GraphQL Over WebSocket Protocol and for use on a Servlet container with spring-websocket.
Represents a GraphQL over WebSocket protocol message.
Enum for a message type as defined in the GraphQL over WebSocket spec proposal.
Encapsulates information about a handler method consisting of a method and a bean.
Strategy interface for resolving method parameters into argument values in the context of a given DataFetchingEnvironment.
Container for a list of resolvers that looks for one that supports a given method parameter type, and delegates to it.
GraphQL over HTTP client that uses WebClient.
Builder for the GraphQL over HTTP client.
GraphQL over HTTP tester that uses WebTestClient and supports tests with or without a running server, depending on how WebTestClient is configured.
Builder for the GraphQL over HTTP tester.
Extension of HandlerMethod that adds support for invoking the underlying handler methods.
Strategy to convert a keyset to and from a JSON String, typically used within ScrollPositionCursorStrategy to assist with converting keys to and from a String.
Annotation to bind a method parameter to an attribute from the local GraphQLContext.
Resolver for a @LocalContextValue annotated method parameter.
Indicates that no GraphQL schema definition was configured on the GraphQlSource.Builder.
@MutationMapping is a composed annotation that acts as a shortcut for @SchemaMapping with typeName="Mutation".
Resolver to obtain Principal from Spring Security context via SecurityContext.getAuthentication().
Resolver for a method parameter that is an interface annotated with @ProjectedPayload.
WebGraphQlInterceptor that copies propagation headers from the HTTP request to the GraphQLContext.
Main class to create a DataFetcher from a Query By Example repository.
Builder for a Query by Example-based DataFetcher.
Callback interface that can be used to customize QueryByExampleDataFetcher QueryByExampleDataFetcher.Builder to change its configuration.
Builder for a reactive Query by Example-based DataFetcher.
Callback interface that can be used to customize QueryByExampleDataFetcher QueryByExampleDataFetcher.ReactiveBuilder to change its configuration.
Main class to create a DataFetcher from a Querydsl repository.
Builder for a Querydsl-based DataFetcher.
Callback interface that can be used to customize QuerydslDataFetcher QuerydslDataFetcher.Builder to change its configuration.
Builder for a reactive Querydsl-based DataFetcher.
Callback interface that can be used to customize QuerydslDataFetcher QuerydslDataFetcher.ReactiveBuilder to change its configuration.
@QueryMapping is a composed annotation that acts as a shortcut for @SchemaMapping with typeName="Query".
Reactive DataFetcherExceptionResolver for Spring Security exceptions.
DocumentSource that looks for a document Resource under a set of locations and trying a number of different file extension.
Represents a GraphQL response error.
Representation for a field in a GraphQL response, with options to examine the field value and errors.
GraphQL over RSocket client that uses RSocketRequester.
Builder for the GraphQL over HTTP client.
Interceptor for server handling of GraphQL over RSocket requests, allowing customization of the ExecutionInput and the ExecutionResult.
Contract for delegation to the rest of the chain.
GraphQlRequest implementation for server handling over RSocket.
GraphQlResponse implementation for server handling over RSocket.
Builder to transform a RSocketGraphQlResponse.
GraphQL over RSocket tester that uses RSocketRequester.
Builder for a GraphQL over RSocket tester.
Callbacks that allow applying changes to the RuntimeWiring.Builder in GraphQlSource.Builder.
Spring WebFlux functional handler that renders the GraphQLSchema printed via SchemaPrinter.
Spring MVC functional handler that renders the GraphQLSchema printed via SchemaPrinter.
Annotation to express the mapping of a handler method to a GraphQL type and field pair.
Strategy to convert a ScrollPosition to and from a String cursor.
Container for parameters that limit result elements to a subrange including a relative ScrollPosition, number of elements, and direction.
A SubrangeMethodArgumentResolver that supports ScrollSubrange and ScrollPosition as cursor.
ThreadLocalAccessor to extract and restore security context through SecurityContextHolder.
DataFetcherExceptionResolver for Spring Security exceptions.
Specialized DataFetcher that can provide information about itself.
Adapter for Slice to Connection.
Resolver for method arguments of type Sort.
Strategy to extract Sort details from GraphQL arguments.
Resolver for the source/parent of a field, obtained via DataFetchingEnvironment.getSource().
Container for parameters that limit result elements to a subrange including a relative position, number of elements, and direction.
Resolver for a method argument of type Subrange initialized from "first", "last", "before", and "after" GraphQL arguments.
WebSocket GraphQlTransportException raised when a subscription ends with an "error" message.
Contract for a component that is invoked when a GraphQL subscription Publisher ends with an error.
@SubscriptionMapping is a composed annotation that acts as a shortcut for @SchemaMapping with typeName="Subscription".
An exception raised after a GraphQL subscription Publisher ends with an exception, and after that exception has been resolved to GraphQL errors.
Callback that allows customizing the TypeDefinitionRegistry created from parsed schema files.
Base contract for the HTTP and WebSocket GraphQlClient extensions.
Base builder for GraphQL clients over a Web transport.
Contract for common handling of a GraphQL request over HTTP or WebSocket, for use with Spring MVC or Spring WebFlux.
Builder for a WebGraphQlHandler that executes a WebGraphQlInterceptor chain followed by a ExecutionGraphQlService.
Interceptor for server handling of GraphQL over HTTP or WebSocket requests, providing access to info about the underlying HTTP request or WebSocket handshake, and allowing customization of the ExecutionInput and the ExecutionResult.
Contract for delegation to the rest of the chain.
GraphQlRequest implementation for server handling over HTTP or WebSocket.
GraphQlResponse implementation for server handling over HTTP or over WebSocket.
Builder to transform a WebGraphQlResponse.
Server-side tester, without a client, that executes requests through a WebGraphQlHandler.
Common builder for Web GraphQlTester extensions.
WebSocket related GraphQlTransportException raised when the connection is closed while a request or subscription is in progress.
GraphQL over WebSocket client that uses WebSocketClient.
Builder for a GraphQL over WebSocket client.
An extension of GraphQlClientInterceptor with additional methods to for WebSocket interception points.
An extension of WebGraphQlInterceptor with additional methods to handle the start and end of a WebSocket connection.
WebGraphQlRequest extension for server handling of GraphQL over WebSocket requests.
GraphQL over WebSocket client that uses WebSocketClient.
Builder for a GraphQL over WebSocket tester.
Expose information about the underlying WebSocketSession including the session id, the attributes, and HTTP handshake request.
Adapter for Window to Connection.