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AbstractAuthenticationWebSocketInterceptor - Class in
Base class for interceptors that extract an Authentication from the payload of a "connection_init" GraphQL over WebSocket message.
AbstractAuthenticationWebSocketInterceptor(AuthenticationExtractor) - Constructor for class
Constructor with the strategy to use to extract the authentication value from the "connection_init" message.
AbstractDelegatingGraphQlClient - Class in org.springframework.graphql.client
Base class for GraphQlClient extensions that assist with building an underlying transport, but otherwise delegate to the default GraphQlClient implementation to execute requests.
AbstractDelegatingGraphQlClient(GraphQlClient) - Constructor for class org.springframework.graphql.client.AbstractDelegatingGraphQlClient
AbstractDelegatingGraphQlTester - Class in org.springframework.graphql.test.tester
Base class for extensions of GraphQlTester that mainly assist with building the underlying transport, but otherwise delegate to the default GraphQlTester implementation for actual request execution.
AbstractDelegatingGraphQlTester(GraphQlTester) - Constructor for class org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.AbstractDelegatingGraphQlTester
AbstractGraphQlClientBuilder<B extends AbstractGraphQlClientBuilder<B>> - Class in org.springframework.graphql.client
Abstract, base class for transport specific GraphQlClient.Builder implementations.
AbstractGraphQlClientBuilder() - Constructor for class org.springframework.graphql.client.AbstractGraphQlClientBuilder
Default constructor for use from subclasses.
AbstractGraphQlClientBuilder.DefaultJackson2Codecs - Class in org.springframework.graphql.client
AbstractGraphQlClientSyncBuilder<B extends AbstractGraphQlClientSyncBuilder<B>> - Class in org.springframework.graphql.client
Abstract, base class for transport specific GraphQlClient.SyncBuilder implementations.
AbstractGraphQlClientSyncBuilder() - Constructor for class org.springframework.graphql.client.AbstractGraphQlClientSyncBuilder
Default constructor for use from subclasses.
AbstractGraphQlHttpHandler - Class in org.springframework.graphql.server.webflux
Abstract base class for GraphQL over HTTP handlers.
AbstractGraphQlHttpHandler - Class in org.springframework.graphql.server.webmvc
Abstract base class for GraphQL over HTTP handlers.
AbstractGraphQlHttpHandler(WebGraphQlHandler, CodecConfigurer) - Constructor for class org.springframework.graphql.server.webflux.AbstractGraphQlHttpHandler
AbstractGraphQlHttpHandler(WebGraphQlHandler, HttpMessageConverter<?>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.graphql.server.webmvc.AbstractGraphQlHttpHandler
AbstractGraphQlResponse - Class in
Base class for GraphQlResponse that pre-implements the ability to access a ResponseField.
AbstractGraphQlResponse() - Constructor for class
AbstractGraphQlSourceBuilder<B extends GraphQlSource.Builder<B>> - Class in org.springframework.graphql.execution
Implementation of GraphQlSource.Builder that leaves it to subclasses to initialize GraphQLSchema.
AbstractGraphQlSourceBuilder() - Constructor for class org.springframework.graphql.execution.AbstractGraphQlSourceBuilder
AbstractGraphQlTesterBuilder<B extends AbstractGraphQlTesterBuilder<B>> - Class in org.springframework.graphql.test.tester
Abstract, base class for transport specific GraphQlTester.Builder implementations.
AbstractGraphQlTesterBuilder() - Constructor for class org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.AbstractGraphQlTesterBuilder
AbstractSortStrategy - Class in
Convenient base class for a SortStrategy.
AbstractSortStrategy() - Constructor for class
addCustomArgumentResolver(HandlerMethodArgumentResolver) - Method in class
Add a HandlerMethodArgumentResolver for custom controller method arguments.
addDataBinderInitializer(Consumer<DataBinder>) - Method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
this property is deprecated, ignored, and should not be necessary as a DataBinder is no longer used to bind arguments
addDataLoaderRegistrar(DataLoaderRegistrar) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.execution.DefaultExecutionGraphQlService
Add a registrar to get access to and configure the DataLoaderRegistry for each request.
addFormatterRegistrar(FormatterRegistrar) - Method in class
Add a FormatterRegistrar to customize the ConversionService that assists in binding GraphQL arguments onto @Argument annotated method parameters.
addMapping(Class<?>, String) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.execution.ClassNameTypeResolver
Add a mapping from a Java Class to a GraphQL Object type name.
addResolver(HandlerMethodArgumentResolver) - Method in class
afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession, CloseStatus) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.server.webmvc.GraphQlWebSocketHandler
afterConnectionEstablished(WebSocketSession) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.server.webmvc.GraphQlWebSocketHandler
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class
andThen(GraphQlClientInterceptor) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.GraphQlClientInterceptor
Return a new interceptor that invokes the current interceptor first and then the one that is passed in.
andThen(SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor
Return a new interceptor that invokes the current interceptor first and then the one that is passed in.
andThen(RSocketGraphQlInterceptor) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.server.RSocketGraphQlInterceptor
Return a new RSocketGraphQlInterceptor that invokes the current interceptor first and then the one that is passed in.
andThen(WebGraphQlInterceptor) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.server.WebGraphQlInterceptor
Return a new WebGraphQlInterceptor that invokes the current interceptor first and then the one that is passed in.
AnnotatedControllerConfigurer - Class in
RuntimeWiringConfigurer that finds @SchemaMapping and @BatchMapping methods in @Controller classes, and registers them as DataFetchers.
AnnotatedControllerConfigurer() - Constructor for class
AnnotatedControllerDetectionSupport<M> - Class in
Convenient base for classes that find annotated controller method with argument values resolved from a DataFetchingEnvironment.
AnnotatedControllerDetectionSupport() - Constructor for class
apply(RSocketGraphQlInterceptor.Chain) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.server.RSocketGraphQlInterceptor
Apply this interceptor to the given Chain resulting in an intercepted chain.
apply(WebGraphQlInterceptor.Chain) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.server.WebGraphQlInterceptor
Apply this interceptor to the given Chain resulting in an intercepted chain.
applyGraphQlConfigurers(GraphQL.Builder) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.execution.AbstractGraphQlSourceBuilder
Protected method to apply the configured graphQlConfigurer's.
Argument - Annotation Interface in
Annotation to bind a named GraphQL argument onto a method parameter.
ArgumentMethodArgumentResolver - Class in
Resolver for a method parameter that is annotated with @Argument.
ArgumentMethodArgumentResolver(GraphQlArgumentBinder) - Constructor for class
Arguments - Annotation Interface in
Analogous to Argument but binding with the full arguments map.
ArgumentsMethodArgumentResolver - Class in
Resolver for a method parameter that is annotated with @Arguments, similar to what ArgumentMethodArgumentResolver does but using the full full GraphQL arguments map as the source for binding to the target Object rather than a specific argument value within it.
ArgumentsMethodArgumentResolver(GraphQlArgumentBinder) - Constructor for class
ArgumentValue<T> - Class in
Simple container for the value from binding a GraphQL argument to a higher level Object, along with a flag to indicate whether the input argument was omitted altogether, as opposed to provided but set to the "null" literal.
ArgumentValueValueExtractor - Class in
ValueExtractor that enables @Valid with ArgumentValue, and helps to extract the value from it.
ArgumentValueValueExtractor() - Constructor for class
asOptional() - Method in class
Return the contained value as a nullable Optional.
assertTargetBean(Method, Object, Object[]) - Method in class
Assert that the target bean class is an instance of the class where the given method is declared.
asTransport(GraphQlClient) - Static method in class org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.AbstractGraphQlTesterBuilder
For cases where the Tester needs the GraphQlTransport, we can't use transports directly since they are package private, but we can adapt the corresponding GraphQlClient and adapt it to GraphQlTransport.
asWebSocketHttpRequestHandler(HandshakeHandler) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.server.webmvc.GraphQlWebSocketHandler
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
attribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.client.DgsGraphQlClient.RequestSpec
Set a client request attribute.
attribute(String, Object) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.GraphQlClient.RequestSpec
Set a client request attribute.
attributes(Consumer<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.client.DgsGraphQlClient.RequestSpec
Manipulate the client request attributes.
attributes(Consumer<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.GraphQlClient.RequestSpec
Manipulate the client request attributes.
authenticate(Authentication) - Method in class
Subclasses implement this method to return an authenticated SecurityContext or an error.
authenticate(Authentication) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.server.webflux.AuthenticationWebSocketInterceptor
authenticate(Authentication) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.server.webmvc.AuthenticationWebSocketInterceptor
AuthenticationExtractor - Interface in
Strategy to extract an Authentication from the payload of a "connection_init" GraphQL over WebSocket message.
AuthenticationPrincipalArgumentResolver - Class in
Resolver to obtain Authentication.getPrincipal() from Spring Security context via SecurityContext.getAuthentication() for parameters annotated with AuthenticationPrincipal.
AuthenticationPrincipalArgumentResolver(BeanResolver) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
AuthenticationWebSocketInterceptor - Class in org.springframework.graphql.server.webflux
Extension of AbstractAuthenticationWebSocketInterceptor for use with the WebFlux GraphQL transport.
AuthenticationWebSocketInterceptor - Class in org.springframework.graphql.server.webmvc
Extension of AbstractAuthenticationWebSocketInterceptor for use with the WebMVC GraphQL transport.
AuthenticationWebSocketInterceptor(AuthenticationExtractor, AuthenticationManager) - Constructor for class org.springframework.graphql.server.webmvc.AuthenticationWebSocketInterceptor
AuthenticationWebSocketInterceptor(AuthenticationExtractor, ReactiveAuthenticationManager) - Constructor for class org.springframework.graphql.server.webflux.AuthenticationWebSocketInterceptor
AUTHORIZATION_KEY - Static variable in class
Default key to access Authorization value in connection_init payload.
autoRegistrationConfigurer(List<QuerydslPredicateExecutor<?>>, List<ReactiveQuerydslPredicateExecutor<?>>) - Static method in class
autoRegistrationConfigurer(List<QuerydslPredicateExecutor<?>>, List<ReactiveQuerydslPredicateExecutor<?>>, CursorStrategy<ScrollPosition>, ScrollSubrange) - Static method in class
Return a RuntimeWiringConfigurer that installs a WiringFactory to find queries with a return type whose name matches to the domain type name of the given repositories and registers DataFetchers for them.
autoRegistrationConfigurer(List<QueryByExampleExecutor<?>>, List<ReactiveQueryByExampleExecutor<?>>) - Static method in class
autoRegistrationConfigurer(List<QueryByExampleExecutor<?>>, List<ReactiveQueryByExampleExecutor<?>>, CursorStrategy<ScrollPosition>, ScrollSubrange) - Static method in class
Return a RuntimeWiringConfigurer that installs a WiringFactory to find queries with a return type whose name matches to the domain type name of the given repositories and registers DataFetchers for them.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form