Interface WebSocketSessionInfo

public interface WebSocketSessionInfo
Expose information about the underlying WebSocketSession including the session id, the attributes, and HTTP handshake request.
Rossen Stoyanchev
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the map with attributes associated with the WebSocket session.
    Return the HTTP headers from the handshake request.
    Return the id for the WebSocketSession.
    Return the principal associated with the handshake request, if any.
    For a server session this is the remote address where the handshake request came from.
    Return the URL for the WebSocket endpoint.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Return the id for the WebSocketSession.
    • getAttributes

      Map<String,Object> getAttributes()
      Return the map with attributes associated with the WebSocket session.
    • getUri

      URI getUri()
      Return the URL for the WebSocket endpoint.
    • getHeaders

      HttpHeaders getHeaders()
      Return the HTTP headers from the handshake request.
    • getPrincipal

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Principal> getPrincipal()
      Return the principal associated with the handshake request, if any.
    • getRemoteAddress

      @Nullable InetSocketAddress getRemoteAddress()
      For a server session this is the remote address where the handshake request came from. For a client session, it is null.