Spring for Apache Hadoop

Interface ResultsExtractor<T>

public interface ResultsExtractor<T>

Callback handling scanner results. Implementations of this interface perform the actula work of extracting results from the ResultScanner but without having to worry about exception handling or resource management.

Costin Leau

Method Summary
 T extractData(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner results)
          Implementations must implement this method to process the entire ResultScanner.

Method Detail


T extractData(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner results)
              throws java.lang.Exception
Implementations must implement this method to process the entire ResultScanner.

results - ResultScanner to extract data from. Implementations should not close this; it will be closed automatically by the calling HbaseTemplate
an arbitrary result object, or null if none (the extractor will typically be stateful in the latter case).
java.lang.Exception - if an Hbase exception is encountered

Spring for Apache Hadoop