Spring for Apache Hadoop

Package org.springframework.data.hadoop.store.support

Class Summary
IdleTimeoutTrigger A Trigger for idle timeout task execution.
InputContext Context keeping information about a current reading operation.
InputStoreObjectSupport Base class for input readers sharing common functionality for Split and InputContext.
LifecycleObjectSupport Convenient base class for object which needs spring task scheduler, task executor and life cycle handling.
OrderedComposite<S> Composite item which can be used in other components which may want to allow automatic and annotation based ordering.
OutputContext Context strategy keeping output state.
OutputStoreObjectSupport A OutputStoreObjectSupport is meant to be used from a store DataWriter implementations by keeping current writing state.
PollingTaskSupport<T> Helper class to ease working with polling tasks executed using Spring TaskScheduler and TaskExecutor.
SequenceFileWriterHolder<T extends Closeable> Holder object for SequenceFile writer.
StoreContextUtils Utility methods for accessing common components from the BeanFactory.
StoreObjectSupport Base implementation of a store objects sharing a common functionality among store formats.
StoreUtils Utility methods for store package.
StreamsHolder<T extends Closeable> Holder object for streams.

Spring for Apache Hadoop