Spring for Apache Hadoop

Package org.springframework.yarn.client

Interface Summary
ApplicationYarnClient A ApplicationYarnClient is an extension of YarnClient introducing more direct semantics of an application.
AppmasterScOperations Interface defining message operations for Application Master Service Client.
ClientRmOperations Interface for client to resource manager communication.
YarnClient Interface for Spring Yarn facing client methods.

Class Summary
AbstractYarnClient Base implementation providing functionality for YarnClient.
ApplicationDescriptor An ApplicationDescriptor is a descriptor for an application meant to be installed into HDFS and later run from there.
ClientRmTemplate Template implementation for ClientRmOperations wrapping communication using ApplicationClientProtocol.
CommandLineClientRunner A simple client runner executing a bean named "yarnClient".
CommandYarnClient Default Yarn client utilising functionality in AbstractYarnClient.
DefaultApplicationYarnClient An implementation of ApplicationYarnClient verifying application install and submit statuses.
YarnClientFactoryBean Factory bean building YarnClient instances.

Spring for Apache Hadoop