Spring for Apache Hadoop

Package org.springframework.yarn.container

Interface Summary
ContainerRunner A ContainerRunner is an interface against YarnContainer order to execute its run logic.
LongRunningYarnContainer Extension of YarnContainer indicating that container is intended to be a long running operation.
YarnContainer A simple interface for container implementations which should work together with rest of the framework when something in a container should be executed.
YarnContainerRuntime A generic runtime representation of a container.
YarnContainerRuntimeProcessor<T> Defines a strategy of processing a container and returning some Object (or null).

Class Summary
AbstractYarnContainer Base implementation of YarnContainer providing some common functionality like environment properties, command line parameters and handling of the AbstractYarnContainer.run().
CommandLineContainerRunner A simple container runner executing a bean named "yarnContainer".
ContainerHandler Handler for a common object representing something to be run.
ContainerMethodInvokerHelper<T> A helper class using spel to execute target methods.
DefaultYarnContainer Default implementation of a YarnContainer.
MethodInvokingYarnContainerRuntimeProcessor<T> A simple YarnContainerRuntimeProcessor implementation using methods from a container.
SimpleContainerRunner Default implementation of ContainerRunner.
YarnContainerFactoryBean Simple factory bean for YarnContainers.

Spring for Apache Hadoop