Spring for Apache Hadoop

Interface LocalResourcesSelector

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLocalResourcesSelector, BootLocalResourcesSelector

public interface LocalResourcesSelector

LocalResourcesSelector builds and selects a list of LocalResourcesSelector.Entrys having information about a path and a LocalResourceType of that path.

This interface is supposed to ease a configuration is cases where it is too difficult to hard code possible values or of the logic how these values are chosen needs to be able to altered.

Interface itself doesn't care how entries are selected, thus implementation may choose to work in a static way or actually checking something from a file system.

Janne Valkealahti

Nested Class Summary
static class LocalResourcesSelector.Entry
          Entrys used by this interface.
Method Summary
 java.util.List<LocalResourcesSelector.Entry> select(java.lang.String dir)
          Select a List of LocalResourcesSelector.Entrys.

Method Detail


java.util.List<LocalResourcesSelector.Entry> select(java.lang.String dir)
Select a List of LocalResourcesSelector.Entrys. This method cannot not return NULL.

dir - the base directory
the list of entries

Spring for Apache Hadoop