Interface | Description |
DummyInvocationUtils.LastInvocationAware | |
DummyInvocationUtils.MethodInvocation | |
EmbeddedWrapper |
A wrapper to handle values to be embedded into a
Resource . |
MappingDiscoverer |
Strategy interface to discover a URI mapping for either a given type or method.
Class | Description |
AbstractEntityLinks |
Implementation base class to delegate the higher level methods of
EntityLinks by delegating to the more fine
grained ones to reduce the implementation effort for actual implementation classes. |
AnnotationAttribute |
Simply helper to reference a dedicated attribute of an
Annotation . |
AnnotationMappingDiscoverer |
MappingDiscoverer implementation that inspects mappings from a particular annotation. |
AnnotationRelProvider | |
ControllerEntityLinks |
EntityLinks implementation which assumes a certain URI mapping structure:
A class-level mapping annotation that can contain template variables. |
ControllerEntityLinksFactoryBean |
FactoryBean implementation to create ControllerEntityLinks instances looking up controller classes
from an ApplicationContext . |
DefaultRelProvider |
Default implementation of
RelProvider to simply use the uncapitalized version of the given type's name as
single resource rel as well as an appended List for the collection resource rel. |
DelegatingEntityLinks |
EntityLinks implementation that delegates to the EntityLinks instances registered in the
PluginRegistry given on instance creation. |
DelegatingRelProvider | |
DummyInvocationUtils |
Utility methods to capture dummy method invocations.
EmbeddedWrappers |
Interface to mark objects that are aware of the rel they'd like to be exposed under.
EncodingUtils |
Utilities for URI encoding.
EvoInflectorRelProvider |
RelProvider implementation using the Evo Inflector implementation of an algorithmic approach to English
plurals. |
JsonPathLinkDiscoverer |
LinkDiscoverer that uses JsonPath to find links inside a representation. |
LinkBuilderSupport<T extends LinkBuilder> |
Base class to implement
LinkBuilder s based on a Spring MVC UriComponentsBuilder . |
MethodParameters |
Value object to represent
MethodParameters to allow to easily find the ones with a given annotation. |
Annotation Type | Description |
Relation |
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