Interface MessageChannel

All Known Subinterfaces:
PollableChannel, SubscribableChannel
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractMessageChannel, AbstractPollableChannel, AbstractSubscribableChannel, DirectChannel, ExecutorChannel, NullChannel, PriorityChannel, PublishSubscribeChannel, QueueChannel, RendezvousChannel, ThreadLocalChannel

public interface MessageChannel

Base channel interface defining common behavior for message sending and receiving.

Mark Fisher

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getName()
          Return the name of this channel.
 boolean send(Message<?> message)
          Send a Message to this channel.
 boolean send(Message<?> message, long timeout)
          Send a message, blocking until either the message is accepted or the specified timeout period elapses.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getName()
Return the name of this channel.


boolean send(Message<?> message)
Send a Message to this channel. May throw a RuntimeException for non-recoverable errors. Otherwise, if the Message cannot be sent for a non-fatal reason this method will return 'false', and if the Message is sent successfully, it will return 'true'.

Depending on the implementation, this method may block indefinitely. To provide a maximum wait time, use send(Message, long).

message - the Message to send
whether the Message has been sent successfully


boolean send(Message<?> message,
             long timeout)
Send a message, blocking until either the message is accepted or the specified timeout period elapses.

message - the Message to send
timeout - the timeout in milliseconds
true if the message is sent successfully, false if the specified timeout period elapses or the send is interrupted