Interface Trigger

All Known Implementing Classes:
CronTrigger, IntervalTrigger

public interface Trigger

A strategy for providing the next time a task should run.

Mark Fisher

Method Summary
 java.util.Date getNextRunTime(java.util.Date lastScheduledRunTime, java.util.Date lastCompleteTime)
          Returns the next time that a task should run or null if the task should not run again.

Method Detail


java.util.Date getNextRunTime(java.util.Date lastScheduledRunTime,
                              java.util.Date lastCompleteTime)
Returns the next time that a task should run or null if the task should not run again.

lastScheduledRunTime - last time the relevant task was scheduled to run, or null if it has never been scheduled
lastCompleteTime - last time the relevant task finished or null if it did not run to completion
next time that a task should run