Class MessageSelectorChain

  extended by org.springframework.integration.selector.MessageSelectorChain
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MessageSelectorChain
extends java.lang.Object
implements MessageSelector

A message selector implementation that passes incoming messages through a chain of selectors. Whether the Message is accepted is based upon the tallied results of the individual selectors' responses in accordance with this chain's MessageSelectorChain.VotingStrategy.

Mark Fisher

Nested Class Summary
static class MessageSelectorChain.VotingStrategy
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean accept(Message<?> message)
          Pass the message through the selector chain.
 void add(int index, MessageSelector selector)
          Add a selector to the chain at the specified index.
 void add(MessageSelector selector)
          Add a selector to the end of the chain.
 void setSelectors(java.util.List<MessageSelector> selectors)
          Initialize the selector chain.
 void setVotingStrategy(MessageSelectorChain.VotingStrategy votingStrategy)
          Specify the voting strategy for this selector chain.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MessageSelectorChain()
Method Detail


public void setVotingStrategy(MessageSelectorChain.VotingStrategy votingStrategy)
Specify the voting strategy for this selector chain.

The default is MessageSelectorChain.VotingStrategy.ALL.


public void add(MessageSelector selector)
Add a selector to the end of the chain.


public void add(int index,
                MessageSelector selector)
Add a selector to the chain at the specified index.


public void setSelectors(java.util.List<MessageSelector> selectors)
Initialize the selector chain. Removes any existing selectors.


public final boolean accept(Message<?> message)
Pass the message through the selector chain. Whether the Message is accepted is based upon the tallied results of the individual selectors' responses in accordance with this chain's MessageSelectorChain.VotingStrategy.

Specified by:
accept in interface MessageSelector