Class CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler
extends java.lang.Object
implements MessageHandler

A MessageHandler that writes characters to a Writer. String, character array, and byte array payloads will be written directly, but for other payload types, the result of the object's Object.toString() method will be written. To append a new-line after each write, set the shouldAppendNewLine flag to 'true'. It is 'false' by default.

Mark Fisher

Constructor Summary
CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler( writer)
CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler( writer, int bufferSize)
Method Summary
 void handleMessage(Message<?> message)
          Handles the message if possible.
 void setShouldAppendNewLine(boolean shouldAppendNewLine)
static CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler stderr()
          Factory method that creates a target for stderr (System.err) with the default charset encoding.
static CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler stderr(java.lang.String charsetName)
          Factory method that creates a target for stderr (System.err) with the specified charset encoding.
static CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler stdout()
          Factory method that creates a target for stdout (System.out) with the default charset encoding.
static CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler stdout(java.lang.String charsetName)
          Factory method that creates a target for stdout (System.out) with the specified charset encoding.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler( writer)


public CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler( writer,
                                            int bufferSize)
Method Detail


public static CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler stdout()
Factory method that creates a target for stdout (System.out) with the default charset encoding.


public static CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler stdout(java.lang.String charsetName)
Factory method that creates a target for stdout (System.out) with the specified charset encoding.


public static CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler stderr()
Factory method that creates a target for stderr (System.err) with the default charset encoding.


public static CharacterStreamWritingMessageHandler stderr(java.lang.String charsetName)
Factory method that creates a target for stderr (System.err) with the specified charset encoding.


public void setShouldAppendNewLine(boolean shouldAppendNewLine)


public void handleMessage(Message<?> message)
Description copied from interface: MessageHandler
Handles the message if possible. If the handler cannot deal with the message this will result in a MessageRejectedException e.g. in case of a Selective Consumer. When a consumer tries to handle a message, but fails to do so, a MessageHandlingException is thrown. In the last case it is recommended to treat the message as tainted and go into an error scenario.

When the handling results in a message being sent failure to send that message will result in a MessageDeliveryException.

Specified by:
handleMessage in interface MessageHandler
message - the message to be handled