Package org.springframework.integration.router

Class Summary
AbstractChannelNameResolvingMessageRouter A base class for router implementations that return only the channel name(s) rather than MessageChannel instances.
AbstractMessageRouter Base class for Message Routers.
AbstractSingleChannelNameRouter Extends AbstractChannelNameResolvingMessageRouter to support router implementations that always return a single channel name (or null).
AbstractSingleChannelRouter Extends AbstractMessageRouter to support router implementations that always return a single MessageChannel instance (or null).
ErrorMessageExceptionTypeRouter A Message Router that resolves the target MessageChannel for messages whose payload is an Exception.
ExpressionEvaluatingRouter A Message Router implementation that evaluates the specified SpEL expression.
HeaderValueRouter A Message Router that resolves the MessageChannel from a header value.
MethodInvokingRouter A Message Router that invokes the specified method on the given object.
PayloadTypeRouter A Message Router that resolves the MessageChannel based on the Message's payload type.
RecipientListRouter A Message Router that sends Messages to a list of recipient channels.