Spring Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractMessageHandler

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.aggregator

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.aggregator
 class CorrelatingMessageBarrier
          This Endpoint serves as a barrier for messages that should not be processed yet.
 class CorrelatingMessageHandler
          Message handler that holds a buffer of correlated messages in a MessageStore.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.event

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.event
 class ApplicationEventPublishingMessageHandler<T>
          A MessageHandler that publishes each Message it receives as a MessagingEvent.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.file

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.file
 class FileWritingMessageHandler
          A MessageHandler implementation that writes the Message payload to a file.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.filter

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.filter
 class MessageFilter
          Message Handler that delegates to a MessageSelector.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.gateway

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.gateway
 class AbstractRemotingOutboundGateway
          A base class for outbound URL-based Messaging Gateways.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.handler

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.handler
 class AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler
          Base class for MessageHandlers that are capable of producing replies.
 class BridgeHandler
          A simple MessageHandler implementation that passes the request Message directly to the output channel without modifying it.
 class LoggingHandler
          MessageHandler implementation that simply logs the Message or its payload depending on the value of the 'shouldLogFullMessage' property.
 class ServiceActivatingHandler

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.http

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.http
 class HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler
          A MessageHandler implementation that executes HTTP requests by delegating to a RestTemplate instance.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.httpinvoker

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.httpinvoker
 class HttpInvokerOutboundGateway
          Deprecated. as of 2.0.x. We recommend using the REST-based HTTP adapters instead.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp
 class SimpleTcpNetOutboundGateway
          Simple TCP outbound gateway; delegates write to a TcpNetSendingMessageHandler then blocks on read of same socket.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.jms

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.jms
 class JmsOutboundGateway
          An outbound Messaging Gateway for request/reply JMS.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.jmx

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.jmx
 class NotificationPublishingMessageHandler
 class OperationInvokingMessageHandler
          A MessageHandler implementation for invoking JMX operations based on the Message sent to its handleMessage(Message) method.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.rmi

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.rmi
 class RmiOutboundGateway
          An outbound Messaging Gateway for RMI-based remoting.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.router

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.router
 class AbstractChannelNameResolvingMessageRouter
          A base class for router implementations that return only the channel name(s) rather than MessageChannel instances.
 class AbstractMessageRouter
          Base class for Message Routers.
 class AbstractSingleChannelNameRouter
          Extends AbstractChannelNameResolvingMessageRouter to support router implementations that always return a single channel name (or null).
 class AbstractSingleChannelRouter
          Extends AbstractMessageRouter to support router implementations that always return a single MessageChannel instance (or null).
 class ErrorMessageExceptionTypeRouter
          A Message Router that resolves the target MessageChannel for messages whose payload is an Exception.
 class ExpressionEvaluatingRouter
          A Message Router implementation that evaluates the specified SpEL expression.
 class HeaderValueRouter
          A Message Router that resolves the MessageChannel from a header value.
 class MethodInvokingRouter
          A Message Router that invokes the specified method on the given object.
 class PayloadTypeRouter
          A Message Router that resolves the MessageChannel based on the Message's payload type.
 class RecipientListRouter
           <recipient-list-router id="simpleRouter" input-channel="routingChannelA"> <recipient channel="channel1"/> <recipient channel="channel2"/> </recipient-list-router>

A Message Router that sends Messages to a list of recipient channels.


Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.splitter

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.splitter
 class AbstractMessageSplitter
          Base class for Message-splitting handlers.
 class DefaultMessageSplitter
          The default Message Splitter implementation.
 class ExpressionEvaluatingSplitter
          A Message Splitter implementation that evaluates the specified SpEL expression.
 class MethodInvokingSplitter
          A Message Splitter implementation that invokes the specified method on the given object.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.transformer

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.transformer
 class MessageTransformingHandler
          A reply-producing MessageHandler that delegates to a Transformer instance to modify the received Message and sends the result to its output channel.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.ws

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.ws
 class AbstractWebServiceOutboundGateway
          Base class for outbound Web Service-invoking Messaging Gateways.
 class MarshallingWebServiceOutboundGateway
          An outbound Messaging Gateway for invoking Web Services that also supports marshalling and unmarshalling of the request and response messages.
 class SimpleWebServiceOutboundGateway
          An outbound Messaging Gateway for invoking a Web Service.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.xml.router

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.xml.router
 class AbstractXPathRouter
          Abstract base class for Message Routers that use XPathExpression evaluation to determine channel names.
 class XmlPayloadValidatingRouter
 class XPathMultiChannelRouter
          A router that evaluates the XPath expression using XPathExpression.evaluateAsNodeList(Node) which returns zero or more nodes in conjunction with an instance of NodeMapper to produce zero or more channel names.
 class XPathSingleChannelRouter
          Router that evaluates the payload using XPathExpression.evaluateAsString(Node) to extract a channel name.

Uses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.xml.splitter

Subclasses of AbstractMessageHandler in org.springframework.integration.xml.splitter
 class XPathMessageSplitter
          Message Splitter that uses an XPathExpression to split a Document or String payload into a NodeList.

Spring Integration

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