Spring Integration

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TcpListener
org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp.connection All things related to tcp connections - client and server factories; listener and sender interfaces. 

Uses of TcpListener in org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp

Classes in org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp that implement TcpListener
 class TcpReceivingChannelAdapter
          Tcp inbound channel adapter using a TcpConnection to receive data - if the connection factory is a server factory, this Listener owns the connections.

Uses of TcpListener in org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp.connection

Fields in org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp.connection declared as TcpListener
protected  TcpListener AbstractConnectionFactory.listener
protected  TcpListener AbstractTcpConnection.listener

Methods in org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp.connection that return TcpListener
 TcpListener AbstractTcpConnection.getListener()

Methods in org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp.connection with parameters of type TcpListener
 void AbstractConnectionFactory.registerListener(TcpListener listener)
          Registers a TcpListener to receive messages after the payload has been converted from the input data.
 void AbstractTcpConnection.registerListener(TcpListener listener)
 void TcpConnection.registerListener(TcpListener listener)
          Sets the listener that will receive incoming Messages.

Spring Integration

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