Spring Integration

Package org.springframework.integration.config.xml

Interface Summary
BeanDefinitionRegisteringParser Simple strategy interface for parsers that are responsible for parsing an element, creating a bean definition, and then registering the bean.

Class Summary
AbstractChannelAdapterParser Base parser for Channel Adapters.
AbstractChannelNameResolvingRouterParser Base parser for routers that create instances that are subclasses of AbstractChannelNameResolvingMessageRouter.
AbstractChannelParser Base class for channel parsers.
AbstractConsumerEndpointParser Base class parser for elements that create Message Endpoints.
AbstractInboundGatewayParser Base class for inbound gateway parsers.
AbstractIntegrationNamespaceHandler Base class for NamespaceHandlers that registers a BeanFactoryPostProcessor for configuring default bean definitions.
AbstractOutboundChannelAdapterParser Base class for outbound Channel Adapter parsers.
AbstractOutboundGatewayParser Base class for url-based outbound gateway parsers.
AbstractPollingInboundChannelAdapterParser Base parser for inbound Channel Adapters that poll a source.
AbstractRouterParser Base parser for routers.
AggregatorParser Parser for the aggregator element of the integration namespace.
AnnotationConfigParser Parser for the <annotation-config> element of the integration namespace.
ApplicationEventMulticasterParser Parser for the <application-event-multicaster> element of the integration namespace.
BridgeParser Parser for the <bridge> element.
ChainParser Parser for the <chain> element.
ChannelInterceptorParser A helper class for parsing the sub-elements of a channel's interceptors element.
ClaimCheckInParser Parser for the <claim-check-in/> element.
ClaimCheckOutParser Parser for the <claim-check-out/> element.
DefaultRouterParser Parser for the <router/> element.
DelayerParser Parser for the <delayer> element.
FilterParser Parser for the <filter/> element.
GatewayParser Parser for the <gateway/> element.
GlobalChannelInterceptorParser Will parse 'channel-interceptor-chain' element
HeaderEnricherParserSupport Base support class for 'header-enricher' parsers.
HeaderFilterParser Parser for the 'header-filter' element.
HeaderValueRouterParser Parser for the <header-value-router/> element.
IntegrationNamespaceHandler Namespace handler for the integration namespace.
IntegrationNamespaceUtils Shared utility methods for integration namespace parsers.
LoggingChannelAdapterParser Parser for the 'logging-channel-adapter' element.
MethodInvokingInboundChannelAdapterParser Parser for the <inbound-channel-adapter/> element.
MethodInvokingOutboundChannelAdapterParser Parser for the <outbound-channel-adapter/> element.
ObjectToStringTransformerParser Parser for the 'object-to-string-transformer' element.
PayloadDeserializingTransformerParser Parser for the 'payload-deserializing-transformer' element.
PayloadSerializingTransformerParser Parser for the 'payload-serializing-transformer' element.
PayloadTypeRouterParser Parser for the <payload-type-router/> element.
PointToPointChannelParser Parser for the <channel> element.
PollerParser Parser for the <poller> element.
PublishingInterceptorParser Parser for the <publishing-interceptor> element.
PublishSubscribeChannelParser Parser for the <publish-subscribe-channel> element.
RecipientListRouterParser Parser for the <recipient-list-router/> element.
ResequencerParser Parser for the <resequencer> element.
ScheduledProducerParser Parser for the <scheduled-producer> element.
SelectorChainParser Parser for the <selector-chain/> element.
SelectorParser Parser for a top-level <selector/> element.
ServiceActivatorParser Parser for the <service-activator> element.
SplitterParser Parser for the <splitter/> element.
StandardHeaderEnricherParser Parser for the <header-enricher> element within the core integration namespace.
TransformerParser Parser for the <transformer/> element.
WireTapParser Parser for the <wire-tap> element.

Spring Integration

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