Spring Integration

Package org.springframework.integration.gateway

Interface Summary
RequestReplyExchanger Interface for a request/reply Message exchange.

Class Summary
AbstractRemotingOutboundGateway A base class for outbound URL-based Messaging Gateways.
GatewayMethodDefinition Represents the definition of Gateway methods, when using multiple methods per Gateway interface.
GatewayProxyFactoryBean Generates a proxy for the provided service interface to enable interaction with messaging components without application code being aware of them allowing for POJO-style interaction.
MessagingGatewaySupport A convenient base class for connecting application code to MessageChannels for sending, receiving, or request-reply operations.
RemotingInboundGatewaySupport Support class for inbound Messaging Gateways.
SimpleMessageMapper An implementation of the InboundMessageMapper and OutboundMessageMapper strategy interfaces that maps directly to and from the Message payload instance.

Spring Integration

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