Spring Integration

Package org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp.connection

All things related to tcp connections - client and server factories; listener and sender interfaces.


Interface Summary
ConnectionFactory A factory used to create TcpConnection objects.
TcpConnection An abstraction over Socket and SocketChannel that sends Message objects by converting the payload and streaming it to the destination.
TcpListener Classes that implement this interface may register with a connection factory to receive messages retrieved from a TcpConnection
TcpSender An interface representing a sending client of a connection factory.

Class Summary
AbstractClientConnectionFactory Abstract class for client connection factories; client connection factories establish outgoing connections.
AbstractConnectionFactory Base class for all connection factories.
AbstractServerConnectionFactory Base class for all server connection factories.
AbstractTcpConnection Base class for TcpConnections.
AbstractTcpConnectionInterceptor Base class for TcpConnectionIntercepters; passes all method calls through to the underlying TcpConnection.
TcpConnectionInterceptorFactory Base class for TcpConnectionInterceptorFactories.
TcpMessageMapper Maps incoming data from a TcpConnection to a Message.
TcpNetClientConnectionFactory A client connection factory that creates TcpNetConnections.
TcpNetConnection A TcpConnection that uses and underlying Socket.
TcpNetServerConnectionFactory Implements a server connection factory that produces TcpNetConnections using a ServerSocket.
TcpNioClientConnectionFactory A client connection factory that creates TcpNioConnections.
TcpNioConnection A TcpConnection that uses and underlying SocketChannel.
TcpNioServerConnectionFactory /** Implements a server connection factory that produces TcpNioConnections using a ServerSocketChannel.

Exception Summary

Package org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp.connection Description

All things related to tcp connections - client and server factories; listener and sender interfaces.

Spring Integration

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