Spring Integration

Class SftpSession

  extended by org.springframework.integration.sftp.SftpSession

public class SftpSession
extends Object

c There are many ways to create a SftpSession just as there are many ways to SSH into a remote system. You may use a username and password, you may use a username and private key, you may use a username and a private key with a password, etc.

This object represents the connection to the remote server, and to use it you must provide it with all the components you'd normally provide an incantation of the ssh command.

Josh Long, Mario Gray

Constructor Summary
SftpSession(String userName, String hostName, String userPassword, int port, String knownHostsFile, InputStream knownHostsInputStream, String privateKey, String pvKeyPassPhrase)
Method Summary
 com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp getChannel()
 com.jcraft.jsch.Session getSession()
 void start()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SftpSession(String userName,
                   String hostName,
                   String userPassword,
                   int port,
                   String knownHostsFile,
                   InputStream knownHostsInputStream,
                   String privateKey,
                   String pvKeyPassPhrase)
            throws Exception
userName - the name of the account being logged into.
hostName - this should be the host. I found values like foo.com work, where http://foo.com don't.
userPassword - if you are not using key based authentication, then you are likely being prompted for a password each time you login. This is that password. It is not the passphrase for the private key!
port - the default is 22, and if you specify N<0 for this value we'll default it to 22
knownHostsFile - this is the known hosts file. If you don't specify it, jsch does some magic to work without your specification. If you have it in a non well-known location, however, this property is for you. An example: /home/user/.ssh/known_hosts
knownHostsInputStream - this is the known hosts file. If you don't specify it, jsch does some magic to work without your specification. If you have it in a non well-known location, however, this property is for you. An example: /home/user/.ssh/known_hosts. Note that you may specify this or the #knownHostsFile - not both!
privateKey - this is usually used when you want passwordless automation (obviously, for this integration it's useless since this lets you specify a password once, anyway, but still good to have if required). This file might be ~/.ssh/id_dsa, or a .pem for your remote server (for example, on EC2)
pvKeyPassPhrase - sometimes, to be extra secure, the private key itself is extra encrypted. In order to surmount that, we need the private key passphrase. Specify that here.
Exception - thrown if any of a myriad of scenarios plays out
Method Detail


public com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp getChannel()


public com.jcraft.jsch.Session getSession()


public void start()
           throws Exception

Spring Integration

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