Spring Integration

Package org.springframework.integration.twitter

Interface Summary
AbstractInboundTwitterEndpointSupport.ApiCallback<C> Hook for clients to run logic when the API rate limiting lets us

Simply register your callback using #runAsAPIRateLimitsPermit


Class Summary
AbstractInboundTwitterEndpointSupport<T> There are a lot of operations that are common to receiving the various types of messages when using the Twitter API, and this class abstracts most of them for you.
AbstractInboundTwitterStatusEndpointSupport Simple base class for the reply and timeline cases (as well as any other Status implementations of TwitterResponse.
AbstractOutboundTwitterEndpointSupport The adapters that support 'sending' / 'updating status' messages will do so on top of this implementation for convenience, only.
InboundDMStatusEndpoint This class handles support for receiving DMs (direct messages) using Twitter.
InboundMentionStatusEndpoint Handles forwarding all new Status that are 'replies' or 'mentions' to some other tweet.
InboundUpdatedStatusEndpoint This MessageSource lets Spring Integration consume a given account's timeline as messages.
OutboundDMStatusMessageHandler Simple adapter to support sending outbound direct messages ("DM"s) using twitter
OutboundUpdatedStatusMessageHandler This class is useful for both sending regular status updates as well as 'replies' or 'mentions'
StatusUpdateSupport Convenience class that can take a seemingly disparate jumble of headers and a payload and do a best-faith attempt at vending a StatusUpdate instance
TwitterHeaders An enum to allow users to express interest in particular kinds of tweets.

Spring Integration

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