Interface EntryListFilter<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEntryListFilter, AbstractFileLockerFilter, AcceptAllEntryListFilter, AcceptOnceEntryFileListFilter, AcceptOnceFileListFilter, CompositeEntryListFilter, CompositeFileListFilter, NioFileLocker, PatternMatchingEntryListFilter, PatternMatchingFileListFilter, SimplePatternFileListFilter, SingleEntryAdaptingEntryListFilter

public interface EntryListFilter<T>

Strategy interface for filtering entries representing files on a local or remote file system. This is a generic variant of FileListFilter that also works with references to remote files.

Implementations must be thread safe.

See Also:

Method Summary
 java.util.List<T> filterEntries(T[] entries)
          Filters out entries and returns the entries that are left in a list, or an empty list when a null is passed in.

Method Detail


java.util.List<T> filterEntries(T[] entries)
Filters out entries and returns the entries that are left in a list, or an empty list when a null is passed in.