Class UpperBound

  extended by org.springframework.integration.util.UpperBound

public final class UpperBound
extends java.lang.Object

Thin wrapper around a Semaphore that allows to create a potentially unlimited upper bound to by used in buffers of messages (e.g. a QueueChannel or a MessageStore).


Field Summary
 java.util.concurrent.Semaphore semaphore
Constructor Summary
UpperBound(int capacity)
          Create an UpperBound with the given capacity.
Method Summary
 void release()
          Releases one lock on the underlying semaphore.
 void release(int permits)
          Releases several locks on the underlying semaphore.
 boolean tryAcquire(long timeoutInMilliseconds)
          Acquires a permit from the underlying semaphore if this UpperBound is bounded and returns true if it succeeds within the given timeout.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public final java.util.concurrent.Semaphore semaphore
Constructor Detail


public UpperBound(int capacity)
Create an UpperBound with the given capacity. If the given capacity is less than 1 an infinite UpperBound is created.

Method Detail


public boolean tryAcquire(long timeoutInMilliseconds)
Acquires a permit from the underlying semaphore if this UpperBound is bounded and returns true if it succeeds within the given timeout. If the timeout is less than 0, it will block indefinitely.


public void release()
Releases one lock on the underlying semaphore. This is typically not done by the same Thread that acquired the lock, but by the thread that picked up the message.


public void release(int permits)
Releases several locks on the underlying semaphore. This is typically not done by the same Thread that acquired the lock, but by the thread that picked up the message.