16. TCP and UDP Support

Spring Integration provides Channel Adapters for receiving and sending messages over internet protocols. Both UDP (User Datagram Protocol) and TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) adapters are provided. Each adapter provides for one-way communication over the underlying protocol. In addition, simple inbound and outbound tcp gateways are provided. These are used when two-way communication is needed.

16.1 Introduction

Two flavors each of UDP inbound and outbound channel adapters are provided UnicastSendingMessageHandler sends a datagram packet to a single destination. UnicastReceivingChannelAdapter receives incoming datagram packets. MulticastSendingMessageHandler sends (broadcasts) datagram packets to a multicast address. MulticastReceivingChannelAdapter receives incoming datagram packets by joining to a multicast address.

TCP inbound and outbound channel adapters are provided TcpSendingMessageHandler sends messages over TCP. TcpReceivingChannelAdapter receives messages over TCP.

An inbound TCP gateway is provided; this allows for simple request/response processing. While the gateway can support any number of connections, each connection can only process serially. The thread that reads from the socket waits for, and sends, the response before reading again. If the connection factory is configured for single use connections, the connection is closed after the socket times out.

An outbound TCP gateway is provided; this allows for simple request/response processing. If the associated connection factory is configured for single use connections, a new connection is immediately created for each new request. Otherwise, if the connection is in use, the calling thread blocks on the connection until either a response is received or a timeout or I/O error occurs.

The TCP and UDP inbound channel adapters, and the TCP inbound gateway, support the "error-channel" attribute. This provides the same basic functionality as described in Section 7.2.1, “Enter the GatewayProxyFactoryBean”.

16.2 UDP Adapters

 <int-ip:udp-outbound-channel-adapter id="udpOut"
    channel="exampleChannel" />

A simple UDP outbound channel adapter.

When setting multicast to true, provide the multicast address in the host attribute.

UDP is an efficient, but unreliable protocol. Two attributes are added to improve reliability. When check-length is set to true, the adapter precedes the message data with a length field (4 bytes in network byte order). This enables the receiving side to verify the length of the packet received. If a receiving system uses a buffer that is too short the contain the packet, the packet can be truncated. The length header provides a mechanism to detect this.

  <int-ip:udp-outbound-channel-adapter id="udpOut"
    channel="exampleChannel" />

An outbound channel adapter that adds length checking to the datagram packets.

The recipient of the packet must also be configured to expect a length to precede the actual data. For a Spring Integration UDP inbound channel adapter, set its check-length attribute.

The second reliability improvement allows an application-level acknowledgment protocol to be used. The receiver must send an acknowledgment to the sender within a specified time.

  <int-ip:udp-outbound-channel-adapter id="udpOut"
    channel="exampleChannel" />

An outbound channel adapter that adds length checking to the datagram packets and waits for an acknowledgment.

Setting acknowledge to true implies the recipient of the packet can interpret the header added to the packet containing acknowledgment data (host and port). Most likely, the recipient will be a Spring Integration inbound channel adapter.

When multicast is true, an additional attribute min-acks-for-success specifies how many acknowledgments must be received within the ack-timeout.

For even more reliable networking, TCP can be used.

  <int-ip:udp-inbound-channel-adapter id="udpReceiver"
    check-length="true" />

A basic unicast inbound udp channel adapter.

  <int-ip:udp-inbound-channel-adapter id="udpReceiver"
    check-length="true" />

A basic multicast inbound udp channel adapter.

By default, reverse DNS lookups are done on inbound packets to convert IP addresses to hostnames for use in message headers. In environments where DNS is not configured, this can cause delays. This default behavior can be overridden by setting the lookup-host attribute to "false".

16.3 TCP Connection Factories

For TCP, the configuration of the underlying connection is provided using a Connection Factory. Two types of connection factory are provided; a client connection factory and a server connection factory. Client connection factories are used to establish outgoing connections; Server connection factories listen for incoming connections.

A client connection factory is used by an outbound channel adapter but a reference to a client connection factory can also be provided to an inbound channel adapter and that adapter will receive any incoming messages received on connections created by the outbound adapter.

A server connection factory is used by an inbound channel adapter or gateway (in fact the connection factory will not function without one). A reference to a server connection factory can also be provided to an outbound adapter; that adapter can then be used to send replies to incoming messages to the same connection.


Reply messages will only be routed to the connection if the reply contains the header ip_connection_id that was inserted into the original message by the connection factory.


This is the extent of message correlation performed when sharing connection factories between inbound and outbound adapters. Such sharing allows for asynchronous two-way communication over TCP. Only payload information is transferred using TCP; therefore any message correlation must be performed by downstream components such as aggregators or other endpoints. For more information refer to Section 16.7, “TCP Message Correlation”.

A maximum of one adapter of each type may be given a reference to a connection factory.

Connection factories using java.net.Socket and java.nio.channel.SocketChannel are provided.

  <int-ip:tcp-connection-factory id="server"

A simple server connection factory that uses java.net.Socket connections.

  <int-ip:tcp-connection-factory id="server"

A simple server connection factory that uses java.nio.channel.SocketChannel connections.

  <int-ip:tcp-connection-factory id="client"

A client connection factory that uses java.net.Socket connections and creates a new connection for each message.

  <int-ip:tcp-connection-factory id="client"

A client connection factory that uses java.nio.channel.Socket connections and creates a new connection for each message.

TCP is a streaming protocol; this means that some structure has to be provided to data transported over TCP, so the receiver can demarcate the data into discrete messages. Connection factories are configured to use (de)serializers to convert between the message payload and the bits that are sent over TCP. This is accomplished by providing a deserializer and serializer for inbound and outbound messages respectively. A number of standard (de)serializers are provided.

The ByteArrayCrlfSerializer, converts a byte array to a stream of bytes followed by carriage return and linefeed characters (\r\n). This is the default (de)serializer and can be used with telnet as a client, for example.

The ByteArrayStxEtxSerializer, converts a byte array to a stream of bytes preceded by an STX (0x02) and followed by an ETX (0x03).

The ByteArrayLengthHeaderSerializer, converts a byte array to a stream of bytes preceded by a binary length in network byte order (big endian). This a very efficient deserializer because it does not have to parse every byte looking for a termination character sequence. It can also be used for payloads containing binary data; the above serializers only support text in the payload. The default size of the length header is 4 bytes (Integer), allowing for messages up to 2**31-1 bytes. However, the length header can be a single byte (unsigned) for messages up to 255 bytes, or an unsigned short (2 bytes) for messages up to 2**16 bytes. If you need any other format for the header, you can subclass this class and provide implementations for the readHeader and writeHeader methods. The absolute maximum data size supported is 2**31-1 bytes.

The ByteArrayRawSerializer, converts a byte array to a stream of bytes and adds no additional message demarcation data; with this (de)serializer, the end of a message is indicated by the client closing the socket in an orderly fashion. When using this serializer, message reception will hang until the client closes the socket, or a timeout occurs; a timeout will NOT result in a message. When this serializer is being used, and the client is a Spring Integration application, the client must use a connection factory that is configured with single-use=true - this causes the adapter to close the socket after sending the message; the serializer will not, itself, close the connection. This serializer should only be used with connection factories used by channel adapters (not gateways), and the connection factories should be used by either an inbound or outbound adapter, and not both.

Each of these is a subclass of AbstractByteArraySerializer which implements both org.springframework.core.serializer.Serializer and org.springframework.core.serializer.Deserializer. For backwards compatibility, connections using any subclass of AbstractByteArraySerializer for serialization will also accept a String which will be converted to a byte array first. Each of these (de)serializers converts an input stream containing the corresponding format to a byte array payload.

To avoid memory exhaustion due to a badly behaved client (one that does not adhere to the protocol of the configured serializer), these serializers impose a maximum message size. If the size is exceeded by an incoming message, an exception will be thrown. The default maximum message size is 2048 bytes, and can be increased by setting the maxMessageSize property. If you are using the default (de)serializer and wish to increase the maximum message size, you must declare it as an explicit bean with the property set and configure the connection factory to use that bean.

The final standard serializer is org.springframework.core.serializer.DefaultSerializer which can be used to convert Serializable objects using java serialization. org.springframework.core.serializer.DefaultDeserializer is provided for inbound deserialization of streams containing Serializable objects.

To implement a custom (de)serializer pair, implement the org.springframework.core.serializer.Deserializer and org.springframework.core.serializer.Serializer interfaces.

If you do not wish to use the default (de)serializer (ByteArrayCrLfSerializer), you must supply serializer and deserializer attributes on the connection factory (example below).

  <bean id="javaSerializer"
        class="org.springframework.core.serializer.DefaultSerializer" />
  <bean id="javaDeserializer"
        class="org.springframework.core.serializer.DefaultDeserializer" />

  <int-ip:tcp-connection-factory id="server"

A server connection factory that uses java.net.Socket connections and uses Java serialization on the wire.

For full details of the attributes available on connection factories, see the reference at the end of this section.

By default, reverse DNS lookups are done on inbound packets to convert IP addresses to hostnames for use in message headers. In environments where DNS is not configured, this can cause connection delays. This default behavior can be overridden by setting the lookup-host attribute to "false".

16.4 TCP Connection Interceptors

Connection factories can be configured with a reference to a TcpConnectionInterceptorFactoryChain. Interceptors can be used to add behavior to connections, such as negotiation, security, and other setup. No interceptors are currently provided by the framework but, for an example, see the InterceptedSharedConnectionTests in the source repository.

The HelloWorldInterceptor used in the test case works as follows:

When configured with a client connection factory, when the first message is sent over a connection that is intercepted, the interceptor sends 'Hello' over the connection, and expects to receive 'world!'. When that occurs, the negotiation is complete and the original message is sent; further messages that use the same connection are sent without any additional negotiation.

When configured with a server connection factory, the interceptor requires the first message to be 'Hello' and, if it is, returns 'world!'. Otherwise it throws an exception causing the connection to be closed.

All TcpConnection methods are intercepted. Interceptor instances are created for each connection by an interceptor factory. If an interceptor is stateful, the factory should create a new instance for each connection. Interceptor factories are added to the configuration of an interceptor factory chain, which is provided to a connection factory using the interceptor-factory attribute. Interceptors must implement the TcpConnectionInterceptor interface; factories must implement the TcpConnectionInterceptorFactory interface. A convenience class AbstractTcpConnectionInterceptor is provided with passthrough methods; by extending this class, you only need to implement those methods you wish to intercept.

<bean id="helloWorldInterceptorFactory"
  <property name="interceptors">
      <bean class="org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp.connection.HelloWorldInterceptorFactory"/>

<int-ip:tcp-connection-factory id="server"

<int-ip:tcp-connection-factory id="client"

Configuring a connection interceptor factory chain.

16.5 TCP Adapters

TCP inbound and outbound channel adapters that utilize the above connection factories are provided. These adapters have attributes connection-factory and channel. The channel attribute specifies the channel on which messages arrive at an outbound adapter and on which messages are placed by an inbound adapter. The connection-factory attribute indicates which connection factory is to be used to manage connections for the adapter. While both inbound and outbound adapters can share a connection factory, server connection factories are always 'owned' by an inbound adapter; client connection factories are always 'owned' by an outbound adapter. One, and only one, adapter of each type may get a reference to a connection factory.

  <bean id="javaSerializer"
              class="org.springframework.core.serializer.DefaultSerializer" />
  <bean id="javaDeserializer"
              class="org.springframework.core.serializer.DefaultDeserializer" />

  <int-ip:tcp-connection-factory id="server"

  <int-ip:tcp-connection-factory id="client"

  <int:channel id="input" />

  <int:channel id="replies">

  <int-ip:tcp-outbound-channel-adapter id="outboundClient"

  <int-ip:tcp-inbound-channel-adapter id="inboundClient"

  <int-ip:tcp-inbound-channel-adapter id="inboundServer"

  <int-ip:tcp-outbound-channel-adapter id="outboundServer"

  <int:channel id="loop" />

In this configuration, messages arriving in channel 'input' are serialized over connections created by 'client' received at the server and placed on channel 'loop'. Since 'loop' is the input channel for 'outboundServer' the message is simply looped back over the same connection and received by 'inboundClient' and deposited in channel 'replies'. Java serialization is used on the wire.

Normally, inbound adapters use a type="server" connection factory, which listens for incoming connection requests. In some cases, it is desireable to establish the connection in reverse, whereby the inbound adapter connects to an external server and then waits for inbound messages on that connection.

This topology is supported by using client-mode="true" on the inbound adapter. In this case, the connection factory must be of type 'client' and must have single-use set to false.

Two additional attributes are used to support this mechanism: retry-interval specifies (in milliseconds) how often the framework will attempt to reconnect after a connection failure. scheduler is used to supply a TaskScheduler used to schedule the connection attempts, and to test that the connection is still active.

For an outbound adapter, the connection is normally established when the first message is sent. client-mode="true" on an outbound adapter will cause the connection to be established when the adapter is started. Adapters are automatically started by default. Again, the connection factory must be of type client and have single-use set to false and retry-interval and scheduler are also supported. If a connection fails, it will be re-established either by the scheduler or when the next message is sent.

For both inbound and outbound, if the adapter is started, you may force the adapter to establish a connection by sending a <control-bus /> command: @adapter_id.retryConnection() and examine the current state with @adapter_id.isConnected().

16.6 TCP Gateways

The inbound TCP gateway TcpInboundGateway and outbound TCP gateway TcpOutboundGateway use a server and client connection factory respectively. Each connection can process a single request/response at a time.

The inbound gateway, after constructing a message with the incoming payload and sending it to the requestChannel, waits for a response and sends the payload from the response message by writing it to the connection.


For the inbound gateway, care must be taken to retain, or populate, the ip_connnection_id header because it is used to correlate the message to a connection. Messages that originate at the gateway will automatically have the header set. If the reply is constructed as a new message, you will need to set the header. The header value can be captured from the incoming message.

As with inbound adapters, inbound gateways normally use a type="server" connection factory, which listens for incoming connection requests. In some cases, it is desireable to establish the connection in reverse, whereby the inbound gateway connects to an external server and then waits for, and replies to, inbound messages on that connection.

This topology is supported by using client-mode="true" on the inbound gateway. In this case, the connection factory must be of type 'client' and must have single-use set to false.

Two additional attributes are used to support this mechanism: retry-interval specifies (in milliseconds) how often the framework will attempt to reconnect after a connection failure. scheduler is used to supply a TaskScheduler used to schedule the connection attempts, and to test that the connection is still active.

If the gateway is started, you may force the gateway to establish a connection by sending a <control-bus /> command: @adapter_id.retryConnection() and examine the current state with @adapter_id.isConnected().

The outbound gateway, after sending a message over the connection, waits for a response and constructs a response message and puts in on the reply channel. Communications over the connections are single-threaded. Users should be aware that only one message can be handled at a time and, if another thread attempts to send a message before the current response has been received, it will block until any previous requests are complete (or time out). If, however, the client connection factory is configured for single-use connections each new request gets its own connection and is processed immediately.

  <int-ip:tcp-inbound-gateway id="inGateway"

A simple inbound TCP gateway; if a connection factory configured with the default (de)serializer is used, messages will be \r\n delimited data and the gateway can be used by a simple client such as telnet.

  <int-ip:tcp-outbound-gateway id="outGateway"

A simple outbound TCP gateway.

16.7 TCP Message Correlation

16.7.1 Overview

One goal of the IP Endpoints is to provide communication with systems other than another Spring Integration application. For this reason, only message payloads are sent and received. No message correlation is provided by the framework, except when using the gateways, or collaborating channel adapters on the server side. In the paragraphs below we discuss the various correlation techniques available to applications. In most cases, this requires specific application-level correlation of messages, even when message payloads contain some natural correlation data (such as an order number).

16.7.2 Gateways

The gateways will automatically correlate messages. However, an outbound gateway should only be used for relatively low-volume use. When the connection factory is configured for a single shared connection to be used for all message pairs ('single-use="false"'), only one message can be processed at a time. A new message will have to wait until the reply to the previous message has been received. When a connection factory is configured for each new message to use a new connection ('single-use="true"'), the above restriction does not apply. While this may give higher throughput than a shared connection environment, it comes with the overhead of opening and closing a new connection for each message pair.

Therefore, for high-volume messages, consider using a collaborating pair of channel adapters. However, you will need to provide collaboration logic.

16.7.3 Collaborating Outbound and Inbound Channel Adapters

To achieve high-volume throughput (avoiding the pitfalls of using gateways as mentioned above) you may consider configuring a pair of collaborating outbound and inbound channel adapters. Collaborating adapters can also be used (server-side or client-side) for totally asynchronous communication (rather than with request/reply semantics). On the server side, message correlation is automatically handled by the adapters because the inbound adapter adds a header allowing the outbound adapter to determine which connection to use to send the reply message.


On the server side, care must be taken to populate the ip_connnection_id header because it is used to correlate the message to a connection. Messages that originate at the inbound adapter will automatically have the header set. If you wish to construct other messages to send, you will need to set the header. The header value can be captured from an incoming message.

On the client side, the application will have to provide its own correlation logic, if needed. This can be done in a number of ways.

If the message payload has some natural correlation data, such as a transaction id or an order number, AND there is no need to retain any information (such as a reply channel header) from the original outbound message, the correlation is simple and would done at the application level in any case.

If the message payload has some natural correlation data, such as a transaction id or an order number, but there is a need to retain some information (such as a reply channel header) from the original outbound message, you may need to retain a copy of the original outbound message (perhaps by using a publish-subscribe channel) and use an aggregator to recombine the necessary data.

For either of the previous two paragraphs, if the payload has no natural correlation data, you may need to provide a transformer upstream of the outbound channel adapter to enhance the payload with such data. Such a transformer may transform the original payload to a new object containing both the original payload and some subset of the message headers. Of course, live objects (such as reply channels) from the headers can not be included in the transformed payload.

If such a strategy is chosen you will need to ensure the connection factory has an appropriate serializer/deserializer pair to handle such a payload, such as the DefaultSerializer/Deserializer which use java serialization, or a custom serializer and deserializer. The ByteArray*Serializer options mentioned in Section 16.3, “TCP Connection Factories”, including the default ByteArrayCrLfSerializer, do not support such payloads, unless the transformed payload is a String or byte[],


When a client connection factory is used by collaborating channel adapters, the so-timeout attribute defaults to the default reply timeout (10 seconds). This means that if no data are received by the inbound adapter for this period of time, the socket will be closed.

This may not be appropriate in a truly asynch environment, or if you expect the server to take more than 10 seconds to respond in a request/reply environment. The timeout can be increased by setting the so-timeout attribute on the connection factory.

Setting the attribute to 0 will enable an infinite timeout.

16.8 A Note About NIO

Using NIO (see using-nio in Section 16.9, “IP Configuration Attributes”) avoids dedicating a thread to read from each socket. For a small number of sockets, you will likely find that not using NIO, together with an async handoff (e.g. to a QueueChannel), will perform as well as, or better than, using NIO.

Consider using NIO when handling a large number of connections. However, the use of NIO has some other ramifications. A pool of threads (in the task executor) is shared across all the sockets; each incoming message is assembled and sent to the configured channel as a separate unit of work on a thread selected from that pool. Two sequential messages arriving on the same socket might be processed by different threads. This means that the order in which the messages are sent to the channel is indeterminate; the strict ordering of the messages arriving on the socket is not maintained.

For some applications, this is not an issue; for others it is. If strict ordering is required, consider setting using-nio to false and using async handoff.

Alternatively, you may choose to insert a resequencer downstream of the inbound endpoint to return the messages to their proper sequence. Set apply-sequence to true on the connection factory, and messages arriving on a TCP connection will have sequenceNumber and correlationId headers set. The resequencer uses these headers to return the messages to their proper sequence.

Pool Size

When using NIO, it is important to understand how threads are used, in order set the pool-size appropriately. One thread from the pool is used to handle all socket events (e.g. data is ready to be read). This thread is not available for other tasks. When data are ready to be read, this thread dispatches the actual I/O to another thread from the pool, which reads from the channel and writes the data to a temporary buffer; if this read is the start of a new message, a third thread is used to read from that buffer to assemble the data into a message.

If there is not enough room in the temporary buffer to receive the newly read data, the reader thread will block until the assembler thread consumes some data. If the pool is exhausted, this will cause a deadlock, until another thread becomes available. The temporary buffer is currently 1024 bytes. In the simplest case, with one connection, and data greater than 1024 bytes, a pool-size of 2 will cause this deadlock to occur because a thread will never be made available.

For this reason, when using NIO, the pool-size should be set to a minimum of 3. This does not mean you have to reserve 2 threads for each socket because, aside from the selector thread, the threads in the pool are shared across all the connections. The actual pool-size needed will depend on a number of factors including the number of active connections, how much utilization there is on those connections, and how long message processing takes when a new message is received.

16.9 IP Configuration Attributes

Table 16.1. Connection Factory Attributes

Attribute NameClient?Server?Allowed ValuesAttribute Description
typeYYclient, serverDetermines whether the connection factory is a client or server.
hostYN The host name or ip address of the destination.
portYY The port.
serializerYY An implementation of Serializer used to serialize the payload. Defaults to ByteArrayCrLfSerializer
deserializerYY An implementation of Deserializer used to deserialize the payload. Defaults to ByteArrayCrLfSerializer
using-nioYYtrue, falseWhether or not connection uses NIO. Refer to the java.nio package for more information. See Section 16.8, “A Note About NIO”. Default false.
using-direct-buffersYNtrue, falseWhen using NIO, whether or not the connection uses direct buffers. Refer to java.nio.ByteBuffer documentation for more information. Must be false if using-nio is false.
apply-sequenceYYtrue, falseWhen using NIO, it may be necessary to resequence messages. When this attribute is set to true, correlationId and sequenceNumber headers will be added to received messages. See Section 16.8, “A Note About NIO”. Default false.
so-timeoutYY Defaults to 0 (infinity), except when the connection factory is used by collaborating adapters, and for server connection factories with single-use="true". In those cases, it defaults to the default reply timeout (10 seconds). See the section about collaborating adapters above and java.net.Socket. setSoTimeout().
so-send-buffer-sizeYY See java.net.Socket. setSendBufferSize().
so-receive-buffer- sizeYY See java.net.Socket. setReceiveBufferSize().
so-keep-aliveYYtrue, falseSee java.net.Socket. setKeepAlive().
so-lingerYY Sets linger to true with supplied value. See java.net.Socket. setSoLinger().
so-tcp-no-delayYYtrue, falseSee java.net.Socket. setTcpNoDelay().
so-traffic-classYY See java.net.Socket. setTrafficClass().
local-addressNY On a multi-homed system, specifies an IP address for the interface to which the socket will be bound.
task-executorYY  Specifies a specific Executor to be used for socket handling. If not supplied, an internal pooled executor will be used. Needed on some platforms that require the use of specific task executors such as a WorkManagerTaskExecutor. See pool-size for thread requirements, depending on other options.
single-useYYtrue, falseSpecifies whether a connection can be used for multiple messages. If true, a new connection will be used for each message.
pool-sizeYY Specifies the concurrency. For tcp, not using nio, specifies the number of concurrent connections supported by the adapter. For tcp, using nio, it should be set to a minimum of 3; see 'Pool Size' in Section 16.8, “A Note About NIO”. It only applies in this sense if task-executor is not configured. However, pool-size is also used for the server socket backlog, regardless of whether an external task executor is used. Defaults to 5.
lookup-hostYYtrue, false Specifies whether reverse lookups are done on IP addresses to convert to host names for use in message headers. If false, the IP address is used instead. Defaults to true.
interceptor-factory-chainYY See Section 16.4, “TCP Connection Interceptors”

Table 16.2. UDP Inbound Channel Adapter Attributes

Attribute NameAllowed ValuesAttribute Description
port The port on which the adapter listens.
multicasttrue, falseWhether or not the udp adapter uses multicast.
multicast-address When multicast is true, the multicast address to which the adapter joins.
pool-size Specifies the concurrency. Specifies how many packets can be handled concurrently. It only applies if task-executor is not configured. Defaults to 5.
task-executor  Specifies a specific Executor to be used for socket handling. If not supplied, an internal pooled executor will be used. Needed on some platforms that require the use of specific task executors such as a WorkManagerTaskExecutor. See pool-size for thread requirements.
receive-buffer-size The size of the buffer used to receive DatagramPackets. Usually set to the MTU size. If a smaller buffer is used than the size of the sent packet, truncation can occur. This can be detected by means of the check-length attribute..
check-lengthtrue, falseWhether or not a udp adapter expects a data length field in the packet received. Used to detect packet truncation.
so-timeout See java.net.DatagramSocket setSoTimeout() methods for more information.
so-send-buffer-size Used for udp acknowledgment packets. See java.net.DatagramSocket setSendBufferSize() methods for more information.
so-receive-buffer- size See java.net.DatagramSocket setReceiveBufferSize() for more information.
local-address On a multi-homed system, specifies an IP address for the interface to which the socket will be bound.
error-channel If an Exception is thrown by a downstream component, the MessagingException message containing the exception and failed message is sent to this channel.
lookup-hosttrue, false Specifies whether reverse lookups are done on IP addresses to convert to host names for use in message headers. If false, the IP address is used instead. Defaults to true.

Table 16.3. UDP Outbound Channel Adapter Attributes

Attribute NameAllowed ValuesAttribute Description
host The host name or ip address of the destination. For multicast udp adapters, the multicast address.
port The port on the destination.
multicasttrue, falseWhether or not the udp adapter uses multicast.
acknowledgetrue, falseWhether or not a udp adapter requires an acknowledgment from the destination. when enabled, requires setting the following 4 attributes.
ack-host When acknowledge is true, indicates the host or ip address to which the acknowledgment should be sent. Usually the current host, but may be different, for example when Network Address Transaction (NAT) is being used.
ack-port When acknowledge is true, indicates the port to which the acknowledgment should be sent. The adapter listens on this port for acknowledgments.
ack-timeout When acknowledge is true, indicates the time in milliseconds that the adapter will wait for an acknowledgment. If an acknowledgment is not received in time, the adapter will throw an exception.
min-acks-for- success Defaults to 1. For multicast adapters, you can set this to a larger value, requiring acknowledgments from multiple destinations.
check-lengthtrue, falseWhether or not a udp adapter includes a data length field in the packet sent to the destination.
time-to-live For multicast adapters, specifies the time to live attribute for the MulticastSocket; controls the scope of the multicasts. Refer to the Java API documentation for more information.
so-timeout See java.net.DatagramSocket setSoTimeout() methods for more information.
so-send-buffer-size See java.net.DatagramSocket setSendBufferSize() methods for more information.
so-receive-buffer- size Used for udp acknowledgment packets. See java.net.DatagramSocket setReceiveBufferSize() methods for more information.
local-address On a multi-homed system, for the UDP adapter, specifies an IP address for the interface to which the socket will be bound for reply messages. For a multicast adapter it is also used to determine which interface the multicast packets will be sent over.
task-executor  Specifies a specific Executor to be used for acknowledgment handling. If not supplied, an internal single threaded executor will be used. Needed on some platforms that require the use of specific task executors such as a WorkManagerTaskExecutor. One thread will be dedicated to handling acknowledgments (if the acknowledge option is true).

Table 16.4. TCP Inbound Channel Adapter Attributes

Attribute NameAllowed ValuesAttribute Description
channel The channel to which inbound messages will be sent.
connection-factory If the connection factory has a type 'server', the factory is 'owned' by this adapter. If it has a type 'client', it is 'owned' by an outbound channel adapter and this adapter will receive any incoming messages on the connection created by the outbound adapter.
error-channel If an Exception is thrown by a downstream component, the MessagingException message containing the exception and failed message is sent to this channel.
client-modetrue, false When true, the inbound adapter will act as a client, with respect to establishing the connection and then receive incoming messages on that connection. Default = false. Also see retry-interval and scheduler. The connection factory must be of type 'client' and have single-use set to false.
retry-interval  When in client-mode, specifies the number of milliseconds to wait between connection attempts, or after a connection failure. Default 60,000 (60 seconds).
schedulertrue, false Specifies a TaskScheduler to use for managing the client-mode connection. Defaults to a ThreadPoolTaskScheduler with a pool size of `.

Table 16.5. TCP Outbound Channel Adapter Attributes

Attribute NameAllowed ValuesAttribute Description
channel The channel on which outbound messages arrive.
connection-factory If the connection factory has a type 'client', the factory is 'owned' by this adapter. If it has a type 'server', it is 'owned' by an inbound channel adapter and this adapter will attempt to correlate messages to the connection on which an original inbound message was received.
client-modetrue, false When true, the outbound adapter will attempt to establish the connection as soon as it is started. When false, the connection is established when the first message is sent. Default = false. Also see retry-interval and scheduler. The connection factory must be of type 'client' and have single-use set to false.
retry-interval  When in client-mode, specifies the number of milliseconds to wait between connection attempts, or after a connection failure. Default 60,000 (60 seconds).
schedulertrue, false Specifies a TaskScheduler to use for managing the client-mode connection. Defaults to a ThreadPoolTaskScheduler with a pool size of `.

Table 16.6. TCP Inbound Gateway Attributes

Attribute NameAllowed ValuesAttribute Description
connection-factory The connection factory must be of type server.
request-channel The channel to which incoming messages will be sent.
reply-channel The channel on which reply messages may arrive. Usually replies will arrive on a temporary reply channel added to the inbound message header
reply-timeout The time in milliseconds for which the gateway will wait for a reply. Default 1000 (1 second).
error-channel If an Exception is thrown by a downstream component, the MessagingException message containing the exception and failed message is sent to this channel; any reply from that flow will then be returned as a response by the gateway.
client-modetrue, false When true, the inbound gateway will act as a client, with respect to establishing the connection and then receive (and reply to) incoming messages on that connection. Default = false. Also see retry-interval and scheduler. The connection factory must be of type 'client' and have single-use set to false.
retry-interval  When in client-mode, specifies the number of milliseconds to wait between connection attempts, or after a connection failure. Default 60,000 (60 seconds).
schedulertrue, false Specifies a TaskScheduler to use for managing the client-mode connection. Defaults to a ThreadPoolTaskScheduler with a pool size of `.

Table 16.7. TCP Outbound Gateway Attributes

Attribute NameAllowed ValuesAttribute Description
connection-factory The connection factory must be of type client.
request-channel The channel on which outgoing messages will arrive.
reply-channel Optional. The channel to which reply messages may be sent if the original outbound message did not contain a reply channel header.
reply-timeout The time in milliseconds for which the gateway will wait for a reply. Default: 10000 (10 seconds).
request-timeout If a single-use connection factory is not being used, The time in milliseconds for which the gateway will wait to get access to the shared connection.