Spring Integration

Package org.springframework.integration.jpa.config.xml

Provides parser classes to provide Xml namespace support for the Jpa components.


Class Summary
AbstractJpaOutboundGatewayParser The Abstract Parser for the JPA Outbound Gateways.
JpaInboundChannelAdapterParser The JPA Inbound Channel adapter parser
JpaNamespaceHandler The namespace handler for the JPA namespace
JpaOutboundChannelAdapterParser The parser for JPA outbound channel adapter
JpaParserUtils Contains various utility methods for parsing JPA Adapter specific namesspace elements and generation the respective BeanDefinitions.
RetrievingJpaOutboundGatewayParser The Parser for the Retrieving Jpa Outbound Gateway.
UpdatingJpaOutboundGatewayParser The Parser for Updating JPA Outbound Gateway.

Package org.springframework.integration.jpa.config.xml Description

Provides parser classes to provide Xml namespace support for the Jpa components.

Spring Integration