Spring Integration

Package org.springframework.integration.handler.advice

Provides classes that are used to advise MessageHandlers with cross-cutting concerns.


Interface Summary
AbstractRequestHandlerAdvice.ExecutionCallback Called by subclasses in doInvoke() to proceed() the invocation.
RetryStateGenerator Strategy interface for generating a RetryState instance based on a message.

Class Summary
AbstractRequestHandlerAdvice Base class for MessageHandler advice classes.
ErrorMessageSendingRecoverer RecoveryCallback that sends the final throwable as an ErrorMessage after retry exhaustion.
ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice Used to advise MessageHandlers.
RequestHandlerCircuitBreakerAdvice A circuit breaker that stops calling a failing service after threshold failures, until halfOpenAfter milliseconds has elapsed.
RequestHandlerRetryAdvice Uses spring-retry to perform stateless or stateful retry.
SpelExpressionRetryStateGenerator Creates a DefaultRetryState from a Message.

Exception Summary

Package org.springframework.integration.handler.advice Description

Provides classes that are used to advise MessageHandlers with cross-cutting concerns.

Spring Integration