Spring Integration

Package org.springframework.integration.store

Provides classes releated to storing messages.


Interface Summary
MessageGroup A group of messages that are correlated with each other and should be processed in the same context.
MessageGroupStore Interface for storage operations on groups of messages linked by a group id.
MessageGroupStore.MessageGroupCallback Invoked when a MessageGroupStore expires a group.
MessageStore Strategy interface for storing and retrieving messages.

Class Summary
AbstractKeyValueMessageStore Base class for implementations of Key/Value style MessageGroupStore and MessageStore
MessageGroupMetadata Immutable Value Object holding metadata about a MessageGroup.
MessageGroupQueue A BlockingQueue that is backed by a MessageGroupStore.
MessageGroupStoreReaper Convenient configurable component to allow explicit timed expiry of MessageGroup instances in a MessageGroupStore.
SimpleMessageGroup Represents a mutable group of correlated messages that is bound to a certain MessageStore and group id.
SimpleMessageStore Map-based in-memory implementation of MessageStore and MessageGroupStore.

Exception Summary
MessageStoreException Exception for problems that occur when using a MessageStore implementation.

Package org.springframework.integration.store Description

Provides classes releated to storing messages.

Spring Integration