The HTTP support allows for the execution of HTTP requests and the processing of inbound HTTP requests.
Because interaction over HTTP is always synchronous, even if all that is returned is a 200 status code, the HTTP support consists of two gateway implementations: HttpInboundEndpoint
and HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler
To receive messages over HTTP, you need to use an HTTP Inbound Channel Adapter or Gateway. To support the HTTP Inbound Adapters, they need to be deployed within a servlet container such as Apache Tomcat or Jetty. The easiest way to do this is to use Spring’s HttpRequestHandlerServlet, by providing the following servlet definition in the web.xml file:
<servlet> <servlet-name>inboundGateway</servlet-name> <servlet-class></servlet-class> </servlet>
Notice that the servlet name matches the bean name.
For more information on using the HttpRequestHandlerServlet
, see chapter "[Remoting and web services using Spring]", which is part of the Spring Framework Reference documentation.
If you are running within a Spring MVC application, then the aforementioned explicit servlet definition is not necessary. In that case, the bean name for your gateway can be matched against the URL path just like a Spring MVC Controller bean. For more information, please see the chapter "[Web MVC framework]", which is part of the Spring Framework Reference documentation.
![]() | Tip |
For a sample application and the corresponding configuration, please see the Spring Integration Samples repository. It contains the Http Sample application demonstrating Spring Integration’s HTTP support. |
Below is an example bean definition for a simple HTTP inbound endpoint.
<bean id="httpInbound" class="org.springframework.integration.http.inbound.HttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway"> <property name="requestChannel" ref="httpRequestChannel" /> <property name="replyChannel" ref="httpReplyChannel" /> </bean>
The HttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway
accepts a list of HttpMessageConverter
instances or else relies on a default list.
The converters allow customization of the mapping from HttpServletRequest
to Message
The default converters encapsulate simple strategies, which for example will create a String message for a POST request where the content type starts with "text", see the Javadoc for full details.
An additional flag (mergeWithDefaultConverters
) can be set along with the list of custom HttpMessageConverter
to add the default converters after the custom converters.
By default this flag is set to false, meaning that the custom converters replace the default list.
Starting with Spring Integration 2.0, MultiPart File support is implemented.
If the request has been wrapped as a MultipartHttpServletRequest, when using the default converters, that request will be converted to a Message payload that is a MultiValueMap containing values that may be byte arrays, Strings, or instances of Spring’s MultipartFile
depending on the content type of the individual parts.
![]() | Note |
The HTTP inbound Endpoint will locate a MultipartResolver in the context if one exists with the bean name "multipartResolver" (the same name expected by Spring’s DispatcherServlet). If it does in fact locate that bean, then the support for MultipartFiles will be enabled on the inbound request mapper. Otherwise, it will fail when trying to map a multipart-file request to a Spring Integration Message. For more on Spring’s support for MultipartResolvers, refer to the Spring Reference Manual. |
![]() | Note |
If you wish to proxy a <int-http:inbound-gateway channel="receiveChannel" path="/inboundAdapter.htm" request-payload-type="byte[]" message-converters="converters" merge-with-default-converters="false" supported-methods="POST" /> <util:list id="converters"> <beans:bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.ByteArrayHttpMessageConverter" /> <beans:bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter" /> <beans:bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter" /> </util:list> |
In sending a response to the client there are a number of ways to customize the behavior of the gateway.
By default the gateway will simply acknowledge that the request was received by sending a 200 status code back.
It is possible to customize this response by providing a viewName to be resolved by the Spring MVC ViewResolver
In the case that the gateway should expect a reply to the Message
then setting the expectReply
flag (constructor argument) will cause the gateway to wait for a reply Message
before creating an HTTP response.
Below is an example of a gateway configured to serve as a Spring MVC Controller with a view name.
Because of the constructor arg value of TRUE, it wait for a reply.
This also shows how to customize the HTTP methods accepted by the gateway, which are POST and GET by default.
<bean id="httpInbound" class="org.springframework.integration.http.inbound.HttpRequestHandlingController"> <constructor-arg value="true" /> <!-- indicates that a reply is expected --> <property name="requestChannel" ref="httpRequestChannel" /> <property name="replyChannel" ref="httpReplyChannel" /> <property name="viewName" value="jsonView" /> <property name="supportedMethodNames" > <list> <value>GET</value> <value>DELETE</value> </list> </property> </bean>
The reply message will be available in the Model map. The key that is used for that map entry by default is reply, but this can be overridden by setting the replyKey property on the endpoint’s configuration.
To configure the HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler
write a bean definition like this:
<bean id="httpOutbound" class="org.springframework.integration.http.outbound.HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler"> <constructor-arg value="http://localhost:8080/example" /> <property name="outputChannel" ref="responseChannel" /> </bean>
This bean definition will execute HTTP requests by delegating to a RestTemplate
That template in turn delegates to a list of HttpMessageConverters to generate the HTTP request body from the Message payload.
You can configure those converters as well as the ClientHttpRequestFactory instance to use:
<bean id="httpOutbound" class="org.springframework.integration.http.outbound.HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler"> <constructor-arg value="http://localhost:8080/example" /> <property name="outputChannel" ref="responseChannel" /> <property name="messageConverters" ref="messageConverterList" /> <property name="requestFactory" ref="customRequestFactory" /> </bean>
By default the HTTP request will be generated using an instance of SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory
which uses the JDK HttpURLConnection
Use of the Apache Commons HTTP Client is also supported through the provided CommonsClientHttpRequestFactory
which can be injected as shown above.
![]() | Note |
In the case of the Outbound Gateway, the reply message produced by the gateway will contain all Message Headers present in the request message. |
Basic cookie support is provided by the transfer-cookies attribute on the outbound gateway. When set to true (default is false), a Set-Cookie header received from the server in a response will be converted to Cookie in the reply message. This header will then be used on subsequent sends. This enables simple stateful interactions, such as…
If transfer-cookies is false, any Set-Cookie header received will remain as Set-Cookie in the reply message, and will be dropped on subsequent sends.
![]() | Note: Empty Repsonse Bodies |
HTTP is a request/response protocol.
However the response may not have a body, just headers.
In this case, the |
![]() | Note: expected-response-type |
Further to the note above regarding empty response bodies, if a response does contain a body, you must provide an appropriate |
Spring Integration provides an http namespace and the corresponding schema definition. To include it in your configuration, simply provide the following namespace declaration in your application context configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:int="" xmlns:int-http="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> ... </beans>
The XML Namespace provides two components for handling HTTP Inbound requests. In order to process requests without returning a dedicated response, use the inbound-channel-adapter:
<int-http:inbound-channel-adapter id="httpChannelAdapter" channel="requests" supported-methods="PUT, DELETE"/>
To process requests that do expect a response, use an inbound-gateway:
<int-http:inbound-gateway id="inboundGateway" request-channel="requests" reply-channel="responses"/>
![]() | Note |
Spring Integration 3.0 is improving the REST support by introducing the IntegrationRequestMappingHandlerMapping. The implementation relies on the enhanced REST support provided by Spring Framework 3.1 or higher. |
The parsing of the HTTP Inbound Gateway or the HTTP Inbound Channel Adapter registers an integrationRequestMappingHandlerMapping
bean of type IntegrationRequestMappingHandlerMapping, in case there is none registered, yet.
This particular implementation of the HandlerMapping
delegates its logic to the RequestMappingInfoHandlerMapping
The implementation provides similar functionality as the one provided by the org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping
annotation in Spring MVC.
![]() | Note |
For more information, please see Mapping Requests With @RequestMapping. |
For this purpose, Spring Integration 3.0 introduces the <request-mapping>
This optional sub-element can be added to the <http:inbound-channel-adapter>
and the <http:inbound-gateway>
It works in conjunction with the path
and supported-methods
<inbound-gateway id="inboundController" request-channel="requests" reply-channel="responses" path="/foo/{fooId}" supported-methods="GET" view-name="foo" error-code="oops"> <request-mapping headers="User-Agent" params="myParam=myValue" consumes="application/json" produces="!text/plain"/> </inbound-gateway>
Based on this configuration, the namespace parser creates an instance of the IntegrationRequestMappingHandlerMapping
(if none exists, yet), a HttpRequestHandlingController
bean and associated with it an instance of RequestMapping
, which in turn, is converted to the Spring MVC RequestMappingInfo
The <request-mapping>
sub-element provides the following attributes:
With the path
and supported-methods
attributes of the <http:inbound-channel-adapter>
or the <http:inbound-gateway>
, <request-mapping>
attributes translate directly into the respective options provided by the org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping
annotation in Spring MVC.
The <request-mapping>
sub-element allows you to configure several Spring Integration HTTP Inbound Endpoints to the same path
(or even the same supported-methods
) and to provide different downstream message flows based on incoming HTTP requests.
Alternatively, you can also declare just one HTTP Inbound Endpoint and apply routing and filtering logic within the Spring Integration flow to achieve the same result.
This allows you to get the Message
into the flow as early as possibly, e.g.:
<int-http:inbound-gateway request-channel="httpMethodRouter" supported-methods="GET,DELETE" path="/process/{entId}" payload-expression="#pathVariables.entId"/> <int:router input-channel="httpMethodRouter" expression="headers.http_requestMethod"> <int:mapping value="GET" channel="in1"/> <int:mapping value="DELETE" channel="in2"/> </int:router> <int:service-activator input-channel="in1" ref="service" method="getEntity"/> <int:service-activator input-channel="in2" ref="service" method="delete"/>
For more information regarding Handler Mappings, please see: Handler Mappings.
Starting with version 4.2 the <http:inbound-channel-adapter>
and <http:inbound-gateway>
can be configured with
a <cross-origin>
It represents the same options as Spring MVC’s @CrossOrigin
for @Controller
and allows the configuration of Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for Spring Integration HTTP endpoints:
- List of allowed origins.
means that all origins are allowed.
These values are placed in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header of both the pre-flight
and actual responses.
Default value is *
- Indicates which request headers can be used during the actual request.
means that all headers asked by the client are allowed.
This property controls the value of the pre-flight response’s Access-Control-Allow-Headers
Default value is *
- List of response headers that the user-agent will allow the client to access.
This property controls the value of the actual response’s Access-Control-Expose-Headers
- The HTTP request methods to allow: GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, TRACE.
Methods specified here overrides those in supported-methods
- Set to true
if the the browser should include any cookies associated to the domain
of the request, or false
if it should not.
Empty string "" means undefined.
If true
, the pre-flight response will include the header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials=true
Default value is true
- Controls the cache duration for pre-flight responses.
Setting this to a reasonable value can reduce the number of pre-flight request/response interactions required by
the browser.
This property controls the value of the Access-Control-Max-Age
header in the pre-flight response.
A value of -1
means undefined.
Default value is 1800 seconds, or 30 minutes.
The CORS Java Configuration is represented by the org.springframework.integration.http.inbound.CrossOrigin
instances of which can be injected to the HttpRequestHandlingEndpointSupport
Starting with version 4.1 the <http:inbound-channel-adapter>
can be configured with a status-code-expression
to override the default 200 OK
The expression must return an object which can be converted to an org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
enum value.
The evaluationContext
has a BeanResolver
but no variables, so the usage of this attribute is somewhat limited.
An example might be to resolve, at runtime, some scoped Bean that returns a status code value but, most likely, it will be set to a fixed value such as status-code=expression="204"
(No Content), or status-code-expression="T(org.springframework.http.HttpStatus).NO_CONTENT"
By default, status-code-expression
is null meaning that the normal 200 OK response status will be returned.
<http:inbound-channel-adapter id="inboundController" channel="requests" view-name="foo" error-code="oops" status-code-expression="T(org.springframework.http.HttpStatus).ACCEPTED"> <request-mapping headers="BAR"/> </http:inbound-channel-adapter>
The <http:inbound-gateway>
resolves the status code from the http_statusCode
header of the reply Message.
Starting with version 4.2, the default response status code when no reply is received within the reply-timeout
is 500 Internal Server Error
There are two ways to modify this behavior:
- this has the same semantics as the status-code-expression
on the
inbound adapter.
and return an appropriate message with an http status code header, such as…
<int:chain input-channel="errors"> <int:header-enricher> <int:header name="http_statusCode" value="504" /> </int:header-enricher> <int:transformer expression="payload.message" /> </int:chain>
The payload of the ErrorMessage
is a MessageTimeoutException
; it must be transformed to something that can be
converted by the gateway, such as a String
; a good candidate is the exception’s message property, which is the
value used when using the expression technique.
If the error flow times out after a main flow timeout, 500 Internal Server Error
is returned, or the
is evaluated, if present.
![]() | Note |
previously, the default status code for a timeout was |
By Using the path attribute in conjunction with the payload-expression attribute as well as the header sub-element, you have a high degree of flexibility for mapping inbound request data.
In the following example configuration, an Inbound Channel Adapter is configured to accept requests using the following URI: /first-name/{firstName}/last-name/{lastName}
Using the payload-expression attribute, the URI template variable {firstName} is mapped to be the Message payload, while the {lastName} URI template variable will map to the lname Message header.
<int-http:inbound-channel-adapter id="inboundAdapterWithExpressions" path="/first-name/{firstName}/last-name/{lastName}" channel="requests" payload-expression="#pathVariables.firstName"> <int-http:header name="lname" expression="#pathVariables.lastName"/> </int-http:inbound-channel-adapter>
For more information about URI template variables, please see the Spring Reference Manual: uri template patterns.
Since Spring Integration 3.0, in addition to the existing #pathVariables
and #requestParams
variables being available in payload and header expressions, other useful variables have been added.
The entire list of available expression variables:
from the ServletRequest
from URI Template placeholders and their values;
of MultiValueMap
according to Spring MVC Specification.
Note, #matrixVariables require Spring MVC 3.2 or higher;
associated with the current Request;
object from the current Request;
Map<String, Cookie>
of javax.servlet.http.Cookie
s from the current Request.
Note, all these values (and others) can be accessed within expressions in the downstream message flow via the ThreadLocal
variable, if that message flow is single-threaded and lives within the request thread:
<int-:transformer expression="T(org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder). requestAttributes.request.queryString"/>
To configure the outbound gateway you can use the namespace support as well.
The following code snippet shows the different configuration options for an outbound Http gateway.
Most importantly, notice that the http-method and expected-response-type are provided.
Those are two of the most commonly configured values.
The default http-method is POST, and the default response type is null.
With a null response type, the payload of the reply Message would contain the ResponseEntity as long as it’s http status is a success (non-successful status codes will throw Exceptions).
If you are expecting a different type, such as a String
, then provide that fully-qualified class name as shown below.
See also the note about empty response bodies in Section 17.3, “Http Outbound Gateway”.
![]() | Important |
Beginning with Spring Integration 2.1 the request-timeout attribute of the HTTP Outbound Gateway was renamed to reply-timeout to better reflect the intent. |
<int-http:outbound-gateway id="example" request-channel="requests" url="http://localhost/test" http-method="POST" extract-request-payload="false" expected-response-type="java.lang.String" charset="UTF-8" request-factory="requestFactory" reply-timeout="1234" reply-channel="replies"/>
![]() | Important |
Since Spring Integration 2.2, Java serialization over HTTP is no longer enabled by default.
Previously, when setting the However, because this could cause incompatibility with existing applications, it was decided to no longer automatically add this converter to the HTTP endpoints.
If you wish to use Java serialization, you will need to add the |
Beginning with Spring Integration 2.2 you can also determine the HTTP Method dynamically using SpEL and the http-method-expression attribute.
Note that this attribute is obviously murually exclusive with http-method You can also use expected-response-type-expression
attribute instead of expected-response-type
and provide any valid SpEL expression that determines the type of the response.
<int-http:outbound-gateway id="example" request-channel="requests" url="http://localhost/test" http-method-expression="headers.httpMethod" extract-request-payload="false" expected-response-type-expression="payload" charset="UTF-8" request-factory="requestFactory" reply-timeout="1234" reply-channel="replies"/>
If your outbound adapter is to be used in a unidirectional way, then you can use an outbound-channel-adapter instead. This means that a successful response will simply execute without sending any Messages to a reply channel. In the case of any non-successful response status code, it will throw an exception. The configuration looks very similar to the gateway:
<int-http:outbound-channel-adapter id="example" url="http://localhost/example" http-method="GET" channel="requests" charset="UTF-8" extract-payload="false" expected-response-type="java.lang.String" request-factory="someRequestFactory" order="3" auto-startup="false"/>
![]() | Note |
To specify the URL; you can use either the url attribute or the url-expression attribute. The url is a simple string (with placedholders for URI variables, as described below); the url-expression is a SpEL expression, with the Message as the root object, enabling dynamic urls. The url resulting from the expression evaluation can still have placeholders for URI variables. In previous releases, some users used the place holders to replace the entire URL with a URI variable. Changes in Spring 3.1 can cause some issues with escaped characters, such as ?. For this reason, it is recommended that if you wish to generate the URL entirely at runtime, you use the url-expression attribute. |
If your URL contains URI variables, you can map them using the uri-variable
This sub-element is available for the Http Outbound Gateway and the Http Outbound Channel Adapter.
<int-http:outbound-gateway id="trafficGateway" url="{zipCode}" request-channel="trafficChannel" http-method="GET" expected-response-type="java.lang.String"> <int-http:uri-variable name="zipCode" expression="payload.getZip()"/> </int-http:outbound-gateway>
The uri-variable
sub-element defines two attributes: name
and expression
The name
attribute identifies the name of the URI variable, while the expression
attribute is used to set the actual value.
Using the expression
attribute, you can leverage the full power of the Spring Expression Language (SpEL) which gives you full dynamic access to the message payload and the message headers.
For example, in the above configuration the getZip()
method will be invoked on the payload object of the Message and the result of that method will be used as the value for the URI variable named zipCode.
Since Spring Integration 3.0, HTTP Outbound Endpoints support the uri-variables-expression
attribute to specify an Expression
which should be evaluated, resulting in a Map
for all URI variable placeholders within the URL template.
It provides a mechanism whereby different variable expressions can be used, based on the outbound message.
This attribute is mutually exclusive with the <uri-variable/>
<int-http:outbound-gateway url="{foo}/bars/{bar}" request-channel="trafficChannel" http-method="GET" uri-variables-expression="@uriVariablesBean.populate(payload)" expected-response-type="java.lang.String"/>
where uriVariablesBean
might be:
public class UriVariablesBean { private static final ExpressionParser EXPRESSION_PARSER = new SpelExpressionParser(); public Map<String, ?> populate(Object payload) { Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (payload instanceOf String.class)) { variables.put("foo", "foo")); } else { variables.put("foo", EXPRESSION_PARSER.parseExpression("")); } return variables; } }
![]() | Note |
The |
By default, the URL string is encoded (see UriComponentsBuilder) to the URI object before sending the request.
In some scenarios with a non-standard URI (e.g.
the RabbitMQ Rest API) it is undesirable to perform the encoding.
The <http:outbound-gateway/>
and <http:outbound-channel-adapter/>
provide an encode-uri
To disable encoding the URL, this attribute should be set to false
(by default it is true
If you wish to partially encode some of the URL, this can be achieved using an expression
within a <uri-variable/>
<http:outbound-gateway url="http://somehost/%2f/fooApps?bar={param}" encode-uri="false"> <http:uri-variable name="param" expression="T(org.apache.commons.httpclient.util.URIUtil) .encodeWithinQuery('Hello World!')"/> </http:outbound-gateway>
In the context of HTTP components, there are two timing areas that have to be considered.
Timeouts when interacting with Spring Integration Channels
Timeouts when interacting with a remote HTTP server
First, the components interact with Message Channels, for which timeouts can be specified. For example, an HTTP Inbound Gateway will forward messages received from connected HTTP Clients to a Message Channel (Request Timeout) and consequently the HTTP Inbound Gateway will receive a reply Message from the Reply Channel (Reply Timeout) that will be used to generate the HTTP Response. Please see the figure below for an illustration.
For outbound endpoints, the second thing to consider is timing while interacting with the remote server.
You may want to configure the HTTP related timeout behavior, when making active HTTP requests using the HTTP Oubound Gateway or the HTTP Outbound Channel Adapter. In those instances, these two components use Spring’s[RestTemplate] support to execute HTTP requests.
In order to configure timeouts for the HTTP Oubound Gateway and the HTTP Outbound Channel Adapter, you can either reference a RestTemplate
bean directly, using the rest-template attribute, or you can provide a reference to a ClientHttpRequestFactory bean using the request-factory attribute.
Spring provides the following implementations of the ClientHttpRequestFactory
SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory - Uses standard J2SE facilities for making HTTP Requests
HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory - Uses Apache HttpComponents HttpClient (Since Spring 3.1)
ClientHttpRequestFactory - Uses Jakarta Commons HttpClient (Deprecated as of Spring 3.1)
If you don’t explicitly configure the request-factory or rest-template attribute respectively, then a default RestTemplate which uses a SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory
will be instantiated.
![]() | Note |
With some JVM implementations, the handling of timeouts using the URLConnection class may not be consistent. E.g. from the Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 6 API Specification on setConnectTimeout: [quote] Some non-standard implmentation of this method may ignore the specified timeout. To see the connect timeout set, please call getConnectTimeout(). Please test your timeouts if you have specific needs.
Consider using the |
![]() | Important |
When using the Apache HttpComponents HttpClient with a Pooling Connection Manager, be aware that, by default, the connection manager will create no more than 2 concurrent connections per given route and no more than 20 connections in total. For many real-world applications these limits may prove too constraining. Refer to the Apache documentation (link above) for information about configuring this important component. |
Here is an example of how to configure an HTTP Outbound Gateway using a SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory
, configured with connect and read timeouts of 5 seconds respectively:
<int-http:outbound-gateway url="{city}" http-method="GET" expected-response-type="java.lang.String" request-factory="requestFactory" request-channel="requestChannel" reply-channel="replyChannel"> <int-http:uri-variable name="city" expression="payload"/> </int-http:outbound-gateway> <bean id="requestFactory" class="org.springframework.http.client.SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory"> <property name="connectTimeout" value="5000"/> <property name="readTimeout" value="5000"/> </bean>
HTTP Outbound Gateway
For the HTTP Outbound Gateway, the XML Schema defines only the reply-timeout.
The reply-timeout maps to the sendTimeout property of the org.springframework.integration.http.outbound.HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler class.
More precisely, the property is set on the extended AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler
class, which ultimatelly sets the property on the MessagingTemplate.
The value of the sendTimeout property defaults to "-1" and will be applied to the connected MessageChannel
This means, that depending on the implementation, the Message Channel’s_send_ method may block indefinitely.
Furthermore, the sendTimeout property is only used, when the actual MessageChannel implementation has a blocking send (such as full bounded QueueChannel).
HTTP Inbound Gateway
For the HTTP Inbound Gateway, the XML Schema defines the request-timeout attribute, which will be used to set the requestTimeout property on the HttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway
class (on the extended MessagingGatewaySupport class).
Secondly, the_reply-timeout_ attribute exists and it maps to the replyTimeout property on the same class.
The default for both timeout properties is "1000ms".
Ultimately, the request-timeout property will be used to set the sendTimeout on the used MessagingTemplate
The replyTimeout property on the other hand, will be used to set the receiveTimeout property on the used MessagingTemplate
![]() | Tip |
In order to simulate connection timeouts, connect to a non-routable IP address, for example |
If you are behind a proxy and need to configure proxy settings for HTTP outbound adapters and/or gateways, you can apply one of two approaches. In most cases, you can rely on the standard Java System Properties that control the proxy settings. Otherwise, you can explicitly configure a Spring bean for the HTTP client request factory instance.
Standard Java Proxy configuration
There are 3 System Properties you can set to configure the proxy settings that will be used by the HTTP protocol handler:
And for HTTPS:
For more information please refer to this document:
Spring’s SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory
If for any reason, you need more explicit control over the proxy configuration, you can use Spring’s SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory
and configure its proxy property as such:
<bean id="requestFactory" class="org.springframework.http.client.SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory"> <property name="proxy"> <bean id="proxy" class=""> <constructor-arg> <util:constant static-field=""/> </constructor-arg> <constructor-arg> <bean class=""> <constructor-arg value=""/> <constructor-arg value="8080"/> </bean> </constructor-arg> </bean> </property> </bean>
Spring Integration provides support for Http Header mapping for both HTTP Request and HTTP Responses.
By default all standard Http Headers as defined here will be mapped from the message to HTTP request/response headers without further configuration. However if you do need further customization you may provide additional configuration via convenient namespace support. You can provide a comma-separated list of header names, and you can also include simple patterns with the * character acting as a wildcard. If you do provide such values, it will override the default behavior. Basically, it assumes you are in complete control at that point. However, if you do want to include all of the standard HTTP headers, you can use the shortcut patterns: HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS and HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADERS. Here are some examples:
<int-http:outbound-gateway id="httpGateway" url="http://localhost/test2" mapped-request-headers="foo, bar" mapped-response-headers="X-*, HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADERS" channel="someChannel"/> <int-http:outbound-channel-adapter id="httpAdapter" url="http://localhost/test2" mapped-request-headers="foo, bar, HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS" channel="someChannel"/>
The adapters and gateways will use the DefaultHttpHeaderMapper
which now provides two static factory methods for "inbound" and "outbound" adapters so that the proper direction can be applied (mapping HTTP requests/responses IN/OUT as appropriate).
If further customization is required you can also configure a DefaultHttpHeaderMapper
independently and inject it into the adapter via the header-mapper
<int-http:outbound-gateway id="httpGateway" url="http://localhost/test2" header-mapper="headerMapper" channel="someChannel"/> <bean id="headerMapper" class=""> <property name="inboundHeaderNames" value="foo*, *bar, baz"/> <property name="outboundHeaderNames" value="a*b, d"/> </bean>
Of course, you can even implement the HeaderMapper strategy interface directly and provide a reference to that if you need to do something other than what the DefaultHttpHeaderMapper
This example demonstrates how simple it is to send a Multipart HTTP request via Spring’s RestTemplate and receive it with a Spring Integration HTTP Inbound Adapter.
All we are doing is creating a MultiValueMap
and populating it with multi-part data.
The RestTemplate
will take care of the rest (no pun intended) by converting it to a MultipartHttpServletRequest
. This particular client will send a multipart HTTP Request which contains the name of the company as well as an image file with the company logo.
RestTemplate template = new RestTemplate(); String uri = "http://localhost:8080/multipart-http/inboundAdapter.htm"; Resource s2logo = new ClassPathResource("org/springframework/samples/multipart/spring09_logo.png"); MultiValueMap map = new LinkedMultiValueMap(); map.add("company", "SpringSource"); map.add("company-logo", s2logo); HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.setContentType(new MediaType("multipart", "form-data")); HttpEntity request = new HttpEntity(map, headers); ResponseEntity<?> httpResponse =, HttpMethod.POST, request, null);
That is all for the client.
On the server side we have the following configuration:
<int-http:inbound-channel-adapter id="httpInboundAdapter" channel="receiveChannel" path="/inboundAdapter.htm" supported-methods="GET, POST"/> <int:channel id="receiveChannel"/> <int:service-activator input-channel="receiveChannel"> <bean class="org.springframework.integration.samples.multipart.MultipartReceiver"/> </int:service-activator> <bean id="multipartResolver" class="org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver"/>
The httpInboundAdapter will receive the request, convert it to a Message
with a payload that is a LinkedMultiValueMap
We then are parsing that in the multipartReceiver service-activator;
public void receive(LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object> multipartRequest){ System.out.println("### Successfully received multipart request ###"); for (String elementName : multipartRequest.keySet()) { if (elementName.equals("company")){ System.out.println("\t" + elementName + " - " + ((String[]) multipartRequest.getFirst("company"))[0]); } else if (elementName.equals("company-logo")){ System.out.println("\t" + elementName + " - as UploadedMultipartFile: " + ((UploadedMultipartFile) multipartRequest .getFirst("company-logo")).getOriginalFilename()); } } }
You should see the following output:
### Successfully received multipart request ### company - SpringSource company-logo - as UploadedMultipartFile: spring09_logo.png