Class ZeroMqMessageHandlerSpec

All Implemented Interfaces:
Aware, BeanClassLoaderAware, BeanFactoryAware, DisposableBean, FactoryBean<ReactiveMessageHandlerAdapter>, InitializingBean, Lifecycle, Phased, SmartLifecycle, ComponentsRegistration

public class ZeroMqMessageHandlerSpec
extends ReactiveMessageHandlerSpec<ZeroMqMessageHandlerSpec,​ZeroMqMessageHandler>
Artem Bilan
  • Constructor Details

    • ZeroMqMessageHandlerSpec

      protected ZeroMqMessageHandlerSpec​(org.zeromq.ZContext context, String connectUrl)
      Create an instance based on the provided ZContext and connection string.
      context - the ZContext to use for creating sockets.
      connectUrl - the URL to connect the socket to.
    • ZeroMqMessageHandlerSpec

      protected ZeroMqMessageHandlerSpec​(org.zeromq.ZContext context, String connectUrl, org.zeromq.SocketType socketType)
      Create an instance based on the provided ZContext, connection string and SocketType.
      context - the ZContext to use for creating sockets.
      connectUrl - the URL to connect the socket to.
      socketType - the SocketType to use; only SocketType.PAIR, SocketType.PUB and SocketType.PUSH are supported.
  • Method Details