Annotation Interface EnableIntegrationMBeanExport

@Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented @Import(IntegrationMBeanExportConfiguration.class) public @interface EnableIntegrationMBeanExport
Enables default exporting for Spring Integration components in an existing application, as well as well all @ManagedResource annotated beans.

The resulting IntegrationMBeanExporter bean is defined under the name integrationMbeanExporter. Alternatively, consider defining a custom IntegrationMBeanExporter bean explicitly.

This annotation is modeled after and functionally equivalent to Spring Integration XML's <int-jmx:mbean-export/> element.

Artem Bilan, Gary Russell
  • Optional Element Summary Link icon

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The default domain to use when generating JMX ObjectNames.
    A list of simple patterns for component names to register (defaults to '*').
    The policy to use when attempting to register an MBean under an ObjectName that already exists.
    The bean name of the MBeanServer to which MBeans should be exported.
  • Element Details

    • defaultDomain Link icon

      String defaultDomain
      The default domain to use when generating JMX ObjectNames. Supports property placeholders (e.g. ${project.domain}).
      the domain.
    • server Link icon

      String server
      The bean name of the MBeanServer to which MBeans should be exported. Default is to use the platform's default MBeanServer. Supports property placeholders (e.g. ${project.mbeanServer}) and SpEL expression (e.g. #{mbeanServer}).
      the server.
    • registration Link icon

      RegistrationPolicy registration
      The policy to use when attempting to register an MBean under an ObjectName that already exists. Defaults to RegistrationPolicy.FAIL_ON_EXISTING.
      the registration policy.
    • managedComponents Link icon

      String[] managedComponents
      A list of simple patterns for component names to register (defaults to '*'). The pattern is applied to all components before they are registered, looking for a match on the 'name' property of the ObjectName. A MessageChannel and a MessageHandler (for instance) can share a name because they have a different type, so in that case they would either both be included or both excluded. Since version 4.2, a leading '!' negates the pattern match ('!foo*' means don't export components where the name matches the pattern 'foo*'). For components with names that match multiple patterns, the first pattern wins. Supports property placeholders (e.g. $ managed.components}). Can be applied for each element.
      the patterns.