Class AbstractMessageGroupStore

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<MessageGroup>, BasicMessageGroupStore, MessageGroupStore
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractConfigurableMongoDbMessageStore, AbstractKeyValueMessageStore, JdbcMessageStore, MongoDbMessageStore, SimpleMessageStore

@ManagedResource public abstract class AbstractMessageGroupStore extends AbstractBatchingMessageGroupStore implements MessageGroupStore, Iterable<MessageGroup>
Dave Syer, Oleg Zhurakousky, Gary Russell, Artem Bilan, Christian Tzolov
  • Field Details Link icon

    • logger Link icon

      protected final Log logger
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • AbstractMessageGroupStore Link icon

      protected AbstractMessageGroupStore()
    • AbstractMessageGroupStore Link icon

      protected AbstractMessageGroupStore(boolean lazyLoadMessageGroups)
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getMessageGroupFactory Link icon

      protected MessageGroupFactory getMessageGroupFactory()
      getMessageGroupFactory in class AbstractBatchingMessageGroupStore
    • setExpiryCallbacks Link icon

      public void setExpiryCallbacks(Collection<MessageGroupStore.MessageGroupCallback> expiryCallbacks)
      Convenient injection point for expiry callbacks in the message store. Each of the callbacks provided will simply be registered with the store using registerMessageGroupExpiryCallback(MessageGroupCallback).
      expiryCallbacks - the expiry callbacks to add
    • isTimeoutOnIdle Link icon

      public boolean isTimeoutOnIdle()
    • setTimeoutOnIdle Link icon

      public void setTimeoutOnIdle(boolean timeoutOnIdle)
      Allows you to override the rule for the timeout calculation. Typical timeout is based from the time the MessageGroup was created. If you want the timeout to be based on the time the MessageGroup was idling (e.g., inactive from the last update) invoke this method with 'true'. Default is 'false'.
      timeoutOnIdle - The boolean.
    • setLazyLoadMessageGroups Link icon

      public void setLazyLoadMessageGroups(boolean lazyLoadMessageGroups)
      Specify if the result of the BasicMessageGroupStore.getMessageGroup(Object) should be wrapped to the PersistentMessageGroup - a lazy-load proxy for messages in group Defaults to true.

      The target logic is based on the SimpleMessageGroupFactory.GroupType.PERSISTENT.

      lazyLoadMessageGroups - the boolean flag to use.
    • registerMessageGroupExpiryCallback Link icon

      public void registerMessageGroupExpiryCallback(MessageGroupStore.MessageGroupCallback callback)
      Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
      Register a callback for when a message group is expired through MessageGroupStore.expireMessageGroups(long).
      Specified by:
      registerMessageGroupExpiryCallback in interface MessageGroupStore
      callback - A callback to execute when a message group is cleaned up.
    • expireMessageGroups Link icon

      @ManagedOperation public int expireMessageGroups(long timeout)
      Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
      Extract all expired groups (whose timestamp is older than the current time less the threshold provided) and call each of the registered callbacks on them in turn. For example: call with a timeout of 100 to expire all groups that were created more than 100 milliseconds ago, and are not yet complete. Use a timeout of 0 (or negative to be on the safe side) to expire all message groups.
      Specified by:
      expireMessageGroups in interface MessageGroupStore
      timeout - the timeout threshold to use
      the number of message groups expired
      See Also:
    • copy Link icon

      protected MessageGroup copy(MessageGroup group)
      Used by expireMessageGroups. We need to return a snapshot of the group at the time the reaper runs, so we can properly detect if the group changed between now and the attempt to expire the group. Not necessary for persistent stores, so the default behavior is to just return the group.
      group - The group.
      The group, or a copy.
    • getMessageCountForAllMessageGroups Link icon

      @ManagedAttribute public int getMessageCountForAllMessageGroups()
      Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
      Optional attribute giving the number of messages in the store over all groups. Implementations may decline to respond by throwing an exception.
      Specified by:
      getMessageCountForAllMessageGroups in interface MessageGroupStore
      the number of messages
    • getMessageGroupCount Link icon

      @ManagedAttribute public int getMessageGroupCount()
      Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
      Optional attribute giving the number of message groups. Implementations may decline to respond by throwing an exception.
      Specified by:
      getMessageGroupCount in interface MessageGroupStore
      the number message groups
    • getGroupMetadata Link icon

      public MessageGroupMetadata getGroupMetadata(Object groupId)
      Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
      Obtain the group metadata without fetching any messages; must supply all other group properties; may include the id of the first message.
      Specified by:
      getGroupMetadata in interface MessageGroupStore
      groupId - The group id.
      The metadata.
    • removeMessagesFromGroup Link icon

      public void removeMessagesFromGroup(Object key, Message<?>... messages)
      Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
      Persist the deletion of messages from the group.
      Specified by:
      removeMessagesFromGroup in interface MessageGroupStore
      key - The groupId for the group containing the message(s).
      messages - The messages to be removed.
    • addMessageToGroup Link icon

      public MessageGroup addMessageToGroup(Object groupId, Message<?> message)
      Description copied from interface: BasicMessageGroupStore
      Store a message with an association to a group id. This can be used to group messages together.
      Specified by:
      addMessageToGroup in interface BasicMessageGroupStore
      groupId - The group id to store the message under.
      message - A message.
      The message group.