Class ThreadStatePropagationChannelInterceptor<S>

Type Parameters:
S - the propagated state object type.
All Implemented Interfaces:
ChannelInterceptor, ExecutorChannelInterceptor

public abstract class ThreadStatePropagationChannelInterceptor<S> extends Object implements ExecutorChannelInterceptor
The ExecutorChannelInterceptor implementation responsible for the Thread (any?) state propagation from one message flow's thread to another through the MessageChannels involved in the flow.

The propagation is done from the preSend(Message, MessageChannel) implementation using some internal Message extension which keeps the message to send and the state to propagate.

The propagated state context extraction and population is done from the postReceive(org.springframework.messaging.Message<?>, org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel) implementation for the PollableChannels, and from the beforeHandle(org.springframework.messaging.Message<?>, org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel, org.springframework.messaging.MessageHandler) for the AbstractExecutorChannels and ExecutorSubscribableChannels

Important. Any further interceptor, which modifies the message to send (e.g. MessageBuilder.withPayload(...), may drop the state to propagate. Such kind of interceptors combination should be revised properly. In most cases the interceptors reordering is enough to overcome the issue.

Artem Bilan, Gary Russell