
fun channel(messageChannelName: String)

Populate a MessageChannelReference instance at the current IntegrationFlow chain position. The provided messageChannelName is used for the bean registration (, if there is no such a bean in the application context. Otherwise, the existing MessageChannel bean is used to wire integration endpoints.

fun channel(messageChannelSpec: MessageChannelSpec<*, *>)

Populate a MessageChannel instance at the current IntegrationFlow chain position using the MessageChannelSpec fluent API.

fun channel(messageChannel: MessageChannel)

Populate the provided MessageChannel instance at the current IntegrationFlow chain position. The messageChannel can be an existing bean, or fresh instance, in which case the org.springframework.integration.dsl.context.IntegrationFlowBeanPostProcessor will populate it as a bean with a generated name.

fun channel(channels: Channels.() -> MessageChannelSpec<*, *>)

Populate a MessageChannel instance at the current IntegrationFlow chain position using the Channels factory fluent API.