
fun <H : MessageHandler?> handle(messageHandlerSpec: MessageHandlerSpec<*, H>)

Populate a ServiceActivatingHandler for the selected protocol specific MessageHandler implementation from Namespace Factory:

fun handle(messageHandler: MessageHandler)

Populate a ServiceActivatingHandler for the provided MessageHandler implementation.

fun handle(beanName: String, methodName: String? = null)

Populate a ServiceActivatingHandler for the org.springframework.integration.handler.MethodInvokingMessageProcessor to invoke the method for provided bean at runtime.

fun handle(beanName: String, methodName: String?, endpointConfigurer: GenericEndpointSpec<ServiceActivatingHandler>.() -> Unit)
fun handle(service: Any, methodName: String? = null)
fun handle(service: Any, methodName: String?, endpointConfigurer: GenericEndpointSpec<ServiceActivatingHandler>.() -> Unit)

Populate a ServiceActivatingHandler for the org.springframework.integration.handler.MethodInvokingMessageProcessor to invoke the method for provided bean at runtime. In addition, accept options for the integration endpoint using GenericEndpointSpec.

inline fun <P> handle(crossinline handler: (P, MessageHeaders) -> Any)

Populate a ServiceActivatingHandler for the org.springframework.integration.handler.MethodInvokingMessageProcessor to invoke the provided GenericHandler at runtime.

inline fun <P> handle(crossinline handler: (P, MessageHeaders) -> Any, crossinline endpointConfigurer: GenericEndpointSpec<ServiceActivatingHandler>.() -> Unit)

Populate a ServiceActivatingHandler for the org.springframework.integration.handler.MethodInvokingMessageProcessor to invoke the provided GenericHandler at runtime. In addition, accept options for the integration endpoint using GenericEndpointSpec.

fun handle(messageProcessorSpec: MessageProcessorSpec<*>, endpointConfigurer: GenericEndpointSpec<ServiceActivatingHandler>.() -> Unit = {})

Populate a ServiceActivatingHandler for the MessageProcessor from the provided MessageProcessorSpec. In addition, accept options for the integration endpoint using GenericEndpointSpec.

fun <H : MessageHandler> handle(messageHandlerSpec: MessageHandlerSpec<*, H>, endpointConfigurer: GenericEndpointSpec<H>.() -> Unit = {})

Populate a ServiceActivatingHandler for the selected protocol specific MessageHandler implementation from Namespace Factory: In addition, accept options for the integration endpoint using GenericEndpointSpec.

fun handle(messageHandler: (Message<*>) -> Unit)

Populate a ServiceActivatingHandler for the provided MessageHandler lambda.

fun handle(messageHandler: (Message<*>) -> Unit, endpointConfigurer: GenericEndpointSpec<MessageHandler>.() -> Unit)

Populate a ServiceActivatingHandler for the provided MessageHandler lambda. In addition, accept options for the integration endpoint using GenericEndpointSpec.

fun <H : MessageHandler> handle(messageHandler: H, endpointConfigurer: GenericEndpointSpec<H>.() -> Unit = {})

Populate a ServiceActivatingHandler for the provided MessageHandler implementation. In addition, accept options for the integration endpoint using GenericEndpointSpec.