
fun log()

Populate a WireTap for the current channel with the LoggingHandler subscriber for the INFO logging level and org.springframework.integration.handler.LoggingHandler as a default logging category.

fun log(level: LoggingHandler.Level, category: String? = null)

Populate a WireTap for the current channel with the LoggingHandler subscriber for provided LoggingHandler.Level logging level and org.springframework.integration.handler.LoggingHandler as a default logging category.

fun log(category: String)

Populate a WireTap for the current channel with the LoggingHandler subscriber for the provided logging category and INFO logging level.

fun log(level: LoggingHandler.Level, category: String, logExpression: String)
fun log(level: LoggingHandler.Level, category: String, logExpression: Expression)

Populate a WireTap for the current channel with the LoggingHandler subscriber for the provided LoggingHandler.Level logging level, logging category and SpEL expression for the log message.

fun <P> log(function: (Message<P>) -> Any)

Populate a WireTap for the current channel with the LoggingHandler subscriber for the INFO logging level, the org.springframework.integration.handler.LoggingHandler as a default logging category and function for the log message.

fun log(logExpression: Expression)

Populate a WireTap for the current channel with the LoggingHandler subscriber for the INFO logging level, the org.springframework.integration.handler.LoggingHandler as a default logging category and SpEL expression to evaluate logger message at runtime against the request Message.

fun log(level: LoggingHandler.Level, logExpression: Expression)

Populate a WireTap for the current channel with the LoggingHandler subscriber for the provided LoggingHandler.Level logging level, the org.springframework.integration.handler.LoggingHandler as a default logging category and SpEL expression to evaluate logger message at runtime against the request Message. When this operator is used in the end of flow, it is treated as one-way handler without any replies to continue.

fun log(category: String, logExpression: Expression)

Populate a WireTap for the current channel with the LoggingHandler subscriber for the INFO LoggingHandler.Level logging level, the provided logging category and SpEL expression to evaluate logger message at runtime against the request Message.

fun <P> log(level: LoggingHandler.Level, function: (Message<P>) -> Any)

Populate a WireTap for the current channel with the LoggingHandler subscriber for the provided LoggingHandler.Level logging level, the org.springframework.integration.handler.LoggingHandler as a default logging category and function for the log message.

fun <P> log(category: String, function: (Message<P>) -> Any)

Populate a WireTap for the current channel with the LoggingHandler subscriber for the provided LoggingHandler.Level logging level, the provided logging category and function for the log message.

fun <P> log(level: LoggingHandler.Level, category: String, function: (Message<P>) -> Any)

Populate a WireTap for the current channel with the LoggingHandler subscriber for the provided LoggingHandler.Level logging level, logging category and function for the log message.