
inline fun <P> split(crossinline function: (P) -> Any)

Inline function for IntegrationFlowDefinition.split providing a split<MyTypeIn>() variant with reified generic type.

fun split()

Populate the DefaultMessageSplitter with provided options to the current integration flow position.

fun split(expression: String)
fun split(messageProcessorSpec: MessageProcessorSpec<*>)
fun split(splitterMessageHandlerSpec: MessageHandlerSpec<*, out AbstractMessageSplitter>)

fun split(service: Any, methodName: String? = null)

Populate the MethodInvokingSplitter to evaluate the provided method of the service at runtime.

fun split(beanName: String, methodName: String? = null)

Populate the MethodInvokingSplitter to evaluate the provided method of the bean at runtime.