Annotation Type AnnotationDrivenTx

public @interface AnnotationDrivenTx

Indicates that transaction configuration is defined by Spring's @Transactional annotation on bean classes, and that proxies are automatically to be created for the relevant annotated beans.

Transaction semantics such as propagation settings, the isolation level, the rollback rules, etc are all defined in the annotation metadata.

Represents support equivalent to Spring XML's <tx:annotation-driven/>

Chris Beams

Optional Element Summary
 AopMode mode
          Should annotated beans be proxied using Spring's AOP framework, or should they rather be weaved with an AspectJ transaction aspect?

AspectJ weaving requires spring-aspects.jar on the classpath, as well as load-time weaving (or compile-time weaving) enabled.

 int order
          Controls the ordering of the execution of the transaction advisor when multiple advice executes at a specific joinpoint.
 boolean proxyTargetClass
          Are class-based (CGLIB) proxies to be created? By default (false), standard Java interface-based proxies are created.
 java.lang.String transactionManager
          The bean name of the PlatformTransactionManager that is to be used to drive transactions.


public abstract AopMode mode
Should annotated beans be proxied using Spring's AOP framework, or should they rather be weaved with an AspectJ transaction aspect?

AspectJ weaving requires spring-aspects.jar on the classpath, as well as load-time weaving (or compile-time weaving) enabled.

Default is AopMode.PROXY, meaning AspectJ will not be required.



public abstract java.lang.String transactionManager
The bean name of the PlatformTransactionManager that is to be used to drive transactions.

This attribute is not required, and only needs to be specified explicitly if the bean name of the desired PlatformTransactionManager is not 'transactionManager'.



public abstract int order
Controls the ordering of the execution of the transaction advisor when multiple advice executes at a specific joinpoint.

Default value is 0, which signifies no explicit ordering. If explicit ordering is desired, set this value to something other than zero.



public abstract boolean proxyTargetClass
Are class-based (CGLIB) proxies to be created? By default (false), standard Java interface-based proxies are created.
