Interface | Description |
KafkaListenerConfigurer |
Optional interface to be implemented by Spring managed bean willing
to customize how Kafka listener endpoints are configured.
Class | Description |
KafkaBootstrapConfiguration |
ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar class that registers a KafkaListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
bean capable of processing Spring's @KafkaListener annotation. |
KafkaListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor<K,V> |
Bean post-processor that registers methods annotated with
to be invoked by a Kafka message listener container created under the covers
by a KafkaListenerContainerFactory
according to the parameters of the annotation. |
KafkaListenerConfigurationSelector |
DeferredImportSelector implementation with the lowest order to import a
KafkaBootstrapConfiguration as late as possible. |
KafkaStreamsDefaultConfiguration |
@Configuration class that registers a StreamsBuilderFactoryBean
if StreamsConfig with the name
KafkaStreamsDefaultConfiguration.DEFAULT_STREAMS_CONFIG_BEAN_NAME is present
in the application context. |
Annotation Type | Description |
EnableKafka |
Enable Kafka listener annotated endpoints that are created under the covers by a
AbstractListenerContainerFactory . |
EnableKafkaStreams |
Enable default Kafka Streams components.
KafkaHandler |
Annotation that marks a method to be the target of a Kafka message
listener within a class that is annotated with
KafkaListener . |
KafkaListener |
Annotation that marks a method to be the target of a Kafka message listener on the
specified topics.
KafkaListeners |
Container annotation that aggregates several
KafkaListener annotations. |
PartitionOffset |
Used to add partition/initial offset information to a
KafkaListener . |
TopicPartition |
Used to add topic/partition information to a
KafkaListener . |