All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractConsumerSeekAware |
AbstractDelegatingMessageListenerAdapter<T> |
Top level class for all listener adapters.
AbstractFilteringMessageListener<K,V,T> |
An abstract message listener adapter that implements record filter logic
via a RecordFilterStrategy .
AbstractJavaTypeMapper |
Abstract type mapper.
AbstractKafkaBackOffManagerFactory |
AbstractKafkaHeaderMapper |
Base for Kafka header mappers.
AbstractKafkaHeaderMapper.HeaderMatcher |
A matcher for headers.
AbstractKafkaHeaderMapper.NeverMatchHeaderMatcher |
A matcher that never matches a set of headers.
AbstractKafkaHeaderMapper.SimplePatternBasedHeaderMatcher |
A pattern-based header matcher that matches if the specified
header matches the specified simple pattern.
AbstractKafkaListenerContainerFactory<C extends AbstractMessageListenerContainer<K,V>,K,V> |
AbstractKafkaListenerEndpoint<K,V> |
Base model for a Kafka listener endpoint.
AbstractMessageListenerContainer<K,V> |
AbstractRetryingMessageListenerAdapter<K,V,T> |
Base class for retrying message listener adapters.
ABSwitchCluster |
A Supplier for bootstrap servers that can toggle between 2 lists of servers.
AcknowledgingConsumerAwareMessageListener<K,V> |
Listener for handling incoming Kafka messages, propagating an acknowledgment handle that recipients
can invoke when the message has been processed.
AcknowledgingMessageListener<K,V> |
Listener for handling incoming Kafka messages, propagating an acknowledgment handle that recipients
can invoke when the message has been processed.
Acknowledgment |
Handle for acknowledging the processing of a
ConsumerRecord .
AdapterUtils |
Utilities for listener adapters.
AfterRollbackProcessor<K,V> |
Invoked by a listener container with remaining, unprocessed, records
(including the failed record).
AggregatingReplyingKafkaTemplate<K,V,R> |
A replying template that aggregates multiple replies with the same correlation id.
AllowDenyCollectionManager<T> |
Class for managing Allow / Deny collections and its predicates.
Application |
Dynamic listeners.
Application |
Code snippets for request/reply messaging.
Application |
Code snippet for quick start.
Application |
Code snippet for quick start.
Application.Thing |
BackOffHandler |
Handler for the provided back off time, listener container and exception.
BackOffValuesGenerator |
Generates the backoff values from the provided maxAttempts value and
BackOffPolicy .
BatchAcknowledgingConsumerAwareMessageListener<K,V> |
Listener for handling a batch of incoming Kafka messages, propagating an acknowledgment
handle that recipients can invoke when the message has been processed.
BatchAcknowledgingMessageListener<K,V> |
Listener for handling a batch of incoming Kafka messages, propagating an acknowledgment
handle that recipients can invoke when the message has been processed.
BatchConsumerAwareMessageListener<K,V> |
Listener for handling a batch of incoming Kafka messages; the list
is created from the consumer records object returned by a poll.
BatchErrorHandler |
BatchInterceptor<K,V> |
An interceptor for batches of records.
BatchListenerFailedException |
An exception thrown by user code to inform the framework which record in a batch has
BatchMessageConverter |
A Kafka-specific Message converter strategy.
BatchMessageListener<K,V> |
Listener for handling a batch of incoming Kafka messages; the list
is created from the consumer records object returned by a poll.
BatchMessagingMessageConverter |
A Messaging MessageConverter implementation used with a batch
message listener; the consumer record values are extracted into a collection in
the message payload.
BatchMessagingMessageListenerAdapter<K,V> |
A MessageListener
adapter that invokes a configurable HandlerAdapter ; used when the factory is
configured for the listener to receive batches of messages.
BatchToRecordAdapter<K,V> |
An adapter that adapts a batch listener to a record listener method.
BatchToRecordAdapter.Callback<K,V> |
A callback for each message.
BrokerAddress |
Encapsulates the address of a Kafka broker.
ByteArrayJsonMessageConverter |
JSON Message converter - byte[] on output, String, Bytes, or byte[] on input.
BytesJsonMessageConverter |
JSON Message converter - Bytes on output, String, Bytes, or byte[] on input.
ChainedKafkaTransactionManager<K,V> |
ClassMapper |
Strategy for setting metadata on messages such that one can create the class
that needs to be instantiated when receiving a message.
CleanupConfig |
Specifies time of KafkaStreams.cleanUp() execution.
CommonContainerStoppingErrorHandler |
CommonDelegatingErrorHandler |
An error handler that delegates to different error handlers, depending on the exception
CommonErrorHandler |
CommonLoggingErrorHandler |
CommonMixedErrorHandler |
CompositeBatchInterceptor<K,V> |
CompositeKafkaStreamsCustomizer |
CompositeKafkaStreamsInfrastructureCustomizer |
CompositeProducerListener<K,V> |
CompositeRecordInterceptor<K,V> |
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<K,V> |
ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer<K,V> |
Config |
Code snippet for quick start.
Config |
Snippet for Configuring Topics section.
ConsumerAwareBatchErrorHandler |
An error handler that has access to the consumer, for example to adjust
offsets after an error.
ConsumerAwareErrorHandler |
An error handler that has access to the consumer, for example to adjust
offsets after an error.
ConsumerAwareListenerErrorHandler |
An error handler that has access to the consumer.
ConsumerAwareMessageListener<K,V> |
Listener for handling individual incoming Kafka messages.
ConsumerAwareRebalanceListener |
A rebalance listener that provides access to the consumer object.
ConsumerAwareRecordInterceptor<K,V> |
ConsumerAwareRecordRecoverer |
ConsumerFactory<K,V> |
The strategy to produce a Consumer instance(s).
ConsumerFactory.Listener<K,V> |
Called whenever a consumer is added or removed.
ConsumerFailedToStartEvent |
An event published when a consumer fails to start.
ConsumerPartitionPausedEvent |
An event published when a consumer partition is paused.
ConsumerPartitionResumedEvent |
An event published when a consumer partition is resumed.
ConsumerPausedEvent |
An event published when a consumer is paused.
ConsumerPauseResumeEventPublisher |
Objects that can publish consumer pause/resume events.
ConsumerPostProcessor<K,V> |
Called by consumer factories to perform post processing on newly created consumers.
ConsumerProperties |
Common consumer properties.
ConsumerRecordMetadata |
Used to provide a listener method argument when the user supplies such a parameter.
ConsumerRecordRecoverer |
A BiConsumer extension for recovering consumer records.
ConsumerResumedEvent |
An event published when a consumer is resumed.
ConsumerSeekAware |
ConsumerSeekAware.ConsumerSeekCallback |
A callback that a listener can invoke to seek to a specific offset.
ConsumerStartedEvent |
An event published when a consumer has started.
ConsumerStartingEvent |
An event published when a consumer is initializing.
ConsumerStoppedEvent |
An event published when a consumer is stopped.
ConsumerStoppedEvent.Reason |
Reasons for stopping a consumer.
ConsumerStoppingEvent |
An event published when a consumer is stopped.
ContainerAwareBatchErrorHandler |
An error handler that has access to the batch of records from the last poll the
consumer, and the container.
ContainerAwareErrorHandler |
An error handler that has access to the unprocessed records from the last poll
(including the failed record), the consumer, and the container.
ContainerCustomizer<K,V,C extends AbstractMessageListenerContainer<K,V>> |
Called by the container factory after the container is created and configured.
ContainerGroup |
A group of listener containers.
ContainerGroupSequencer |
Sequence the starting of container groups when all containers in the previous group are
ContainerPartitionPausingBackOffManager |
A manager that backs off consumption for a given topic if the timestamp provided is not
ContainerPartitionPausingBackOffManagerFactory |
ContainerPausingBackOffHandler |
ContainerProperties |
Contains runtime properties for a listener container.
ContainerProperties.AckMode |
The offset commit behavior enumeration.
ContainerProperties.AssignmentCommitOption |
Offset commit behavior during assignment.
ContainerProperties.EOSMode |
Mode for exactly once semantics.
ContainerStoppedEvent |
An event published when a container is stopped.
ContainerTestUtils |
Utilities for testing listener containers.
ConversionException |
Exception for conversions.
CorrelationKey |
Wrapper for byte[] that can be used as a hash key.
DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer |
DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer.ExceptionHeadersCreator |
Use this to provide a custom implementation to take complete control over exception
header creation for the output record.
DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer.HeaderNames |
Container class for the name of the headers that will
be added to the produced record.
DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer.HeaderNames.Builder |
DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer.HeaderNames.ExceptionInfo |
Header names for exception headers.
DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer.HeaderNames.HeadersToAdd |
Bits representing which headers to add.
DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer.HeaderNames.Original |
Header names for original record property headers.
DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer.SingleRecordHeader |
A Header that indicates that this header should replace any existing headers
with this name, rather than being appended to the headers, which is the normal behavior.
DeadLetterPublishingRecovererFactory |
DefaultAfterRollbackProcessor<K,V> |
DefaultBackOffHandler |
DefaultBatchToRecordAdapter<K,V> |
The default BatchToRecordAdapter implementation; if the supplied recoverer
throws an exception, the batch will be aborted; otherwise the next record will be
DefaultDestinationTopicProcessor |
DefaultDestinationTopicResolver |
DefaultDestinationTopicResolver.DestinationTopicHolder |
DefaultErrorHandler |
An error handler that, for record listeners, seeks to the current offset for each topic
in the remaining records.
DefaultJackson2JavaTypeMapper |
Jackson 2 type mapper.
DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<K,V> |
DefaultKafkaHeaderMapper |
Default header mapper for Apache Kafka.
DefaultKafkaHeaderMapper.NonTrustedHeaderType |
Represents a header that could not be decoded due to an untrusted type.
DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<K,V> |
The ProducerFactory implementation for a singleton shared Producer instance.
DefaultKafkaProducerFactory.CloseSafeProducer<K,V> |
A wrapper class for the delegate.
DelegatingByTopicDeserializer |
A Deserializer that delegates to other deserializers based on the topic name.
DelegatingByTopicSerialization<T extends> |
Base class with common code for delegating by topic serialization.
DelegatingByTopicSerializer |
A Serializer that delegates to other serializers based on a topic pattern.
DelegatingByTypeSerializer |
Delegates to a serializer based on type.
DelegatingDeserializer |
A Deserializer that delegates to other deserializers based on a serialization
selector header.
DelegatingInvocableHandler |
Delegates to an InvocableHandlerMethod based on the message payload type.
DelegatingMessageListener<T> |
Classes implementing this interface allow containers to determine the type of the
ultimate listener.
DelegatingSerializer |
A Serializer that delegates to other serializers based on a serialization
selector header.
DeliveryAttemptAware |
A component implementing this interface can provide the next delivery attempt.
DeserializationException |
Exception returned in the consumer record value or key when a deserialization failure
DestinationTopic |
Representation of a Destination Topic to which messages can be forwarded, such as retry topics and dlt.
DestinationTopic.Properties |
DestinationTopicContainer |
DestinationTopicProcessor |
DestinationTopicProcessor.Context |
DestinationTopicPropertiesFactory |
DestinationTopicPropertiesFactory.DestinationTopicSuffixes |
DestinationTopicResolver |
Provides methods for resolving the destination to which a message that failed
to be processed should be forwarded to.
DltHandler |
Annotation to determine the method the should process the DLT topic message.
DltStrategy |
Strategies for handling DLT processing.
EmbeddedKafka |
Annotation that can be specified on a test class that runs Spring for Apache Kafka
based tests.
EmbeddedKafkaBroker |
An embedded Kafka Broker(s) and Zookeeper manager.
EmbeddedKafkaBroker.EmbeddedZookeeper |
Ported from scala to allow setting the port.
EmbeddedKafkaCondition |
JUnit5 condition for an embedded broker.
EmbeddedKafkaRule |
EnableKafka |
EnableKafkaRetryTopic |
Enables the non-blocking topic-based delayed retries feature.
EnableKafkaStreams |
Enable default Kafka Streams components.
EndpointCustomizer |
Customizes main, retry and DLT endpoints in the Retry Topic functionality
and returns the resulting topic names.
EndpointCustomizer.TopicNamesHolder |
EndpointCustomizerFactory |
EndpointHandlerMethod |
Handler method for retrying endpoints.
ErrorHandler |
ErrorHandlingDeserializer<T> |
Delegating key/value deserializer that catches exceptions, returning them
in the headers as serialized java objects.
ErrorHandlingUtils |
Utilities for error handling.
ExceptionClassifier |
Supports exception classification.
ExponentialBackOffWithMaxRetries |
Subclass of ExponentialBackOff that allows the specification of the maximum
number of retries rather than the maximum elapsed time.
FailedBatchProcessor |
FailedDeserializationInfo |
Class containing all the contextual information around a deserialization error.
FailedRecordProcessor |
Common super class for classes that deal with failing to consume a consumer record.
FilteringBatchMessageListenerAdapter<K,V> |
FilteringMessageListenerAdapter<K,V> |
FixedDelayStrategy |
Defines the topic strategy to handle fixed delays.
GenericErrorHandler<T> |
A generic error handler.
GenericMessageListener<T> |
Top level interface for listeners.
GenericMessageListenerContainer<K,V> |
Generic message listener container; adds parameters.
HandlerAdapter |
HeaderEnricher<K,V> |
Manipulate the headers.
HeaderEnricher.Container<K,V> |
Container object for SpEL evaluation.
InvocationResult |
The result of a method invocation.
Jackson2JavaTypeMapper |
Strategy for setting metadata on messages such that one can create the class that needs
to be instantiated when receiving a message.
Jackson2JavaTypeMapper.TypePrecedence |
The precedence for type conversion - inferred from the method parameter or message
JacksonMimeTypeModule |
A SimpleModule extension for MimeType serialization.
JacksonPresent |
The utility to check if Jackson JSON processor is present in the classpath.
JacksonUtils |
The utilities for Jackson ObjectMapper instances.
JavaUtils |
Chained utility methods to simplify some Java repetitive code.
JsonDeserializer<T> |
Generic Deserializer for
receiving JSON from Kafka and return Java objects.
JsonMessageConverter |
Base class for JSON message converters; on the consumer side, it can
handle byte[] , Bytes and String record values.
JsonSerde<T> |
A Serde that provides serialization and
deserialization in JSON format.
JsonSerializer<T> |
Generic Serializer for sending
Java objects to Kafka as JSON.
JsonTypeResolver |
Determine the JavaType from the topic/data/headers.
JUnitUtils |
Utility methods for JUnit rules and conditions.
JUnitUtils.LevelsContainer |
KafkaAdmin |
An admin that delegates to an AdminClient to create topics defined
in the application context.
KafkaAdmin.NewTopics |
Wrapper for a collection of NewTopic to facilitate declaring multiple
topics as a single bean.
KafkaAdminOperations |
Provides a number of convenience methods wrapping AdminClient .
KafkaAwareTransactionManager<K,V> |
KafkaBackoffAwareMessageListenerAdapter<K,V> |
KafkaBackoffException |
Exception thrown when the consumer should not yet consume the message due to backOff.
KafkaBackOffManagerFactory |
KafkaBootstrapConfiguration |
KafkaConditions |
AssertJ custom Condition s.
KafkaConditions.ConsumerRecordKeyCondition<K> |
KafkaConditions.ConsumerRecordKeyValueCondition<K,V> |
KafkaConditions.ConsumerRecordPartitionCondition |
KafkaConditions.ConsumerRecordTimestampCondition |
KafkaConditions.ConsumerRecordValueCondition<V> |
KafkaConsumerBackoffManager |
KafkaConsumerBackoffManager.Context |
Provides the state that will be used for backing off.
KafkaEvent |
Base class for events.
KafkaException |
The Spring for Apache Kafka specific NestedRuntimeException implementation.
KafkaException.Level |
KafkaExceptionLogLevelAware |
KafkaFailureCallback<K,V> |
KafkaHandler |
Annotation that marks a method to be the target of a Kafka message
listener within a class that is annotated with KafkaListener .
KafkaHeaderMapper |
Header mapper for Apache Kafka.
KafkaHeaders |
The Kafka specific message headers constants.
KafkaJaasLoginModuleInitializer |
Contains properties for setting up an AppConfigurationEntry that can be used
for the Kafka client.
KafkaJaasLoginModuleInitializer.ControlFlag |
Control flag values for login configuration.
KafkaListener |
Annotation that marks a method to be the target of a Kafka message listener on the
specified topics.
KafkaListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor<K,V> |
Bean post-processor that registers methods annotated with KafkaListener
to be invoked by a Kafka message listener container created under the covers
by a KafkaListenerContainerFactory
according to the parameters of the annotation.
KafkaListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.AnnotationEnhancer |
Post processes each set of annotation attributes.
KafkaListenerConfigurationSelector |
KafkaListenerConfigurer |
Optional interface to be implemented by Spring managed bean willing
to customize how Kafka listener endpoints are configured.
KafkaListenerConfigUtils |
Configuration constants for internal sharing across subpackages.
KafkaListenerContainerFactory<C extends MessageListenerContainer> |
KafkaListenerEndpoint |
Model for a Kafka listener endpoint.
KafkaListenerEndpointRegistrar |
KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry |
KafkaListenerErrorHandler |
An error handler which is called when a @KafkaListener method
throws an exception.
KafkaListeners |
Container annotation that aggregates several KafkaListener annotations.
KafkaMatchers |
Hamcrest Matcher s utilities.
KafkaMatchers.ConsumerRecordKeyMatcher<K> |
KafkaMatchers.ConsumerRecordPartitionMatcher |
KafkaMatchers.ConsumerRecordTimestampMatcher |
KafkaMatchers.ConsumerRecordValueMatcher<V> |
KafkaMessageHeaders |
Overload of message headers configurable for adding id and timestamp headers.
KafkaMessageListenerContainer<K,V> |
Single-threaded Message listener container using the Java Consumer supporting
auto-partition assignment or user-configured assignment.
KafkaNull |
This class represents NULL Kafka payload.
KafkaNullAwarePayloadArgumentResolver |
PayloadMethodArgumentResolver that can properly decode KafkaNull
payloads, returning null .
KafkaOperations<K,V> |
The basic Kafka operations contract returning ListenableFuture s.
KafkaOperations.OperationsCallback<K,V,T> |
KafkaOperations.ProducerCallback<K,V,T> |
A callback for executing arbitrary operations on the Producer .
KafkaOperations2<K,V> |
The basic Kafka operations contract returning CompletableFuture s.
KafkaProducerException |
Exceptions when producing.
KafkaReplyTimeoutException |
Exception when a reply is not received within a timeout.
KafkaResourceFactory |
Base class for consumer/producer/admin creators.
KafkaResourceHolder<K,V> |
Kafka resource holder, wrapping a Kafka producer.
KafkaSendCallback<K,V> |
KafkaStreamBrancher<K,V> |
Provides a method-chaining way to build branches in
Kafka Streams processor topology.
KafkaStreamsConfiguration |
Wrapper for StreamsBuilder properties.
KafkaStreamsCustomizer |
Callback interface that can be used to configure KafkaStreams directly.
KafkaStreamsDefaultConfiguration |
KafkaStreamsInfrastructureCustomizer |
A customizer for infrastructure components such as the StreamsBuilder and
Topology .
KafkaStreamsMicrometerListener |
Creates a KafkaStreamsMetrics for the KafkaStreams .
KafkaTemplate<K,V> |
A template for executing high-level operations.
KafkaTestUtils |
Kafka testing utilities.
KafkaTransactionManager<K,V> |
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a
single Kafka ProducerFactory .
KafkaUtils |
Utility methods.
Listener |
Code snippet for quick start.
ListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer |
ListenerContainerFactoryResolver |
ListenerContainerIdleEvent |
An event that is emitted when a container is idle if the container
is configured to do so.
ListenerContainerNoLongerIdleEvent |
An event that is emitted when a container is no longer idle if configured to publish
idle events.
ListenerContainerPartitionIdleEvent |
An event that is emitted when a container partition is idle if the container
is configured to do so.
ListenerContainerPartitionNoLongerIdleEvent |
An event that is emitted when a partition is no longer idle if configured to publish
idle events.
ListenerContainerPauseService |
ListenerContainerRegistry |
A registry for listener containers.
ListenerExecutionFailedException |
ListenerInvokingBatchErrorHandler |
A batch error handler that is capable of invoking the listener during error handling.
ListenerMetadata |
ListenerType |
Defines the listener type.
ListenerUtils |
Listener utilities.
Log4j2LevelAdjuster |
A JUnit method @Rule that changes the logger level for a set of classes
while a test method is running.
LoggingCommitCallback |
Logs commit results at DEBUG level for success and ERROR for failures.
LoggingErrorHandler |
LoggingProducerListener<K,V> |
LogIfLevelEnabled |
Wrapper for a commons-logging Log supporting configurable
logging levels.
LogIfLevelEnabled.Level |
Logging levels.
LogLevels |
Test classes annotated with this will change logging levels between tests.
LogLevelsCondition |
JUnit condition that adjusts and reverts log levels before/after each test.
ManualAckListenerErrorHandler |
MappingJacksonParameterizedConverter |
Subclass of MappingJackson2MessageConverter that can handle parameterized
(generic) types.
MessageConverter |
A top level interface for message converters.
MessageListener<K,V> |
Listener for handling individual incoming Kafka messages.
MessageListenerContainer |
Internal abstraction used by the framework representing a message
listener container.
MessagingFunction |
A function that receives a spring-messaging Message and returns
a Message .
MessagingMessageConverter |
A Messaging MessageConverter implementation for a message listener that
receives individual messages.
MessagingMessageListenerAdapter<K,V> |
An abstract MessageListener adapter
providing the necessary infrastructure to extract the payload of a
Message .
MessagingMessageListenerAdapter.ReplyExpressionRoot |
Root object for reply expression evaluation.
MessagingTransformer<K,V,R> |
A Transformer implementation that invokes a MessagingFunction
converting to/from spring-messaging Message .
MethodKafkaListenerEndpoint<K,V> |
MicrometerConsumerListener<K,V> |
A consumer factory listener that manages KafkaClientMetrics .
MicrometerHolder |
A wrapper for micrometer timers when available on the class path.
MicrometerProducerListener<K,V> |
A producer factory listener that manages KafkaClientMetrics .
MultiMethodKafkaListenerEndpoint<K,V> |
MyListener |
MyPojo |
Pojo for dynamic listener creation.
NonResponsiveConsumerEvent |
An event that is emitted when a consumer is not responding to the poll; with early
versions of the kafka-clients, this was a possible indication that the broker is down.
OffsetAndMetadataProvider |
Provider for OffsetAndMetadata .
ParseStringDeserializer<T> |
Generic Deserializer for deserialization of entity from
its String representation received from Kafka (a.k.a parsing).
PartitionOffset |
Used to add partition/initial offset information to a KafkaListener .
ProducerFactory<K,V> |
The strategy to produce a Producer instance(s).
ProducerFactory.Listener<K,V> |
Called whenever a producer is added or removed.
ProducerFactoryUtils |
Helper class for managing a Spring based Kafka DefaultKafkaProducerFactory
in particular for obtaining transactional Kafka resources for a given ProducerFactory.
ProducerListener<K,V> |
Listener for handling outbound Kafka messages.
ProducerPostProcessor<K,V> |
Called by producer factories to perform post processing on newly created producers.
ProjectingMessageConverter |
A MessageConverter implementation that uses a Spring Data
ProjectionFactory to bind incoming messages to projection interfaces.
ReactiveKafkaConsumerTemplate<K,V> |
Reactive kafka consumer operations implementation.
ReactiveKafkaProducerTemplate<K,V> |
Reactive kafka producer operations implementation.
RecordFilterStrategy<K,V> |
Implementations of this interface can signal that a record about
to be delivered to a message listener should be discarded instead
of being delivered.
RecordInterceptor<K,V> |
An interceptor for ConsumerRecord invoked by the listener
container before and after invoking the listener.
RecordMessageConverter |
A Kafka-specific Message converter strategy.
RecordMessagingMessageListenerAdapter<K,V> |
A MessageListener
adapter that invokes a configurable HandlerAdapter ; used when the factory is
configured for the listener to receive individual messages.
RecoveringDeserializationExceptionHandler |
RecoveryStrategy |
Called to determine whether a record should be skipped.
RemainingRecordsErrorHandler |
An error handler that has access to the unprocessed records from the last poll
(including the failed record) and the consumer, for example to adjust offsets after an
ReplyHeadersConfigurer |
A strategy for configuring which headers, if any, should be set in a reply message.
ReplyingKafkaOperations<K,V,R> |
Request/reply operations.
ReplyingKafkaTemplate<K,V,R> |
A KafkaTemplate that implements request/reply semantics.
RequestReplyFuture<K,V,R> |
A listenable future for requests/replies.
RequestReplyMessageFuture<K,V> |
A listenable future for Message replies.
RequestReplyTypedMessageFuture<K,V,P> |
A listenable future for Message replies with a specific payload type.
RetryableTopic |
Annotation to create the retry and dlt topics for a KafkaListener annotated
RetryableTopicAnnotationProcessor |
RetryingDeserializer<T> |
A deserialzer configured with a delegate and a RetryOperations to retry
deserialization in case of transient errors.
RetryingMessageListenerAdapter<K,V> |
RetryListener |
A listener for retry activity.
RetryTopicBeanNames |
The bean names for the non-blocking topic-based delayed retries feature.
RetryTopicComponentFactory |
RetryTopicConfiguration |
Contains the provided configuration for the retryable topics.
RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder |
RetryTopicConfigurationProvider |
RetryTopicConfigurationSupport |
This is the main class providing the configuration behind the non-blocking,
topic-based delayed retries feature.
RetryTopicConfigurationSupport.BlockingRetriesConfigurer |
Configure blocking retries to be used along non-blocking.
RetryTopicConfigurationSupport.CustomizersConfigurer |
Configure customizers for components instantiated by the retry topics feature.
RetryTopicConfigurer |
Configures main, retry and DLT topics based on a main endpoint and provided
configurations to acomplish a distributed retry / DLT pattern in a non-blocking
fashion, at the expense of ordering guarantees.
RetryTopicConfigurer.EndpointProcessor |
RetryTopicConstants |
Constants for the RetryTopic functionality.
RetryTopicHeaders |
Contains the headers that will be used in the forwarded messages.
RetryTopicNamesProviderFactory |
Handles the naming related to the retry and dead letter topics.
RetryTopicNamesProviderFactory.RetryTopicNamesProvider |
RetryTopicSchedulerWrapper |
A wrapper class for a TaskScheduler to use for scheduling container resumption
when a partition has been paused for a retry topic.
RoutingKafkaTemplate |
SeekToCurrentBatchErrorHandler |
SeekUtils |
Seek utilities.
Sender |
Code snippet for quick start.
SendResult<K,V> |
Result for a ListenableFuture after a send.
SerializationUtils |
Utilities for serialization.
SimpleKafkaHeaderMapper |
A simple header mapper that maps headers directly; for outbound,
only byte[] headers are mapped; for inbound, headers are mapped
unchanged, as byte[].
StreamsBuilderFactoryBean |
An AbstractFactoryBean for the StreamsBuilder instance
and lifecycle control for the internal KafkaStreams instance.
StreamsBuilderFactoryBean.Listener |
Called whenever a KafkaStreams is added or removed.
StreamsBuilderFactoryBeanConfigurer |
StreamsBuilderFactoryBeanCustomizer |
StringJsonMessageConverter |
JSON Message converter - String on output, String, Bytes, or byte[] on input.
StringOrBytesSerializer |
A serializer that can handle byte[] , Bytes and String .
Suffixer |
Utility class that suffixes strings.
SuffixingRetryTopicNamesProviderFactory |
Retry and dead letter naming handling that add a suffix to each name.
SuffixingRetryTopicNamesProviderFactory.SuffixingRetryTopicNamesProvider |
ThreadStateProcessor |
A general interface for managing thread-bound resources when a Consumer is
TimestampedException |
ToFromStringSerde<T> |
TopicBuilder |
Builder for a NewTopic .
TopicForRetryable |
Marker to indicate this NewTopic is for retryable topics; admin will ignore these if
a regular NewTopic exist.
TopicPartition |
Used to add topic/partition information to a KafkaListener .
TopicPartitionOffset |
A configuration container to represent a topic name, partition number and, optionally,
an offset for it.
TopicPartitionOffset.SeekPosition |
Enumeration for "special" seeks.
TopicSuffixingStrategy |
Constants for the RetryTopic functionality.
ToStringSerializer<T> |
Generic Serializer that relies on
Object.toString() to get serialized representation of the entity.
TransactionSupport |
Utilities for supporting transactions.