Using KafkaTemplate to Receive

This section covers how to use KafkaTemplate to receive messages.

Starting with version 2.8, the template has four receive() methods:

ConsumerRecord<K, V> receive(String topic, int partition, long offset);

ConsumerRecord<K, V> receive(String topic, int partition, long offset, Duration pollTimeout);

ConsumerRecords<K, V> receive(Collection<TopicPartitionOffset> requested);

ConsumerRecords<K, V> receive(Collection<TopicPartitionOffset> requested, Duration pollTimeout);

As you can see, you need to know the partition and offset of the record(s) you need to retrieve; a new Consumer is created (and closed) for each operation.

With the last two methods, each record is retrieved individually and the results assembled into a ConsumerRecords object. When creating the TopicPartitionOffset s for the request, only positive, absolute offsets are supported.