Specifying a ListenerContainerFactory

By default the RetryTopic configuration will use the provided factory from the @KafkaListener annotation, but you can specify a different one to be used to create the retry topic and dlt listener containers.

For the @RetryableTopic annotation you can provide the factory’s bean name, and using the RetryTopicConfiguration bean you can either provide the bean name or the instance itself.

@RetryableTopic(listenerContainerFactory = "my-retry-topic-factory")
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-annotated-topic")
public void processMessage(MyPojo message) {
    // ... message processing
public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<Integer, MyPojo> template,
        ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<Integer, MyPojo> factory) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder

public RetryTopicConfiguration myOtherRetryTopic(KafkaTemplate<Integer, MyPojo> template) {
    return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
Since 2.8.3 you can use the same factory for retryable and non-retryable topics.

If you need to revert the factory configuration behavior to prior 2.8.3, you can override the configureRetryTopicConfigurer method of a @Configuration class that extends RetryTopicConfigurationSupport as explained in Configuring Global Settings and Features and set useLegacyFactoryConfigurer to true, such as:

protected Consumer<RetryTopicConfigurer> configureRetryTopicConfigurer() {
    return rtc -> rtc.useLegacyFactoryConfigurer(true);