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abortTransaction() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaProducerFactory.CloseSafeProducer
AbstractConsumerSeekAware - Class in org.springframework.kafka.listener
Manages the ConsumerSeekAware.ConsumerSeekCallback s for the listener.
AbstractConsumerSeekAware() - Constructor for class org.springframework.kafka.listener.AbstractConsumerSeekAware
AbstractDelegatingMessageListenerAdapter<T> - Class in org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter
Top level class for all listener adapters.
AbstractDelegatingMessageListenerAdapter(T) - Constructor for class org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter.AbstractDelegatingMessageListenerAdapter
AbstractFilteringMessageListener<K,V,T> - Class in org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter
An abstract message listener adapter that implements record filter logic via a RecordFilterStrategy.
AbstractFilteringMessageListener(T, RecordFilterStrategy<K, V>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter.AbstractFilteringMessageListener
AbstractJavaTypeMapper - Class in
Abstract type mapper.
AbstractJavaTypeMapper() - Constructor for class
AbstractKafkaBackOffManagerFactory - Class in org.springframework.kafka.listener
Base class for KafkaBackOffManagerFactory implementations.
AbstractKafkaBackOffManagerFactory() - Constructor for class org.springframework.kafka.listener.AbstractKafkaBackOffManagerFactory
Creates an instance that will retrieve the ListenerContainerRegistry from the ApplicationContext.
AbstractKafkaBackOffManagerFactory(ListenerContainerRegistry) - Constructor for class org.springframework.kafka.listener.AbstractKafkaBackOffManagerFactory
Creates an instance with the provided ListenerContainerRegistry, which will be used to fetch the MessageListenerContainer to back off.
AbstractKafkaHeaderMapper - Class in
Base for Kafka header mappers.
AbstractKafkaHeaderMapper(boolean, String...) - Constructor for class
Construct a mapper that will match the supplied patterns (outbound) and all headers (inbound).
AbstractKafkaHeaderMapper(String...) - Constructor for class
Construct a mapper that will match the supplied patterns (outbound) and all headers (inbound).
AbstractKafkaHeaderMapper.HeaderMatcher - Interface in
A matcher for headers.
AbstractKafkaHeaderMapper.NeverMatchHeaderMatcher - Class in
A matcher that never matches a set of headers.
AbstractKafkaHeaderMapper.SimplePatternBasedHeaderMatcher - Class in
A pattern-based header matcher that matches if the specified header matches the specified simple pattern.
AbstractKafkaListenerContainerFactory<C extends AbstractMessageListenerContainer<K,V>,K,V> - Class in org.springframework.kafka.config
Base KafkaListenerContainerFactory for Spring's base container implementation.
AbstractKafkaListenerContainerFactory() - Constructor for class org.springframework.kafka.config.AbstractKafkaListenerContainerFactory
AbstractKafkaListenerEndpoint<K,V> - Class in org.springframework.kafka.config
Base model for a Kafka listener endpoint.
AbstractKafkaListenerEndpoint() - Constructor for class org.springframework.kafka.config.AbstractKafkaListenerEndpoint
AbstractMessageListenerContainer<K,V> - Class in org.springframework.kafka.listener
The base implementation for the MessageListenerContainer.
AbstractMessageListenerContainer(ConsumerFactory<? super K, ? super V>, ContainerProperties) - Constructor for class org.springframework.kafka.listener.AbstractMessageListenerContainer
Construct an instance with the provided factory and properties.
AbstractRetryingMessageListenerAdapter<K,V,T> - Class in org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter
Base class for retrying message listener adapters.
AbstractRetryingMessageListenerAdapter(T, RetryTemplate) - Constructor for class org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter.AbstractRetryingMessageListenerAdapter
Construct an instance with the supplied retry template.
AbstractRetryingMessageListenerAdapter(T, RetryTemplate, RecoveryCallback<? extends Object>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter.AbstractRetryingMessageListenerAdapter
Construct an instance with the supplied template and callback.
ABSwitchCluster - Class in org.springframework.kafka.core
A Supplier for bootstrap servers that can toggle between 2 lists of servers.
ABSwitchCluster(String, String) - Constructor for class org.springframework.kafka.core.ABSwitchCluster
Construct an instance with primary and secondary bootstrap servers.
accept(ConsumerRecord<?, ?>, Exception) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.listener.ConsumerAwareRecordRecoverer
accept(ConsumerRecord<?, ?>, Consumer<?, ?>, Exception) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.listener.ConsumerAwareRecordRecoverer
Recover the record.
accept(ConsumerRecord<?, ?>, Consumer<?, ?>, Exception) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.listener.DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer
acceptIfCondition(boolean, T1, T2, BiConsumer<T1, T2>) - Method in class
Invoke BiConsumer.accept(Object, Object) with the arguments if the condition is true.
acceptIfCondition(boolean, T, Consumer<T>) - Method in class
Invoke Consumer.accept(Object) with the value if the condition is true.
acceptIfHasText(String, Consumer<String>) - Method in class
Invoke Consumer.accept(Object) with the value if it is not null or empty.
acceptIfHasText(T, String, BiConsumer<T, String>) - Method in class
Invoke BiConsumer.accept(Object, Object) with the arguments if the value argument is not null or empty.
acceptIfInstanceOf(Class<T>, Object, Consumer<T>) - Method in class
Invoke Consumer.accept(Object) with the cast value if the object is an instance of the provided class.
acceptIfNotEmpty(List<T>, Consumer<List<T>>) - Method in class
Invoke Consumer.accept(Object) with the value if it is not null or empty.
acceptIfNotEmpty(T[], Consumer<T[]>) - Method in class
Invoke Consumer.accept(Object) with the value if it is not null or empty.
acceptIfNotNull(T1, T2, BiConsumer<T1, T2>) - Method in class
Invoke BiConsumer.accept(Object, Object) with the arguments if the t2 argument is not null.
acceptIfNotNull(T, Consumer<T>) - Method in class
Invoke Consumer.accept(Object) with the value if it is not null.
acknowledge() - Method in interface
Invoked when the record or batch for which the acknowledgment has been created has been processed.
acknowledge(int) - Method in interface
Acknowledge the record at an index in the batch - commit the offset(s) of records in the batch up to and including the index.
ACKNOWLEDGING - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.kafka.listener.ListenerType
ACKNOWLEDGING_CONSUMER_AWARE - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.kafka.listener.ListenerType
Acknowledging and consumer aware.
AcknowledgingConsumerAwareMessageListener<K,V> - Interface in org.springframework.kafka.listener
Listener for handling incoming Kafka messages, propagating an acknowledgment handle that recipients can invoke when the message has been processed.
AcknowledgingMessageListener<K,V> - Interface in org.springframework.kafka.listener
Listener for handling incoming Kafka messages, propagating an acknowledgment handle that recipients can invoke when the message has been processed.
Acknowledgment - Interface in
Handle for acknowledging the processing of a ConsumerRecord.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT - Static variable in class
The header for the Acknowledgment.
adapt(List<Message<?>>, List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>>, Acknowledgment, Consumer<?, ?>, BatchToRecordAdapter.Callback<K, V>) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter.BatchToRecordAdapter
Adapt the list and invoke the callback for each message.
adapt(List<Message<?>>, List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>>, Acknowledgment, Consumer<?, ?>, BatchToRecordAdapter.Callback<K, V>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter.DefaultBatchToRecordAdapter
AdapterUtils - Class in org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter
Utilities for listener adapters.
ADD_TYPE_INFO_HEADERS - Static variable in class
Kafka config property for disabling adding type headers.
ADD_TYPE_INFO_HEADERS - Static variable in class
Kafka config property for enabling/disabling adding type headers.
addContainers(MessageListenerContainer...) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.listener.ContainerGroup
Add one or more containers to the group.
addDelegate(Class<? extends Throwable>, CommonErrorHandler) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.listener.CommonDelegatingErrorHandler
Add a delegate to the end of the current collection.
addDelegate(String, Deserializer<?>) - Method in class
addDelegate(String, Serializer<?>) - Method in class
addDelegate(Pattern, T) - Method in class
addDelegate(ProducerListener<K, V>) - Method in class
addDestinationTopics(String, List<DestinationTopic>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.DefaultDestinationTopicResolver
addDestinationTopics(String, List<DestinationTopic>) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.DestinationTopicContainer
Adds the provided destination topics to the container.
addHeader(Headers, String, Class<?>) - Method in class
addHeadersFunction(BiFunction<ConsumerRecord<?, ?>, Exception, Headers>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.listener.DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer
Add a function which will be called to obtain additional headers to add to the published record.
additionalHeaders() - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter.ReplyHeadersConfigurer
A map of additional headers to add to the reply message.
addKafkaStreamsCustomizers(List<KafkaStreamsCustomizer>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.config.CompositeKafkaStreamsCustomizer
addKafkaStreamsCustomizers(KafkaStreamsInfrastructureCustomizer...) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.config.CompositeKafkaStreamsInfrastructureCustomizer
Add customizers.
addListener(int, ConsumerFactory.Listener<K, V>) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.core.ConsumerFactory
Add a listener at a specific index.
addListener(int, ConsumerFactory.Listener<K, V>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory
Add a listener at a specific index.
addListener(int, ProducerFactory.Listener<K, V>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaProducerFactory
Add a listener at a specific index.
addListener(int, ProducerFactory.Listener<K, V>) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.core.ProducerFactory
Add a listener at a specific index.
addListener(StreamsBuilderFactoryBean.Listener) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.config.StreamsBuilderFactoryBean
Add a StreamsBuilderFactoryBean.Listener which will be called after starting and stopping the streams.
addListener(ConsumerFactory.Listener<K, V>) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.core.ConsumerFactory
Add a listener.
addListener(ConsumerFactory.Listener<K, V>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory
Add a listener.
addListener(ProducerFactory.Listener<K, V>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaProducerFactory
Add a listener.
addListener(ProducerFactory.Listener<K, V>) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.core.ProducerFactory
Add a listener.
addMatchers(AbstractKafkaHeaderMapper.HeaderMatcher...) - Method in class
Subclasses can invoke this to add custom AbstractKafkaHeaderMapper.HeaderMatchers.
addNotRetryableException(Class<? extends Exception>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.DeadLetterPublishingRecovererFactory
Add exception type to the default list.
addNotRetryableExceptions(Class<? extends Exception>...) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.listener.ExceptionClassifier
Add exception types to the default list.
addPostProcessor(ConsumerPostProcessor<K, V>) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.core.ConsumerFactory
Add a post processor.
addPostProcessor(ConsumerPostProcessor<K, V>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory
addPostProcessor(ProducerPostProcessor<K, V>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaProducerFactory
addPostProcessor(ProducerPostProcessor<K, V>) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.core.ProducerFactory
Add a post processor.
addRawMappedHeader(String, boolean) - Method in class
Add a raw mapped header.
addRetryableExceptions(Class<? extends Exception>...) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.listener.ExceptionClassifier
Add exception types that can be retried.
addSuffixesAndMethod(DestinationTopic.Properties, Object, Method) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.EndpointCustomizerFactory
addTopics(String...) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaBroker
Add topics to the existing broker(s) using the configured number of partitions.
addTopics(String...) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaKraftBroker
Add topics to the existing broker(s) using the configured number of partitions.
addTopics(String...) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaZKBroker
Add topics to the existing broker(s) using the configured number of partitions.
addTopics(NewTopic...) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaBroker
Add topics to the existing broker(s).
addTopics(NewTopic...) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaKraftBroker
Add topics to the existing broker(s).
addTopics(NewTopic...) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaZKBroker
Add topics to the existing broker(s).
addTopicsWithResults(String...) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaBroker
Add topics to the existing broker(s) using the configured number of partitions.
addTopicsWithResults(String...) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaKraftBroker
Add topics to the existing broker(s) using the configured number of partitions.
addTopicsWithResults(String...) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaZKBroker
Add topics to the existing broker(s) using the configured number of partitions.
addTopicsWithResults(NewTopic...) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaBroker
Add topics to the existing broker(s) and returning a map of results.
addTopicsWithResults(NewTopic...) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaKraftBroker
Add topics to the existing broker(s) and returning a map of results.
addTopicsWithResults(NewTopic...) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaZKBroker
Add topics to the existing broker(s) and returning a map of results.
addToStringClasses(String...) - Method in class
Add class names that the outbound mapper should perform toString() operations on before mapping.
addTrustedPackages(String...) - Method in class
Add packages to the trusted packages list used when constructing objects from JSON.
addTrustedPackages(String...) - Method in class
Specify a set of packages to trust during deserialization.
addTrustedPackages(String...) - Method in interface
addTrustedPackages(String...) - Method in class
Add trusted packages for deserialization.
addTypeInfo - Variable in class
adjustLogLevels(String, List<Class<?>>, List<String>, Level) - Static method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.utils.JUnitUtils
adminTimeout() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.kafka.test.context.EmbeddedKafka
Timeout in seconds for admin operations (e.g.
adminTimeout(int) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaKraftBroker
Set the timeout in seconds for admin operations (e.g.
adminTimeout(int) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaZKBroker
Set the timeout in seconds for admin operations (e.g.
after() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.rule.EmbeddedKafkaRule
afterAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.condition.EmbeddedKafkaCondition
afterAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.condition.LogLevelsCondition
afterEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.condition.LogLevelsCondition
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.annotation.KafkaListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.config.AbstractKafkaListenerEndpoint
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.config.KafkaListenerEndpointRegistrar
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.requestreply.ReplyingKafkaTemplate
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.RetryTopicSchedulerWrapper
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaBroker
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaKraftBroker
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaZKBroker
afterRecord(ConsumerRecord<K, V>, Consumer<K, V>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.listener.CompositeRecordInterceptor
afterRecord(ConsumerRecord<K, V>, Consumer<K, V>) - Method in interface org.springframework.kafka.listener.RecordInterceptor
AfterRollbackProcessor<K,V> - Interface in org.springframework.kafka.listener
Invoked by a listener container with remaining, unprocessed, records (including the failed record).
afterSingletonsInstantiated() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.annotation.KafkaListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
afterSingletonsInstantiated() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaAdmin
afterSingletonsInstantiated() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaTemplate
afterSingletonsInstantiated() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.RetryTopicConfigurationSupport
afterSingletonsInstantiated() - Method in class
AGGREGATED_RESULTS_TOPIC - Static variable in class org.springframework.kafka.requestreply.AggregatingReplyingKafkaTemplate
Pseudo topic name for the "outer" ConsumerRecord that has the aggregated results in its value after a normal release by the release strategy.
AggregatingReplyingKafkaTemplate<K,V,R> - Class in org.springframework.kafka.requestreply
A replying template that aggregates multiple replies with the same correlation id.
AggregatingReplyingKafkaTemplate(ProducerFactory<K, V>, GenericMessageListenerContainer<K, Collection<ConsumerRecord<K, R>>>, BiPredicate<List<ConsumerRecord<K, R>>, Boolean>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.kafka.requestreply.AggregatingReplyingKafkaTemplate
Construct an instance using the provided parameter arguments.
AllowDenyCollectionManager<T> - Class in
Class for managing Allow / Deny collections and its predicates.
AllowDenyCollectionManager(Collection<T>, Collection<T>) - Constructor for class
AllowDenyCollectionManager(Collection<T>, Collection<T>, Collection<Predicate<T>>) - Constructor for class
allStopped() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.listener.ContainerGroup
Return true if all containers in this group are stopped.
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.kafka.listener.ContainerProperties.AssignmentCommitOption
Always commit the current offset during partition assignment.
ALWAYS_RETRY_ON_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.DltStrategy
Always send the message back to the DLT for reprocessing in case of failure in DLT processing.
alwaysLogListenerException() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.DeadLetterPublishingRecovererFactory
Logs the listener exception at each attempt.
apply(Statement, FrameworkMethod, Object) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.test.rule.Log4j2LevelAdjuster
areAllowed(T[]) - Method in class
asProperties() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.config.KafkaStreamsConfiguration
Return the configuration map as a Properties.
assertBeanFactory() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.annotation.KafkaListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
assignment() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.core.reactive.ReactiveKafkaConsumerTemplate
assignReplicas(int, List<Integer>) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.config.TopicBuilder
Add an individual replica assignment.
attempts() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.kafka.annotation.RetryableTopic
The number of attempts made before the message is sent to the DLT.
AUTH - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.kafka.event.ConsumerStoppedEvent.Reason
An authorization exception occurred.
AUTHENTICATION - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.kafka.event.ConsumerRetryAuthEvent.Reason
An authentication exception occurred.
AUTHORIZATION - Enum constant in enum class org.springframework.kafka.event.ConsumerRetryAuthEvent.Reason
An authorization exception occurred.
autoCreateTopics() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.kafka.annotation.RetryableTopic
Whether or not the topics should be created after registration with the provided configurations.
autoCreateTopics(boolean, int, short) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
Configure the topic creation behavior to optionally create topics with the provided properties.
autoCreateTopicsWith(int, short) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
Configure the topic creation behavior to auto create topics with the provided properties.
autoStartDltHandler() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.kafka.annotation.RetryableTopic
Override the container factory's autoStartup property for just the DLT container.
autoStartDltHandler() - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.DestinationTopic.Properties
autoStartDltHandler(Boolean) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.DestinationTopicPropertiesFactory
Set to false to not start the DLT handler.
autoStartDltHandler(Boolean) - Method in class org.springframework.kafka.retrytopic.RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder
Set to false to not start the DLT handler (configured or default); overrides the container factory's autoStartup property.
autoStartup() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.kafka.annotation.KafkaListener
Set to true or false, to override the default setting in the container factory.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form