Spring LDAP

Package org.springframework.ldap.ldif.batch

This package contains the classes required for using the LdifParser with the Spring Batch framework.


Interface Summary
RecordCallbackHandler This interface can be used to operate on skipped records in the LdifReader and the MappingLdifReader.
RecordMapper<T> This interface should be implemented to map LdapAttributes objects to POJOs.

Class Summary
LdifAggregator The LdifAggregator object is an implementation of the LineAggregator interface for use with a FlatFileItemWriter to write LDIF records to a file.
LdifReader The LdifReader is an adaptation of the FlatFileItemReader built around an LdifParser.
MappingLdifReader<T> The MappingLdifReader is an adaptation of the FlatFileItemReader built around an LdifParser.

Package org.springframework.ldap.ldif.batch Description

This package contains the classes required for using the LdifParser with the Spring Batch framework.

Spring LDAP