Spring LDAP

Package org.springframework.ldap.test

Utilities to simplify integration testing against LDAP targets.


Class Summary
AbstractEc2InstanceLaunchingFactoryBean Abstract FactoryBean superclass to use for automatically launching an EC2 instance before creating the actual target object.
AttributeCheckAttributesMapper Dummy AttributesMapper for testing purposes to check that the received Attributes are the expected ones.
AttributeCheckContextMapper Dummy ContextMapper for testing purposes to check that the received Attributes are the expected ones.
ContextSourceEc2InstanceLaunchingFactoryBean FactoryBean to create a ContextSource using the EC2 instance created by superclass.
EmbeddedLdapServer Helper class for embedded Apache Directory Server.
LdapTestUtils Utilities for starting, stopping and populating an in-process Apache Directory Server to use for integration testing purposes.

Package org.springframework.ldap.test Description

Utilities to simplify integration testing against LDAP targets.

Spring LDAP