Spring LDAP | ||||||||
Interface Summary | |
AttributeModificationsAware | Indicates that the implementing class is capable of keeping track of any attribute modifications and return them as ModificationItems. |
AttributesMapper<T> | An interface used by LdapTemplate for mapping LDAP Attributes to beans. |
AuthenticatedLdapEntryContextCallback | Callback interface to be used in the authentication methods in
LdapOperations for performing operations on individually
authenticated contexts. |
AuthenticatedLdapEntryContextMapper<T> | Callback interface to be used in the authentication methods in
LdapOperations for performing operations on individually
authenticated contexts. |
AuthenticationErrorCallback | Callback interface to be used in the authentication methods in
LdapOperations for performing operations when there
are authentication errors. |
AuthenticationSource | An AuthenticationSource is responsible for providing the
principal (user DN) and credentials to be used when creating a new context. |
ContextAssembler | Helper interface to be used by Dao implementations for assembling to and from context. |
ContextExecutor<T> | Interface for delegating an actual operation to be performed on a
DirContext . |
ContextMapper<T> | An interface used by LdapTemplate to map LDAP Contexts to beans. |
ContextSource | A ContextSource is responsible for configuring and creating
DirContext instances. |
DirContextOperations | Interface for DirContextAdapter. |
DirContextProcessor | Interface to be called in search by LdapTemplate before and after the
actual search and enumeration traversal. |
DirContextProxy | Helper interface to be able to get hold of the target DirContext
from proxies created by ContextSource proxies. |
DnParser | Deprecated. DistinguishedName and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0. |
DnParserImplConstants | Token literal values and constants. |
IncrementalAttributesMapper<T extends IncrementalAttributesMapper> | Utility that helps with reading all attribute values from Active Directory using Incremental Retrieval of Multi-valued Properties. |
LdapOperations | Interface that specifies a basic set of LDAP operations. |
NameClassPairCallbackHandler | Callback interface used by LdapTemplate search, list and listBindings
methods. |
NameClassPairMapper<T> | Responsible for mapping NameClassPair objects to beans. |
SearchExecutor | Interface for delegating an actual search operation. |
Class Summary | |
AttributesMapperCallbackHandler<T> | A CollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler to wrap an AttributesMapper . |
CollectingAuthenticationErrorCallback | Convenience implementation of AuthenticationErrorCallback that stores the given exception and provides a method for retrieving it. |
CollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler<T> | A NameClassPairCallbackHandler to collect all results in an internal List. |
ContextMapperCallbackHandler<T> | A CollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler to wrap a ContextMapper. |
DefaultDnParserFactory | Deprecated. DistinguishedName and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0. |
DefaultNameClassPairMapper | The default NameClassPairMapper implementation. |
DirContextAdapter | Adapter that implements the interesting methods of the DirContext interface. |
DistinguishedName | Deprecated. As of 2.0 it is recommended to use LdapName along with
utility methods in LdapUtils instead. |
DistinguishedNameEditor | Deprecated. DistinguishedName and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0. |
DnParserImpl | |
DnParserImplTokenManager | Token Manager. |
LdapAttribute | Extends BasicAttribute to add support for
options as defined in RFC2849. |
LdapAttributes | Extends BasicAttributes to add specialized support
for DNs. |
LdapEntryIdentification | Wrapper class to handle the full identification of an LDAP entry. |
LdapEntryIdentificationContextMapper | ContextMapper implementation that maps the found entries to the
LdapEntryIdentification of each respective entry. |
LdapRdn | Deprecated. DistinguishedName and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0. |
LdapRdnComponent | Deprecated. DistinguishedName and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0. |
LdapTemplate | Executes core LDAP functionality and helps to avoid common errors, relieving the user of the burden of looking up contexts, looping through NamingEnumerations and closing contexts. |
LdapTemplate.MappingCollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler<T> | A NameClassPairCallbackHandler that passes the NameClassPairs
found to a NameClassPairMapper and collects the results in a list. |
LdapTemplate.NullDirContextProcessor | Do-nothing implementation of DirContextProcessor . |
NameAwareAttribute | Used internally to make DirContextAdapter properly handle Names as values. |
NameAwareAttributes | Used internally to help DirContextAdapter properly handle Names as values. |
SimpleCharStream | An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing). |
Token | Describes the input token stream. |
Exception Summary | |
ObjectRetrievalException | Thrown by a ContextMapperCallbackHandler when it cannot retrieve an
object from the given Binding . |
ParseException | This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered. |
Error Summary | |
TokenMgrError | Token Manager Error. |
Core package of the JNDI/LDAP support. Provides a LdapTemplate class and various callback interfaces.
Spring LDAP | ||||||||