Spring LDAP

Interface BaseLdapNameAware

public interface BaseLdapNameAware

Interface to be implemented by classes that want to have access to the base context used in the active ContextSource. There are several cases in which services may want to have access to the base context, e.g. when working with groups (groupOfNames objectclass), in which case the full DN of each group member needs to be specified in the attribute value.

If a class implements this interface and a BaseLdapPathBeanPostProcessor is defined in the ApplicationContext, the default base path will automatically passed to the setBaseLdapPath(javax.naming.ldap.LdapName) method on initialization.

NB:The ContextSource needs to be a subclass of AbstractContextSource for this mechanism to work.

Mattias Hellborg Arthursson

Method Summary
 void setBaseLdapPath(LdapName baseLdapPath)
          Set the base LDAP path specified in the current ApplicationContext.

Method Detail


void setBaseLdapPath(LdapName baseLdapPath)
Set the base LDAP path specified in the current ApplicationContext.

baseLdapPath - the base path used in the ContextSource

Spring LDAP