Spring LDAP

Class DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper

  extended by org.springframework.ldap.core.support.DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper
All Implemented Interfaces:
AttributesMapper<DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper>, IncrementalAttributesMapper<DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper>

public class DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper
extends Object
implements IncrementalAttributesMapper<DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper>

Utility class that helps with reading all attribute values from Active Directory using Incremental Retrieval of Multi-valued Properties.

Example usage of this attribute mapper:

     List values = DefaultIncrementalAttributeMapper.lookupAttributeValues(ldapTemplate, theDn, "oneAttribute");
     Attributes attrs = DefaultIncrementalAttributeMapper.lookupAttributeValues(ldapTemplate, theDn, new Object[]{"oneAttribute", "anotherAttribute"});
For greater control, e.g. explicitly specifying the requested page size, create and use an instance yourself:

      IncrementalAttributesMapper incrementalAttributeMapper = new DefaultIncrementalAttributeMapper(10, "someAttribute");
      while (incrementalAttributeMapper.hasMore()) {
          ldap.lookup(entrDn, incrementalAttributeMapper.getAttributesForLookup(), incrementalAttributeMapper);

      List values = incrementalAttributeMapper.getValues("someAttribute");

NOTE: Instances of this class are highly stateful and must not be reused or shared between threads in any way.

NOTE: Instances of this class can only be used with lookups. No support is given for searches.

Marius Scurtescu, Mattias Hellborg Arthursson
See Also:
Incremental Retrieval of Multi-valued Properties, lookupAttributes(org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapOperations, javax.naming.Name, String[]), lookupAttributeValues(org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapOperations, javax.naming.Name, String)

Constructor Summary
DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper(int pageSize, String attributeName)
          Create an instance for the requested attribute with a specific page size.
DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper(int pageSize, String[] attributeNames)
          Create an instance for the requested attributes with a specific page size.
DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper(String attributeName)
          Create an instance for the requested attribute.
DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper(String[] attributeNames)
          Create an instance for the requested attributes.
Method Summary
 String[] getAttributesForLookup()
          Get properly formatted attributes for use in the next query.
 Attributes getCollectedAttributes()
          Get all collected values for all managed attributes as an Attributes instance.
 List<Object> getValues(String attributeName)
          Get all of the collected values for the specified attribute.
 boolean hasMore()
          Check whether another query iteration is required to get all values for all attributes.
static Attributes lookupAttributes(LdapOperations ldapOperations, Name dn, String attribute)
          Lookup all values for the specified attribute, looping through the results incrementally if necessary.
static Attributes lookupAttributes(LdapOperations ldapOperations, Name dn, String[] attributes)
          Lookup all values for the specified attributes, looping through the results incrementally if necessary.
static Attributes lookupAttributes(LdapOperations ldapOperations, String dn, String attribute)
          Lookup all values for the specified attribute, looping through the results incrementally if necessary.
static Attributes lookupAttributes(LdapOperations ldapOperations, String dn, String[] attributes)
          Lookup all values for the specified attributes, looping through the results incrementally if necessary.
static List<Object> lookupAttributeValues(LdapOperations ldapOperations, Name dn, String attribute)
          Lookup all values for the specified attribute, looping through the results incrementally if necessary.
static List<Object> lookupAttributeValues(LdapOperations ldapOperations, String dn, String attribute)
          Lookup all values for the specified attribute, looping through the results incrementally if necessary.
 DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper mapFromAttributes(Attributes attributes)
          Goes through all of the attributes to record their values and figure out whether a new query iteration is needed to get more values.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper(String attributeName)
Create an instance for the requested attribute.

attributeName - the name of the attribute that this instance handles. This is the attribute name that will be requested, and whose values are managed.


public DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper(String[] attributeNames)
Create an instance for the requested attributes.

attributeNames - the name of the attributes that this instance handles. These are the attribute names that will be requested, and whose values are managed.


public DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper(int pageSize,
                                          String attributeName)
Create an instance for the requested attribute with a specific page size.

pageSize - the requested page size that will be included in range query attribute names.
attributeName - the name of the attribute that this instance handles. This is the attribute name that will be requested, and whose values are managed.


public DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper(int pageSize,
                                          String[] attributeNames)
Create an instance for the requested attributes with a specific page size.

pageSize - the requested page size that will be included in range query attribute names.
attributeNames - the name of the attributes that this instance handles. These are the attribute names that will be requested, and whose values are managed.
Method Detail


public final DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper mapFromAttributes(Attributes attributes)
                                                           throws NamingException
Description copied from interface: IncrementalAttributesMapper
Goes through all of the attributes to record their values and figure out whether a new query iteration is needed to get more values.

Specified by:
mapFromAttributes in interface AttributesMapper<DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper>
Specified by:
mapFromAttributes in interface IncrementalAttributesMapper<DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper>
attributes - attributes from a SearchResult.
this instance.
NamingException - if any error occurs mapping the attributes


public final List<Object> getValues(String attributeName)
Description copied from interface: IncrementalAttributesMapper
Get all of the collected values for the specified attribute.

Specified by:
getValues in interface IncrementalAttributesMapper<DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper>
attributeName - the attribute to get values for.
the collected values for the specified attribute. Will be null if the requested attribute has not been returned by the server (attribute did not exist).


public final Attributes getCollectedAttributes()
Description copied from interface: IncrementalAttributesMapper
Get all collected values for all managed attributes as an Attributes instance.

Specified by:
getCollectedAttributes in interface IncrementalAttributesMapper<DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper>
an Attributes instance populated with all collected values.


public final boolean hasMore()
Description copied from interface: IncrementalAttributesMapper
Check whether another query iteration is required to get all values for all attributes.

Specified by:
hasMore in interface IncrementalAttributesMapper<DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper>
true if there are more values for at least one of the managed attributes, false otherwise.


public final String[] getAttributesForLookup()
Description copied from interface: IncrementalAttributesMapper
Get properly formatted attributes for use in the next query. The attribute names included will include Range specifiers as needed and only the attributes that have not been retrieved in full will be included.

Specified by:
getAttributesForLookup in interface IncrementalAttributesMapper<DefaultIncrementalAttributesMapper>
an array of Strings to be used as input to e.g. LdapTemplate.lookup(javax.naming.Name, String[], org.springframework.ldap.core.AttributesMapper) in the next iteration.


public static Attributes lookupAttributes(LdapOperations ldapOperations,
                                          String dn,
                                          String attribute)
Lookup all values for the specified attribute, looping through the results incrementally if necessary.

ldapOperations - The instance to use for performing the actual lookup.
dn - The distinguished name of the object to find.
attribute - name of the attribute to request.
an Attributes instance, populated with all found values for the requested attribute. Never null, though the actual attribute may not be set if it was not set on the requested object.


public static Attributes lookupAttributes(LdapOperations ldapOperations,
                                          String dn,
                                          String[] attributes)
Lookup all values for the specified attributes, looping through the results incrementally if necessary.

ldapOperations - The instance to use for performing the actual lookup.
dn - The distinguished name of the object to find.
attributes - names of the attributes to request.
an Attributes instance, populated with all found values for the requested attributes. Never null, though the actual attributes may not be set if they was not set on the requested object.


public static Attributes lookupAttributes(LdapOperations ldapOperations,
                                          Name dn,
                                          String attribute)
Lookup all values for the specified attribute, looping through the results incrementally if necessary.

ldapOperations - The instance to use for performing the actual lookup.
dn - The distinguished name of the object to find.
attribute - name of the attribute to request.
an Attributes instance, populated with all found values for the requested attribute. Never null, though the actual attribute may not be set if it was not set on the requested object.


public static Attributes lookupAttributes(LdapOperations ldapOperations,
                                          Name dn,
                                          String[] attributes)
Lookup all values for the specified attributes, looping through the results incrementally if necessary.

ldapOperations - The instance to use for performing the actual lookup.
dn - The distinguished name of the object to find.
attributes - names of the attributes to request.
an Attributes instance, populated with all found values for the requested attributes. Never null, though the actual attributes may not be set if they was not set on the requested object.


public static List<Object> lookupAttributeValues(LdapOperations ldapOperations,
                                                 String dn,
                                                 String attribute)
Lookup all values for the specified attribute, looping through the results incrementally if necessary.

ldapOperations - The instance to use for performing the actual lookup.
dn - The distinguished name of the object to find.
attribute - name of the attribute to request.
a list with all attribute values found for the requested attribute. Never null, an empty list indicates that the attribute was not set or empty.


public static List<Object> lookupAttributeValues(LdapOperations ldapOperations,
                                                 Name dn,
                                                 String attribute)
Lookup all values for the specified attribute, looping through the results incrementally if necessary.

ldapOperations - The instance to use for performing the actual lookup.
dn - The distinguished name of the object to find.
attribute - name of the attribute to request.
a list with all attribute values found for the requested attribute. Never null, an empty list indicates that the attribute was not set or empty.

Spring LDAP