Spring LDAP

Class LookupAttemptingCallback

  extended by org.springframework.ldap.core.support.LookupAttemptingCallback
All Implemented Interfaces:
AuthenticatedLdapEntryContextCallback, AuthenticatedLdapEntryContextMapper<DirContextOperations>

public class LookupAttemptingCallback
extends Object
implements AuthenticatedLdapEntryContextCallback, AuthenticatedLdapEntryContextMapper<DirContextOperations>

Attempts to perform an LDAP operation in the authenticated context, because Active Directory might allow bind with incorrect password (specifically empty password), and later refuse operations. We want to fail fast when authenticating. mapWithContext(javax.naming.directory.DirContext, org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapEntryIdentification) returns the DirContextOperations instance that results from the lookup operation. This instance can be used to obtain information regarding the authenticated user.

Hugo Josefson, Mattias Hellborg Arthursson

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void executeWithContext(DirContext ctx, LdapEntryIdentification ldapEntryIdentification)
          Perform some LDAP operation on the supplied authenticated DirContext instance.
 DirContextOperations mapWithContext(DirContext ctx, LdapEntryIdentification ldapEntryIdentification)
          Perform some LDAP operation on the supplied authenticated DirContext instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LookupAttemptingCallback()
Method Detail


public void executeWithContext(DirContext ctx,
                               LdapEntryIdentification ldapEntryIdentification)
Description copied from interface: AuthenticatedLdapEntryContextCallback
Perform some LDAP operation on the supplied authenticated DirContext instance. The target context will be automatically closed.

Specified by:
executeWithContext in interface AuthenticatedLdapEntryContextCallback
ctx - the DirContext instance to perform an operation on.
ldapEntryIdentification - the identification of the LDAP entry used to authenticate the supplied DirContext.


public DirContextOperations mapWithContext(DirContext ctx,
                                           LdapEntryIdentification ldapEntryIdentification)
Description copied from interface: AuthenticatedLdapEntryContextMapper
Perform some LDAP operation on the supplied authenticated DirContext instance. The target context will be automatically closed.

Specified by:
mapWithContext in interface AuthenticatedLdapEntryContextMapper<DirContextOperations>
ctx - the DirContext instance to perform an operation on.
ldapEntryIdentification - the identification of the LDAP entry used to authenticate the supplied DirContext.
the result of the operation, if any.

Spring LDAP